556 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Axially Symmetric Goal and its Extended Solution for a Fixed Rigid Circular Multi-layer Plate

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    AbstractThe subject matter of the article is a fixed circular multi-layer plate and its reaction to the axially symmetrical force (direct stress) affecting its front face. The force itself is an arbitrary time and radial coordinate function. The authors apply the method of finite integral transformation (based on the theory of electroelasticity in a three-dimentional model) to develop a new closed solution. The improvement of this new solution lies in the fact that boundary conditions for cylinder and front faces of a multi-layer plate here are completely fulfilled when compared with the data obtained in previous research. The achieved ratio design allows to further analyze this multi-layer plate fluctuations frequency content as well as to analyze changing characteristics of its stress-strain behaviour and their dependence on different layers stress-strain properties

    Automophisms of Nil-Triangular Subrings of Algebras Chevalley Type G2G_2 Over Integral Domain. I

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    Let NΦ(K)N\Phi(K) be the nil-triangular subalgebra of the Chevalley algebra over an associative commutative ring KK with the identity associated with a root system Φ\Phi. This paper studies the well-known problem of describing automorphisms of Lie algebras and rings NΦ(K)N\Phi(K). Automorphisms of the Lie algebra NΦ(K)N\Phi(K) under restrictions K=2K=3KK=2K=3K on ring KK are described by Y. Cao, D. Jiang, J. Wang (2007). When passing from algebras to Lie rings, the group of automorphisms expands. Thus, the subgroup of central automorphisms is extended, i.e. acting modulo the center, ring automorphisms induced by automorphisms of the main ring are added. For the type AnA_{n}, a description of automorphisms of Lie rings NΦ(K)N\Phi(K) over KK was obtained by V.M. Levchuk (1983). Automorphisms of the Lie ring NΦ(K)N\Phi(K) are described by V.M. Levchuk (1990) for type D4D_4 over KK, and for other types by A.V. Litavrin (2017), excluding types G2G_2 and F4F_4. In this paper we describe automorphisms of a nil-triangular Lie ring of type G2G_2 over an integrity domain KK under the following restrictions on KK: either K=2K=3KK=2K=3K, or 3K=03K = 0. To study automorphisms, the upper and lower central series described in this paper, are essentially used

    Simulation of polidiene oxidation kinetics

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    Synthetic isoprene rubber (SIR) is similar in structure and to the properties of natural rubber (NR). Currently, it can almost completely replace NR in the production of automobile tires and rubber products. An urgent task is to study the aging processes of polymers and their products, assess the impact of various factors on the oxidative stability of polymers and the selection of effective ways to protect polymers from aging. We simulated aging of inhibited (commodity) and reprecipitation (purified) polyisoprene

    Development of professional tolerance in medical students through professionally-oriented foreign language training

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    Global sociocultural transformations in the modern world are associated with expansive digitalisation and its impact on human life. Given the advantages of digital technology development, a number of significant problems arise, in particular, social differentiation, commercialisation of socionomic professions, information consumerism, emotional estrangement due to the virtualisation of communication, a shift in value orientations, replacement of traditional moral norms with their destructive simulacra. There is a clear need for intensification of educational activities in higher education focused on the humanisation of public consciousness, the promotion of social cohesion and the development of the moral backbone of an individual. Hence, it is necessary to refer to the theoretical and methodological foundations of tolerance development in students. The aim of this article is to clarify the concept of professional tolerance of a doctor and describe the strategy of its development in students in the process of foreign language training. Considering the issue of professional education of future doctors, the authors note that the vector of students’ spiritual and moral development is determined by the values, attitudes, and norms of medical ethics and deontology. Herewith, the principle of tolerance is of the basic ones since professional medical practice is based on regular interpersonal interaction. The authors define the concept of a doctor’s professional tolerance as the willingness to provide patients with high-quality medical care regardless of the heterogeneity of socio-cultural factors and subjective personal aspects. This concept assumes the doctor’s tact, empathy, psychological flexibility and poise. The proposed strategy for the development of professional medical tolerance in students via professionally-oriented foreign language training involves the holistic formation of its cognitive, affective and conative components through the educational content and the parity in subject-subject interaction. In the development of the cognitive component, considerable importance is ascribed to supplementing the basic educational materials by authentic content of social and professional orientation. The connecting link of the development of cognitive and affective components is the identification and levelling of stereotypes and prejudices regarding socially significant diseases. The basis for the development of the affective component is pedagogical tolerance, a favourable educational environment, interactive activities at classes, and the facilitation of students’ reflection. The development of the conative component of tolerance is directly tied to the development of professional communicative competence of future doctors: the study and development of various speech clichés in the format of interaction with patients; revision of politeness formulas; practicing non-verbal communication means in playing out quasi-professional situations; mastering the speech norms “plain language” and “people-first language”

    Semantic and metasemantic notions of analyticity

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    © 2014, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. In this article the evolution of main conceptions of analyticity is analyzed. Kant’s criteria for analytic/synthetic distinction are discussed. Frege and Carnap notions of analyticity are set out. It is shown that Frege and Carnap shifted the criteria of analyticity to the justificatory status of judgments. The notion of truth in virtue of meaning and its criticism is exposed. Critical arguments against analyticity by W. V. O. Quine are discussed. Williamson’s arguments against traditional notions of analyticity are formulated. Williamson maintains that analytic truths are reduced to truths of other base classes-necessary, semantic or logical. It is shown that the stipulative definition of analyticity is vulnerable to Williamson’s argument. Russell’s conception of truth in virtue of reference determiner is exposed and evaluated. It is defended that the notion of truth in virtue of reference determiner is immune to many standard objections against analyticity

    Intellectual virtues and education practice

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. Virtue epistemology is one of the dominant approaches in contemporary epistemology. In recent years, its potential for education became the object for research among epistemologists and philosophers of education. In this study, we define character-based approach in virtue epistemology. We argue for weak versions of conservative and autonomous approaches to character-based virtue epistemology. We analyze and critically explore intellectual virtues such as open-mindedness, love of knowledge and intellectual autonomy. Finally, we propose a roadmap for cultivating intellectual virtues in education practice. We maintain that although intellectual virtues cannot be taught directly, they can be fostered in the appropriate environment

    Estimation of factors and projected growth of the metallurgical branch of Russia under unstable market conditions

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    The results of the performed analysis of the development indexes of the Russian metallurgical industry, the production dynamics and export tendencies of the largest exporters were represented. The estimation of the specific factors of price formation in the market of steel products of the Russian Federation, the record of the growth of prices for ore and coal in the world, together with the analysis of the main financial values of the activity of the largest metallurgical companies allowed calculating the projected indexes basing upon their activity for 2017-2018. On the base of these projected indexes of the companies’ activity and worldwide trends of demand for steel products, the estimations of the products demand were given taking into account the determining factors of the branch development

    Special military operation as a tool of increasing the anti-corruption potential

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    Objective: to analyze the dynamics of Russia’s anti-corruption potential in connection with the socio-political conditions of the modern Russian society development.Methods: a dialectical approach to the cognition of social phenomena, which allows analyzing the interrelation of such phenomena as politics, economics, power, corruption, as well as using comparative-historical, systemic, institutional, abstract-logical methods to predict ways to increase the anti-corruption potential of society and its anti-corruption stability.Results: the development of the anti-corruption potential of the modern Russian state is predicted, based on the formation of civil society under the influence of socio-economic and socio-political processes taking place in Russia against the background of the special military operation. The regularities in the actions of the ruling elite representatives in various difficult periods of the state development are stated, including during the special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces in the territory of Ukraine.Scientific novelty: the work presents a comparative study of the dependence between the spread of corruption in society, on the one hand, and the socio-political conditions and the characteristics of the ruling elite, on the other, including under the conditions of modern society in its extreme state during the special military operation; the impact of these conditions on the anti-corruption stability of society is also studied.Practical significance: consists in the possibility to formulate forecasting assessments regarding the ability to increase the anti-corruption potential of the society (anti-corruption sustainability of the society) and ways to achieve the goal of fighting corruption

    Cytokine profile features in women with reproductive disorders exposed to excessive environmental contamination with hydroxybenzene

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    Excessive activity of cytokines, as well as their deficiency, promote a regulatory imbalance of immune system, which may cause persistent inflammation and, as a consequence, loss of pregnancy. The purpose of our work was to study the role of cytokine expression in the development of endometriosis in women exposed to excessive environmental contamination with hydroxybenzene. The study involved 106 women of reproductive age, divided into 4 groups according to two criteria: the presence or absence of reproductive disorders (endometriosis), as well as levels of blood contamination with hydroxybenzene compared to the reference ranges. The groups of women were comparable in age, ethnicity, and social status. The level of phenol in blood was measured by gas chromatography, and the cytokine levels were determined by enzyme immunoassay. The use of parametric and nonparametric statistical criteria as well as adjustments for multiple Bonferoni comparisons, allowed us to establish significant differences between the groups, according to the levels of IL-1β, IL-8, IL-10. The expression of interleukin 8 (IL-8) in women with endometriosis was found to be significantly higher than in healthy ones. At the same time, the observed features of IL-8, interleukin 1β (IL-1β) expression correlate with the overproduction of interleukin 10 (IL-10) associated with excessive contamination of bio-environments with hydroxybenzene. The results of using non-parametric correlation analysis of the Spearman data revealed a positive correlation between IL-10 production and hydroxybenzene levels in the blood, as well as inverse relationship between IL-10 and IL-8 expression. Thus, evidence has been obtained of the involvement of exogenous estrogen hydroxybenzene in development of reproductive disorders, probably, formed under active participation of increased anti-inflammatory IL-10 cytokine, which, by antagonism to proinflammatory mediators (e.g., IL-8), seems to promote apparent transition from acute phase of endometriosis to chronic disorder, thus reducing the reproductive potential of women. It is known that IL-8 expression significantly correlates with development of endometriosis, but excessive phenol exposure may increase the anti-inflammatory IL-10 expression, thereby suppressing the activity of IL-8. Suppressed activity of proinflammatory cytokines by phenol may lead to chronic inflammation and impaired reproductive functions