3 research outputs found

    Improving the University Digital Infrastructure Management System: Practice of Social Network Analysis

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    This article presents the results of applied research aimed at developing topical approaches to solving the problem of dysfunctionality of universities’ digital infrastructures in social media. In the context of the large-scale digitalization and networking processes of modern society, higher education institutions are faced with new challenges that threaten their further sustainability and reduce their competitiveness. As a possible solution to this problem, the authors propose a comprehensive study of university network structures in social media and further implementation of actual practices of online profile management and digital communities. By applying the method of social graphs and automated tools for processing open digital data, a universal algorithm for building and interpreting the resulting visual models is defined. The article substantiates the basic problems faced by modern universities in developing their own digital structures, as well as the ways to solve them, aimed at improving digital infrastructure management, establishing effective communication with target groups, consolidating the organizational structure, developing educational and scientific communities, and promoting the university brand. The proposed interactive digital maps have a high practical potential for direct implementation in the management process of the Russian universities

    Management of Digital Communications with Target Groups by Leading Russian Universities

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    The article presents the results of an empirical study on the assessment of digital communications management with target groups of Russian universities in social media. A sample of universities is based on the «QS World University Ranking by Subjects 2021: Social Sciences and Management 2021». Among the cases of applied research: National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Russian University of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, MGIMO University, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. The results of a comparative analysis has been carried out using the method of graph with the use of a special software based on determining the structural links of the most significant digital communities of selected universities, as well as social media analysis aimed at determining the key parameters of user activity. The method proposed by the authors makes it possible to assess the scale and nature of communication between universities and selected target groups. Based on the data obtained, we have developed recommendations for improving the digital management of universities, increasing the density of connections and the integration of users within the online communities of universities as one of the conditions for effective management of a university brand in the modern network space

    The Nature of Protest Moods in Modern Russian Society and Ways to Overcome them Constructively (By the Example of the COVID‑19 Pandemic)

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    Materials of studies of the nature of the protest moods of Russian citizens in relation to the actions taken by state authorities to combat the pandemic are presented. According to the results of the empirical analysis, the oculometry method revealed the conjugations between the protest orientation and the psychosocial characteristics of the participants in the experiments. Protest-oriented citizens revealed an increased fixation on graphic symbols and text messages, which play the role of thanatophobia triggers, the predominance of an external locus of control, the dominance of perceiving oneself as victims of circumstances.Представлены материалы исследований природы протестных настроений российских граждан по отношению к предпринимаемым государственными органами власти действиям по борьбе с пандемией. По итогам проведенного эмпирического анализа методом окулометрии выявлены сопряжения между протестной ориентацией и психосоциальными характеристиками участников эксперимента. У протестно ориентированных граждан выявлена повышенная фиксация на графических символах и текстовых сообщениях, которые играют роль триггеров танатофобии, преобладание экстернального локус контроля, доминирование восприятия себя в качестве жертв обстоятельств.The article was carried out based on the results of research which has been supported within the state assignment of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia).Статья подготовлена по результатам исследований, выполненных за счет бюджетных средств по государственному заданию Финансового университета при Правительстве Российской Федерации (Москва, Россия)