33 research outputs found

    Admittance spectroscopy of charge traps of FET based on nanotubes

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    Investigation of electrical properties of FET based on polymer wrapped nanotubes, namely charge carrier transport and trap appear mechanisms. Model of carrier transport in the device was performed. Local traps states activation energies were obtained

    Investigation moral and psychological state future healthcare specialists and the methods of its correction during of training at university

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    У даній роботі розглядається сучасний досвід застосування педагогічних інновацій у підготовці майбутніх лікарів у вищих навчальних закладах, з метою формування нормального морально-психологічного стану студентів. Автори викладають результати проведеного експериментального дослідження та звертають увагу на необхідність підтримки студентів під час адаптації до нових життєдяльністних умов за допомогою впровадження деяких нових підходів під час професійної підготовки.In this paper we consider the modern experience of pedagogical innovations in the training of future doctors in higher education institutions in order to create a normal moral and psychological state of students. The authors present the results of the pilot study and draw attention to the need to support students while adapting to a new life activity-related conditions through the introduction of some innovative approaches during training

    Sexual disharmony of married couple where a husband has epilepsy and influense of biological rhytmms on its flow

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    Досліджено 60 сімейних пар, в яких чоловік хворіє епілепсією. Виділені три варіанти сексуальної дисгармонії, що виникають в указаних сімейних парах. Встановлено, що в основі цих дисгармоній лежить багатофакторний етіопатогенез, який містить біологічні, психологічні та соціально-психологічні феномени; Исследовано 60 семейных пар, в которых мужчина болеет эпилепсией. Выделенные три варианта сексуальной дисгармонии, возникающие в указанных семейных парах. Установлено, что в основе этих дисгармоний лежит многофакторный этиопатогенез, который содержит биологические, психологические и социально-психологические феномены; 60 married couple, where a husband has epilepsy, was examined. Three variants of sexual disharmony was sorted out that that appers in such families. It was found out that multiple-factor atiopathogenese, that includes biological, psychological and socially psychological phenomena, is peculiar to such dishamonies


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    The article analyzes weaknesses of existing tools for lecture materials creation and suggests new complex with modular architecture, which supports different types of lecture materials, templates, interactive elements, includes lecture material database with searching, sorting, and grouping capabilities and can be used for creating lectures courses for distance learning, as well as for interactive lectures for full-time courses

    Unified Hardware-Software Complex Of Modern Learning Materials Creation And Collection Automatization

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    The article analyzes modern learning materials (MLM) creation problems and the existing tools for such materials creation, their weaknesses and suggests ways to address them. Creation of new complex is proposed, which will support (creation, collecting and displaying) several types of MYM, templates, interactive elements, which can show the dynamic processes, as well as support for MLM bank with searching, sorting, and grouping capabilities


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    The article analyzes weaknesses of existing tools for lecture materials creation and suggests ways to address them. New modular complex architecture is proposed, which will support different types of lecture materials, templates, interactive elements, which can show the dynamic processes, as well as support for lecture material database with searching, sorting, and grouping capabilities

    The Local Elections 2020 in Ukraine: Regional Peculiarities and Collaboration of the Political Parties and the Religious Organizations

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    The changes in the Ukrainian legal system in 2020, which provoke active participation of religious organizations in political issues, make the topic under research relevant. The article studies the collaboration of the political parties and the religious organizations in Ukraine on a case of the local election 2020. The aim of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of this collaboration; its consistency with the legislation of Ukraine and corporate acts of certain religious organizations; the attitude of the religious organizations to these processes; the influence on these processes from the foreign policy and regional differences of Ukraine. The research was conducted within the framework of classical legal methods and techniques such as legal comparative method, legal and historical method, methods of analysis and synthesis, and static method. The main thesis of the article is that the political and religious sympathies of the population of the different regions of Ukraine correlate with their preferences of the foreign-political vectors. Variety of the foreign political orientation amongst the parties and the religious organizations enables every participant to find an ally from the relevant part of the spectrum.

    Social-hygienic monitoring of children’s health in southern Ukraine (by the example of Odessa region)

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    В статье рассмотрена проблема социально-гигиенического мониторинга здоровья детского населения юга Украины (на примере Одесской области). Проанализированы состояние здоровья и факторы окружающей среды, влияющие на него. Установлено, что наиболее актуальным для социально-гигиенического мониторинга детского населения является методический подход, включающий изучение здоровья и среды обитания с позиций «здоровье-среда».The problem of social and hygienic monitoring of the children’s health in the south of Ukraine (by the example of Odessa region) was analyzed. The state of health and environmental factors that contribute to it were analyzed. It was found out that the most relevant for public health monitoring of children is a methodical approach that includes the study of health and the environment from the perspective of "health-environment"