16 research outputs found


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    The brief information about the scientific-practical conference «Actual problems of infectious diseases in children» is given on the occasion of the 95-th anniversary of the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and the 25-th anniversary of the Department of Children’s Infectious Diseases, which took place on March 13, 2018 in Kharkiv.Наведено коротку інформацію про науково-практичну конференцію «Актуальні питання інфекційних захворювань у дітей» з нагоди 95-річчя Харківської медичної академії післядипломної освіти та 25-річчя кафедри дитячих інфекційних хвороб, яка відбулася 13 березня 2018 р. у Харкові

    Comparative analysis of the DNA isolated from thyme leaves using different methods

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    Background. The base for a molecular analysis is DNA of high quality. For DNA isolation, different kits or classical methods are used. For mass analysis, isolation with kits is a very expensive process. So, the objective of our investigation was to find a cheap method for high-quality DNA isolation from leaves of various thyme cultivars.Materials and methods. Leaves cut from thyme accessions (Thymus mastichina L. cv. ‘Svetliachok’, T. striatus Vahl. cv. ‘Jubileiniy’, T. vulgaris L. cv. ‘Fantasia’, and T. vulgaris cv. ‘Jalos’.) maintained ex situ in the collection of the Nikita Botanical Gardens were used as the material for the analysis. Light microscopy was used to study leaf anatomy and localize essential oil on leaf cross sections. Essential oil was extracted on Ginsberg devices, and phenolic content was measured with The Folin–Ciocâlteu reagent (FCR). Commercial kits (DiamondDNATM, PureLink® Plant Total DNA Purification Kit) and classical methods (CTAB, CTAB with 2% polyvinylpyrrolidone) were used for DNA isolation. DNA quality was evaluated spectrophotometrically, with electrophoresis (horizontal, automated system Agilent 4200 TapeStation) and PCR.Results. The analysis showed that the leaf blade mesophyll of four thyme cultivars had inclusions with essential oil. The content of essential oil and phenolic compounds was measured biochemically. Since the plants were characterized by the presence of secondary metabolites, DNA was isolated by different methods. Spectrophotometry demonstrated that the classical CTAB method and CTAB with 2% PVP provided the best results. Using an automated electrophoresis system, the presence of high-molecularweight DNA (more than 52000 bp) in significant amounts was detected in the samples isolated with DiamondDNATM kit and CTAB + 2% PVP.Conclusion. Among the tested kits and methods, CTAB + 2% PVP provided thyme DNA suitable for PCR and, presumably, for genome library preparation. The low cost of reagents for this technique makes it applicable for future mass analysis of plant material

    Адаптивная информационно-управляющая система динамического мониторинга фактической обводненности авиатоплива в технологических процессах авиатопливообеспечения

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    Modern domestic and international standards, regulators of the aviation fuel industry, considering the negative impact of the presence of mechanical impurities and water in aviation fuel on the performance and life cycle of aircraft engines, fuel metering equipment, fuel systems of aircraft (A/C), as a threat factor for flight safety, impose high requirements for the purity of aviation fuel while operating aeronautical equipment. At the same time, the causes and sources of water content in jet fuel are a source of economic losses, the most important criterion for the success of the Aerodrome Fueling Complex business. The article considers the task of developing reliable and automated methods as well as technologies for controlling these contaminants, for example for determining water content in aviation fuel when refueling aircraft, and the necessity to minimize an effect of a human factor. The automation of aviation fuel quality monitoring processes, the transition from discrete control methods to continuous ones, from static control methods to dynamic ones (in-line), from indirect methods to direct ones are becoming relevant. The possibilities of end-to-end accounting and analysis of aviation fuel purity parameters at all stages of the aviation fuel life cycle are shown. The article considers the methods and conducts the analysis of known techniques and devices used to determine, measure and indicate actual water content, presence of dissolved, free and total water in jet fuel. The technical solution of continuous automated control of the actual water content level of the jet fuel flow in the processes of aviation fuel supply and aircraft refueling in an information system that provides on-line monitoring and dynamic measurement of the quantitative content of dissolved and free water in the jet fuel flow, is presented. The technical solution for the continuous determination of the quantitative water content in the jet fuel stream is proposed. At the same time, the solution of the problem of monitoring water content in jet fuel is combined with the technological process to control the purification of jet fuel from water. The paper represents an adaptive information management system for continuous monitoring of the water content level of the jet fuel flow, which will allow specialist to substantially increase a level of automatization of aircraft aviation fuel supply technological processes, decrease a negative impact of a human factor, increase economic effectiveness of the aviation fuel supply complex. The system is designed to carry out continuous, automated control (monitoring) of water content in the jet fuel flow at all the stages of the jet fuel movement: receiving, storing and delivering jet fuel and refueling aircraft, in particular fuel and lubricants warehouses (fuel and lubricants), refueling complexes and pre-apron filling points. It can also be used in the fuel system of the aircraft, as a system to prevent water content in the jet fuel. The integration of automation tools will enable us to improve the quality of management of aviation fuel supply and aircraft refueling to ensure timely operational decision based on real data in real time mode, provided the proposed system integration into the airport system for operational data exchange.Современные отечественные и международные требования регуляторов отрасли авиатопливообеспечения, принимая во внимание негативное влияние присутствия механических примесей и воды в авиатопливе на работоспособность и ресурс авиадвигателей, топливорегулирующей аппаратуры, топливных систем воздушных судов (ВС) как фактора угрозы безопасности полетов ВС, предъявляют к чистоте применяемого при эксплуатации авиационной техники авиатоплива высокие требования. Вместе с тем причины и источники обводнения авиатоплива являются источником экономических потерь, важнейшим критерием успешности бизнеса топливозаправочного комплекса. В статье рассматривается задача создания надежных и автоматизированных методов и технологий контроля этих загрязнений, в частности определения воды в авиатопливе при заправке ВС и необходимости ухода от человеческого фактора. Актуальным становится автоматизация процессов мониторинга качества авиатоплива, переход от дискретных методов контроля к непрерывным, от статических методов контроля к динамическим (поточным), от косвенных способов к прямым. Показаны возможности сквозного учета и анализапараметров чистоты авиатоплива на всех этапах жизненного цикла авиатоплива. Рассмотрены способы, и проведен анализ известных методов и устройств, используемых для определения, измерения и индикации: фактической обводненности; присутствия растворенной, свободной и суммарной воды в авиатопливе. Представлено техническое решение непрерывного автоматизированного контроля уровня фактической обводненности потока авиатоплива в процессах авиатопливообеспечения и заправки ВС в информационной системе, обеспечивающей on-line контроль и динамическое измерение количественного содержания растворенной и свободной воды в потоке авиатоплива. Предложено техническое решение по непрерывному определению количественного содержания воды в потоке авиатоплива. При этом решение задачи мониторинга воды в авиатопливе совмещено с технологическим процессом контроля очистки авиатоплива от воды. Представлена адаптивная информационно-управляющая система непрерывного мониторинга уровня обводненности авиатоплива в потоке, которая позволит существенно повысить уровень автоматизации технологических процессов авиатопливообеспечения воздушных судов, снизить негативное влияние человеческого фактора, повысить экономическую эффективность комплекса авиатопливообеспечения. Система предназначена для осуществления непрерывного автоматизированного контроля (мониторинга) обводненности авиатоплива в потоке на всех этапах движения авиатоплива: приема, хранения и выдачи авиатоплива, и заправки ВС, в частности складов горюче-смазочных материалов, топливозаправочных комплексов, и пунктов предперонного налива, а также может быть использована в топливной системе ВС как система предотвращения обводнения авиатоплива. Внедрение средств автоматизации позволит повысить качество управления процессами авиатопливообеспечения и заправки ВС для обеспечения принятия своевременных оперативных решений на основе реальных данных в реальном режиме времени при условии интеграции предложенной системы в систему аэропорта для оперативного обмена данными

    Цифровые технологии – база цифровой экономики топливозаправочных комплексов аэропортов гражданской авиации

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    The article analyzes the main information automated control systems for refueling complexes, based on this analysis, the problems of the airport ground handling functioning are identified, the main of which are the inefficiency of managing stochastic processes that occur in failure situations, as well as the lack of automated control systems for the level of purity of aviation fuel from mechanical impurities and water. The way to upgrade Groundstar Inform GmbH - a single integrated airport management system by increasing the capabilities of the system by adding new components is proposed. A solution to the problem of multi-resource planning of aircraft refueling in high-intensity flight conditions, including failure situations, based on intelligent simulation and resource management is proposed. As well as from the point of view of optimizing the solution of business process objectives the development of planning algorithms using the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy modeling and control, fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic underlying the intelligent modeling of processes is proposed. The concept of an adaptive information management system of technological processes of a refueling complex for monitoring the purity of jet fuel, based on dynamic on-line monitoring of the existence of mechanical impurities and water is introduced. The article examines the elements of creating a "Smart Refueling Complex", in which intelligent business processes are combined into one whole due to the use of "smart" operational processes and technological equipment. The introduction of digital technologies, "industry 4.0" tools and trends in automation, digitalization and digitalization of the modern aviation fuel supply for civil aviation is becoming the basis of the digital economy of civil aviation refueling complexes.В статье проведен анализ основных информационных автоматизированных систем управления топливозаправочных комплексов (далее ТЗК), на основе которого выявлены проблемы функционирования наземного обслуживания аэропорта, главные из которых — неэффективность управления стохастическими процессами, которые появляются в условиях сбойных ситуаций, а также отсутствие автоматизированных систем управления уровнем чистоты авиатоплива от механических примесей и воды. Предложен путь расширения (англ. upgrade) Groundstar Inform GmbH – единой комплексной системы управления аэропортом посредством увеличения возможностей системы за счет добавления новых компонентов. Представлено решение задачи мультиресурсного планирования заправок воздушных судов (далее ВС) в условиях высокой интенсивности полетов, в том числе и в условиях сбойных ситуаций, на основе интеллектуального имитационного моделирования и управления ресурсами, а также с точки зрения оптимизации решения задач бизнеспроцесса. Порекомендована разработка алгоритмов планирования с использованием математического аппарата нечеткого моделирования и управления, нечетких множеств и нечеткой логики, лежащих в основе интеллектуального моделирования процессов. Задана концепция адаптивной информационно-управляющей системы технологических процессов ТЗК для контроля чистоты авиатоплива на основе динамического on-line (онлайн) мониторинга наличия механических примесей и воды в авиатопливе. В статье рассматриваются элементы создания «Умного ТЗК», в котором интеллектуальные бизнес-процессы соединяются в одно целое благодаря использованию «умных» операционных процессов и технологического оборудования. Внедрение цифровых технологий, инструментов «индустрии 4.0» и тенденции автоматизации, цифровизации, диджитализации современного авиатопливообеспечения ВС ГА становятся базой цифровой экономики топливозаправочных комплексов ГА

    Laboratory methods of research of adhesive systems

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    The aim of our research was to determine the effectiveness of the sealing property of adhesive systems V and VII generations by studying the depth of curing, water absorption and water solubility of their samples. Materials and methods:The study was performed according to ISO / TS 11405: 2015 at the Central Factory Laboratory of JSC “CTOMA”, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Certificate of Attestation No. 100-062 / 2015 dated 03/04/2015. For the study we used specially prepared laboratory samples which were made in the form of plates from adhesive system “DC Adhesive NF” (Dental Central) of V generation “Single bond Universal” (3M ESPE) of VII generation. А monitor and analyze the results obtained used micrometer MK-25, №4694, №03 / 5321 from 08/18/17; caliper SC-1, No. 267447, No. 03/5322 from 08/18/17; scales AP 210, №112144137, №87027 / 9 from 24.11.2017 Results: According to the results of the investigation the following results were obtained: 1) the average curing depth of V and VII generation of adhesive systems was 4.08mm and 3.51mm respectively at the rate of 2mm; 2) average water absorption: 45.97 µg/mm3 and 30.89 µg/mm3 for V and VII generations respectively; 3) the average water solubility was 6.94 µg / mm3 and 4.17 µg / mm3, respectively. Conclusions: According to the results of our laboratory studies, it can be concluded that adhesive systems of V and VII generations can be used for restoration of lesions of tooth hard tissued. Along with this, it can be recommended to use V generation adhesives in closed defects where direct polymerization should be performed and oral fluid access is minimal. Adhesive sysyems of VII generation can be recommended in such cases as: opened restorations, pregingival areas of teeth, cases where a permanent contact of restorations with oral fluid be found along with the cases of autonomic application of adhesive system


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    The results of the field and laboratory assessment of the drought tolerance of the representatives of the family Caprifoliaceae of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden collection are presented in the article. Specific features of the regulation of the water regime at the beginning of vegetation in optimal and extreme conditions of the growing season on the southern coast of the Crimea are described. Reversible and irreversible damages caused by hydrothermal stress were analyzed. The values of the parameters of the total water content in leaf tissue, water-deficit and waterholding capacity are indicated. For the least stable taxa the maximum values of the coefficients of variation of these parameters of the water regime are characteristic. At the same time a high level of potential drought resistance is characteristic for L. fragrantissima, L. henriу, L. maackii, L. nitida, L. pilеata, L. nitida ‘Elegant’ (род Lonicera), W. floribunda, W. × 'Van Houttei' W. 'Red Prince' (род Weigela) и A. × grandiflora (род Abelia) in which during hydrothermal stress increases the water-retention capacity and water-absorbent capacity of the leaf tissues, the water deficit does not reach the sublethal level, the total water content is reduced by no more than 10 % compared to the water content in the optimal period of vegetation

    Digital technologies are the basis of digital economy of civil aviation airport refueling complexes

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    The article analyzes the main information automated control systems for refueling complexes, based on this analysis, the problems of the airport ground handling functioning are identified, the main of which are the inefficiency of managing stochastic processes that occur in failure situations, as well as the lack of automated control systems for the level of purity of aviation fuel from mechanical impurities and water. The way to upgrade Groundstar Inform GmbH - a single integrated airport management system by increasing the capabilities of the system by adding new components is proposed. A solution to the problem of multi-resource planning of aircraft refueling in high-intensity flight conditions, including failure situations, based on intelligent simulation and resource management is proposed. As well as from the point of view of optimizing the solution of business process objectives the development of planning algorithms using the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy modeling and control, fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic underlying the intelligent modeling of processes is proposed. The concept of an adaptive information management system of technological processes of a refueling complex for monitoring the purity of jet fuel, based on dynamic on-line monitoring of the existence of mechanical impurities and water is introduced. The article examines the elements of creating a "Smart Refueling Complex", in which intelligent business processes are combined into one whole due to the use of "smart" operational processes and technological equipment. The introduction of digital technologies, "industry 4.0" tools and trends in automation, digitalization and digitalization of the modern aviation fuel supply for civil aviation is becoming the basis of the digital economy of civil aviation refueling complexes


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    Currently, special attention is paid to the aircraft fuel quality as a component of safety to ensure trouble-free operation of the fuel system. The existing system of quality control involves periodic sampling of the fuel in the container and their subsequent control by the normalized quality indicators that do not identify possible reasons for the deterioration of these indicators to remove them for trouble-free operation and do not identify the factors of pollution sources. The monitoring system generally ensures the implementation of measures to preserve the quality of aviation fuel and flight safety of serviced civil aviation airlines at current level according to regulatory requirements. The article describes the mathematical model for calculation parameters of indicator filtering partitions based on cascade filtration theoretical studies of mechanical impurities. Pores of indicator filtering partitions calculated by means of mathematical model have been experimentally tested on simulator stand and showed a good convergence of calculated and experimental results. The use of cascade filtration of fuel with different indicator partitions parameters made it possible to develop a device for fuel purity monitoring, allowing continuous (inline) monitoring the level of liquid flow contamination at various points of technological equipment (for example, after the pump, at the inlet and outlet of tanks and units, the output of the filter, etc.) and to carry out functional diagnostics of units condition process equipment by monitoring changes of particle parameters and the wear occurrence