92 research outputs found

    Opposite, bidirectional shifts in excitation and inhibition in specific types of dorsal horn interneurons are associated with spasticity and pain post-SCI

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    Spasticity, a common complication after spinal cord injury (SCI), is frequently accompanied by chronic pain. The physiological origin of this pain (critical to its treatment) remains unknown, although spastic motor dysfunction has been related to the hyperexcitability of motoneurons and to changes in spinal sensory processing. Here we show that the pain mechanism involves changes in sensory circuits of the dorsal horn (DH) where nociceptive inputs integrate for pain processing. Spasticity is associated with the DH hyperexcitability resulting from an increase in excitation and disinhibition occurring in two respective types of sensory interneurons. In the tonic-firing inhibitory lamina II interneurons, glutamatergic drive was reduced while glycinergic inhibition was potentiated. In contrast, excitatory drive was boosted to the adapting-firing excitatory lamina II interneurons while GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition were reduced. Thus, increased activity of excitatory DH interneurons coupled with the reduced excitability of inhibitory DH interneurons post-SCI could provide a neurophysiological mechanism of central sensitization and chronic pain associated with spasticity

    Experimental studies of thorium ions implantation from pulse laser plasma into thin silicon oxide layers

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    We report the results of experimental studies related to implantation of thorium ions into thin silicon dioxide by pulsed plasma fluxes expansion. Thorium ions were generated by laser ablation from a metal target, and the ionic component of the laser plasma was accelerated in an electric field created by the potential difference (5, 10 and 15 kV) between the ablated target and SiO2/Si(001) sample. Laser ablation system installed inside the vacuum chamber of the electron spectrometer was equipped with YAG:Nd3+ laser having the pulse energy of 100 mJ and time duration of 15 ns in the Q-switched regime. Depth profile of thorium atoms implanted into the 10 nm thick subsurface areas together with their chemical state as well as the band gap of the modified silicon oxide at different conditions of implantation processes were studied by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Reflected Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (REELS) methods. Analysis of chemical composition showed that the modified silicon oxide film contains complex thorium silicates. Depending on local concentration of thorium atoms, the experimentally established band gaps were located in the range of 6.0 - 9.0 eV. Theoretical studies of optical properties of the SiO2 and ThO2 crystalline systems have been performed by ab initio calculations within hybrid functional. Optical properties of the SiO2/ThO2 composite were interpreted on the basis of Bruggeman effective medium approximation. A quantitative assessment of the yield of isomeric nuclei in "hot" laser plasma at the early stages of expansion has been performed. The estimates made with experimental results demonstrated that the laser implantation of thorium ions into the SiO2 matrix can be useful for further research of low-lying isomeric transitions in 229Th isotope with energy of 7.8(0.5) eV

    Multifractal analysis of stress time series during ultrathin lubricant film melting

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    Melting of an ultrathin lubricant film confined between two atomically flat surfaces is we studied using the rheological model for viscoelastic matter approximation. Phase diagram with domains, corresponding to sliding, dry, and two types of stickslipstick-slip friction regimes has been built taking into account additive noises of stress, strain, and temperature of the lubricant. The stress time series have been obtained for all regimes of friction using the Stratonovich interpretation. It has been shown that self-similar regime of lubricant melting is observed when intensity of temperature noise is much larger than intensities of strain and stress noises. This regime is defined by homogenous distribution, at which characteristic stress scale is absent. We study stress time series obtained for all friction regimes using multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis. It has been shown that multifractality of these series is caused by different correlations that are present in the system and also by a power-law distribution. Since the power-law distribution is related to small stresses, this case corresponds to self-similar solid-like lubricant.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, 41 reference

    Melting Point and Lattice Parameter Shifts in Supported Metal Nanoclusters

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    The dependencies of the melting point and the lattice parameter of supported metal nanoclusters as functions of clusters height are theoretically investigated in the framework of the uniform approach. The vacancy mechanism describing the melting point and the lattice parameter shifts in nanoclusters with decrease of their size is proposed. It is shown that under the high vacuum conditions (p<10^-7 torr) the essential role in clusters melting point and lattice parameter shifts is played by the van der Waals forces of cluster-substrate interation. The proposed model satisfactorily accounts for the experimental data.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Flavored exotic multibaryons and hypernuclei in topological soliton models

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    The energies of baryon states with positive strangeness, or anti-charm (-beauty) are estimated in chiral soliton approach, in the "rigid oscillator" version of the bound state soliton model proposed by Klebanov and Westerberg. Positive strangeness states can appear as relatively narrow nuclear levels (Theta-hypernuclei), the states with heavy anti-flavors can be bound with respect to strong interactions in the original Skyrme variant of the model (SK4 variant). The binding energies of anti-flavored states are estimated also in the variant of the model with 6-th order term in chiral derivatives in the lagrangian as solitons stabilizer (SK6 variant). The latter variant is less attractive, and nuclear states with anti-charm or anti-beauty can be unstable relative to strong interactions. The chances to get bound hypernuclei with heavy antiflavors are greater within "nuclear variant" of the model with rescaled model parameter (Skyrme constant e or e' decreased by ~30%) which is expected to be valid for baryon numbers greater than B ~10. The rational map approximation is used to describe multiskyrmions with baryon number up to ~30 and to calculate the quantities necessary for their quantization (moments of inertia, sigma-term, etc.).Comment: 24 pages, 7 table