27 research outputs found

    Some aspects of teaching medical informatics at medical universities

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    В статті розглядаються питання сучасного викладання медичної інформатики студентам медичних університетів. В роботі описано основну мету дисципліни, пропонуються шляхи вдосконалення її. Актуальність даної тематики підтверджує те, що наукові методи та інструментальні засоби все більш широко проникають в будь-які галузі життєдіяльності людини, і медицина не є виключенням, Саме це надає медичній інформатиці характер міждисциплінарної галузі, яка набуває все більш важливе загальнонаукове і загальноосвітнє значення. Розкрито важливе питання забезпечення формування у сучасного лікаря цілісного системного наукового світогляду на проблеми інформатизації охорони здоров'я. Дана стаття буде цікава викладачам закладів вищої медичної освіти.The article discusses the issues of up-to-date teaching medical informatics to students of medical universities. The paper describes the main goal of the discipline, suggests ways to improve it. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that scientific methods and tools are increasingly penetrating into any branch of human life, and medicine is not an exception. That is why Medical Informatics belongs to interdisciplinary field, and acquires important scientific and educational value. Authors disclosed the important issue of the formation of a holistic and scientific worldview in modern doctors on the problems of health care informatization. This article would be interesting to teachers of higher educational institutions of a medical profile

    Features of integrative relations between science, state and industry in Russia and abroad

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The purpose of the article is to study the characteristics of the state stimulation of integrated cooperation of science and production in Russia and abroad, to identify problems in the different phases of the innovation process in the conditions of Russian reality. The leading method to the study of this issue is the method of systematization of Russian and foreign practices’ features of interaction between science and the state as well as revealing of institutional “traps” in the framework of the Russian innovation. The article presents the foreign and Russian practice of interaction between science and industry, reveals the national peculiarities of integrative relations between science and industry, as a result of research systematizes institutional “traps” at different stages of the innovation process in Russia and proposes measures to minimize them. Materials of the article are of practical value to public administration bodies in the development and implementation of Federal and regional programs of innovative development, development of innovation infrastructure, stimulation of innovative activity, the use of tools of technological platforms

    Распространенность, клиническое и прогностическое значение полиморфизма генов II, V факторов свертывания крови и метилентетрагидрофолатредуктазы у пациентов с хронической болезнью почек

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    The aim of the investigation was to study the prevalence, clinical and prognostic values of polymorphism of genes II, V factors of blood coagulation and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase in patients with chronic kidney disease. Examination was performed on 90 patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN) and 180 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis (CG). In addition to complete clinical and instrumental examination accepted in specialised clinic, with the help of polymerase chain reaction diagnostics of polymorphism of the referred above genes (samples of genomic DNA were obtained from peripheral blood leukocytes) was conducted. It was found that the protrombogenic mutations under investigation which are detected in patients with DN and CG more often than in healthy subjects are associated with development of hypercoagulation syndrome and higher risk of renal failure.Изучены распространенность, клиническое и прогностическое значение полиморфизма генов II, V факторов свертывания крови и метилентетрагидрофолатредуктазы у пациентов с хронической болезнью почек. Обследовано 90 пациентов с диабетической нефропатией (ДН) и 180 больных хроническим гломерулонефритом (ХГН). Наряду с полным клиническим и инструментальным обследованием, принятым в специализированной клинике, с помощью метода полимеразной цепной реакции выполнена диагностика полиморфизма указанных генов (образцы геномной ДНК получали из лейкоцитов периферической крови). Установлено, что изучаемые протромбогенные мутации встречаются у больных ДН и ХГН с большей частотой, чем среди здоровых лиц, ассоциированы с развитием гиперкоагуляционного синдрома и повышением риска почечной недостаточности

    Features of integrative relations between science, state and industry in Russia and abroad

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The purpose of the article is to study the characteristics of the state stimulation of integrated cooperation of science and production in Russia and abroad, to identify problems in the different phases of the innovation process in the conditions of Russian reality. The leading method to the study of this issue is the method of systematization of Russian and foreign practices’ features of interaction between science and the state as well as revealing of institutional “traps” in the framework of the Russian innovation. The article presents the foreign and Russian practice of interaction between science and industry, reveals the national peculiarities of integrative relations between science and industry, as a result of research systematizes institutional “traps” at different stages of the innovation process in Russia and proposes measures to minimize them. Materials of the article are of practical value to public administration bodies in the development and implementation of Federal and regional programs of innovative development, development of innovation infrastructure, stimulation of innovative activity, the use of tools of technological platforms

    Prevalence, clinical and prognostic value of polymorphism of genes II, V factors of blood coagulation and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    The aim of the investigation was to study the prevalence, clinical and prognostic values of polymorphism of genes II, V factors of blood coagulation and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase in patients with chronic kidney disease. Examination was performed on 90 patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN) and 180 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis (CG). In addition to complete clinical and instrumental examination accepted in specialised clinic, with the help of polymerase chain reaction diagnostics of polymorphism of the referred above genes (samples of genomic DNA were obtained from peripheral blood leukocytes) was conducted. It was found that the protrombogenic mutations under investigation which are detected in patients with DN and CG more often than in healthy subjects are associated with development of hypercoagulation syndrome and higher risk of renal failure

    Features of integrative relations between science, state and industry in Russia and abroad

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The purpose of the article is to study the characteristics of the state stimulation of integrated cooperation of science and production in Russia and abroad, to identify problems in the different phases of the innovation process in the conditions of Russian reality. The leading method to the study of this issue is the method of systematization of Russian and foreign practices’ features of interaction between science and the state as well as revealing of institutional “traps” in the framework of the Russian innovation. The article presents the foreign and Russian practice of interaction between science and industry, reveals the national peculiarities of integrative relations between science and industry, as a result of research systematizes institutional “traps” at different stages of the innovation process in Russia and proposes measures to minimize them. Materials of the article are of practical value to public administration bodies in the development and implementation of Federal and regional programs of innovative development, development of innovation infrastructure, stimulation of innovative activity, the use of tools of technological platforms

    Features of integrative relations between science, state and industry in Russia and abroad

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The purpose of the article is to study the characteristics of the state stimulation of integrated cooperation of science and production in Russia and abroad, to identify problems in the different phases of the innovation process in the conditions of Russian reality. The leading method to the study of this issue is the method of systematization of Russian and foreign practices’ features of interaction between science and the state as well as revealing of institutional “traps” in the framework of the Russian innovation. The article presents the foreign and Russian practice of interaction between science and industry, reveals the national peculiarities of integrative relations between science and industry, as a result of research systematizes institutional “traps” at different stages of the innovation process in Russia and proposes measures to minimize them. Materials of the article are of practical value to public administration bodies in the development and implementation of Federal and regional programs of innovative development, development of innovation infrastructure, stimulation of innovative activity, the use of tools of technological platforms

    Estimation of clinical efficiency of topical combination therapy patients with pyoderma complicated eczema

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    The results of direct open-label study of efficacy and portability of combination therapy with topical betamethasone dipropionate and mupirocin are presented. Material and methods. Twenty two patients with pyoderma complicated eczema were treated with ointment for external use (betamethasone dipropionate and mupirocin) 2 times a day for 14 days. Clinical efficacy was assessed by the reliability decrease of index EASI and dermatological symptoms scale index (DSSI). Results. Clinical convalescense was achieved in all patients by the 14th day of therapy. There was a statistically significant decrease in the indices EASI, DSSI. Portability were well. Conclusion. Our study results showed clinical efficacy and portability of topical combination therapy of betamethasone dipropionate and mupirocin in patients with pyoderma complicated eczema