49 research outputs found

    Features of Structural and Phase Transformations in Mo–Si–B and Сr–Al–Si–B Systems During Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis

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    This study is dedicated to investigation of the combustion mechanisms during the SHS of ceramic materials in multicomponent Mo–Si–B and Cr–Al–Si–B systems. It is concluded that the following processes are defined the SHS for Si-rich Mo–Si–B compositions: Si melting, its spreading over the surfaces of the solid Mo and B particles, followed by B dissolution in the melt, and formation of intermediate Mo3Si phase film. The subsequent diffusion of Si into Mo results in the formation of MoSi2 grains and MoB phase forms due to the diffusion of Mo into B-rich melt. The formation of MoB phase for B-rich compositions may occur via gas-phase mass transfer of MoO3 gaseous species to B particles and B2O2 to Mo particles. In Cr–Al–Si–B system firstly, the Al–Si eutectic mixture undergoes contact melting followed by formation of the reactionary surface as the eutectic melt spreads over the Cr and B particles surface. An increase in Al content increases the proportion of the Al–Si eutectic melt. The dissolution of Cr particles in this melt becomes the rate-limiting stage of the combustion process. The melt is saturated with these elements followed by crystallization of CrB and Cr(Si,Al)2 grains. In the Cr- and B-rich areas and low melt concentration, the formation of CrB may occur via gas-phase mass transfer of B2O2 gaseous species to Cr particles. Consecutive formation of chromium and molybdenum borides and silicides is established by means of dynamic X-ray diffraction analysis. Compact ceramic samples were produced using forced SHS pressing technique. Their structural investigations were conducted by XRD and SEM

    ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ СПЕЧЕННОГО СПЛАВА НА ОСНОВЕ ИНТЕРМЕТАЛЛИДА TiAl Часть 1. Гидридно-кальциевая технология получения порошкового сплава Ti–47Al–2Nb–2Cr и его свойства

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    Alloy powder of the Ti–47Al–2Nb–2Cr composition (at.%) with the structure of TiAl (60 wt.%) and Ti3Al (40 wt.%) is prepared by the calcium-hydride method. The mode of the calcium-hydride synthesis is optimized for the Ti–50Al (at.%) model alloy. It is established that the reduction temperature should be no lower than 1100 °C, while the excess of the CaH2 reducing agent should be no lower than 15 wt.%. The main physicochemical and manufacturing properties of the synthesized Ti–47Al–2Nb–2Cr powder alloy, which provide the formation of dense compacts during its subsequent consolidation processes, are determined using modern analytical methods.Гидридно-кальциевым методом получен порошок сплава, отвечающий составу, ат.%: Ti–47Al–2Nb–2Cr, со структурой TiAl (60 мас.%) и Ti3Al (40 мас.%). Оптимизация режима гидридно-кальциевого синтеза проведена на модельном сплаве Ti–50ат.%Al. В результате исследований установлено, что температура восстановления должна быть не менее 1100 °C, а избыток восстановителя CaH2 – 15 мас.%. С использованием современных методов анализа определены основные физико-химические и технологические свойства синтезированного порошка сплава Ti–47Al–2Nb–2Cr, которые обеспечивают получение плотных компактов при последующих процессах его консолидации


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    An integrated process for producing electrodes of TiAl-based powder alloy is proposed with the following stages: powder alloy production by hydride-calcium recovery, powder treatment in a carbide ball mill with Y2O3 added as a structure modifier, workpiece hydrostatic molding and sintering. Experimental samples were used to study molding and sintering processes and examine alloy microstructure at all stages of the processing chain. An electrode for plasma centrifugal disintegration of granules was produced using this technology.Предложена комплексная технология производства электродов из порошкового сплава на основе алюминида титана TiAl, включающая следующие стадии: получение порошкового сплава методом гидридно-кальциевого восстановления, обработка порошка в шаровой твердосплавной мельнице с добавлением Y2O3 в качестве модификатора структуры, гидростатическое формование и спекание заготовки. На экспериментальных образцах изучены процессы формования и спекания, исследована микроструктура сплава на всех этапах технологической цепочки. По данной технологии получен электрод для плазменного центробежного распыления гранул


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    A complex manufacturing method of the billets from the material based on high-boron nickel aluminide is proposed. The method includes manufacturing the semifinished alloy products using a combined method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis and centrifugal casting from oxide feedstock and subsequent vacuum induction remelting with introducing Al-based foundry alloys containing nanosized ZrO2 and modifying the structure. The evolution of the microstructure and phase composition is investigated at all production stages. A cast ZrO2-modified cylindrical billet, which possesses high purity in regards to gas impurities (O – 0,005 wt.% and N – 0,0001 wt.%) and is suitable for the further production of powders by the plasma rotating electrode process, is fabricated according to the proposed technology.Предложена комплексная технология производства заготовок из материала на основе высокобористого алюминида никеля. Она включает в себя изготовление полуфабрикатов сплава совмещенным методом самораспространяющегося высокотем-пературного синтеза и центробежного литья из оксидного сырья и последующий вакуумный индукционный переплав с введением модифицирующих структуру лигатур на основе Al, содержащих наноразмерный ZrO2. Изучена эволюция микроструктуры и фазового состава на всех технологических переделах. По предложенной технологии получена литая цилиндрическая заготовка, модифицированная ZrO2, которая обладает высокой чистотой по газовым примесям (O – 0,005 мас.%, N – 0,0001 мас.%) и пригодна для дальнейшего получения гранул методом центробежного распыления

    Cyanomethylene-bis(phosphonate)-Based Lanthanide Complexes: Structural, Photophysical, and Magnetic Investigations

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    10 pagesInternational audienceThe syntheses, structural investigations, magnetic and photophysical properties of a series of 10 lanthanide mononuclear complexes, containing the heteroditopic ligand cyanomethylene-bis(5,5-dimethyl-2-oxo-1,3,2λ5-dioxa-phosphorinane) (L), are described. The crystallographic analyses indicate two structural types: in the first one, [LnIII(L)3(H2O)2]*H2O (Ln = La, Pr, Nd), the metal ions are eight-coordinated within a square antiprism geometry, while the second one, [LnIII(L)3(H2O)]*8H2O (Ln = Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er), contains seven-coordinated LnIII ions within distorted monocapped trigonal prisms...