26 research outputs found
Оценка условий кратковременного отдыха в малых агломерациях Казахстана (Актобе, Кызылорда, Жаркент)
The importance of touristic development depends not only on big cities that have international value but also on small and medium cities that has regional value. In this article we analyze current conditions of short-term vacation in three small size metropolises of Kazakhstan — Aktobe, Kizilorda, Zharkent. The research is devoted to architectural and planning aspects of Kazakhstan’s tourism development. The most important original data for analysis resulted from social and on-site surveys of considered territories. The results of the survey could be used to enhance current architectural and planning practice.Большую роль в развитии туристической отрасли играют не только крупнейшие города (обладающие международным значением), но также малые и средние города (обладающие региональным значением). Данная статья посвящена анализу существующих условий для кратковременного отдыха в трех городах Казахстана, обладающих признаками агломераций — Актобе, Кызылорда, Жаркент. Анализ проводится в контексте изучения архитектурно-планировочных аспектов развития туризма в Казахстане. Исходными данными для анализа послужили результаты анкетного опроса и натурного обследования рассматриваемых территорий. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы в архитектурной и градостроительной практике
Influence of Supply Chain Management on Universities Development: An Outward Glance
This study is devoted to assessing the supply chain management impact on universities promotion and efficiency in international and Russian universities' ratings on their development. The peculiarity of the study is that it considers both universities participating in the competitive recovery program and presented in international rankings, as well as those that do not participate therein. The paper analyzes the rating indicators, the development strategy and the positioning of four Russian universities: Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (KFU), National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE), M.T. Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University (IzhSTU) and G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University (TSU). The research revealed the positive effects of the promotion in the university rankings on their development, among which the following can be distinguished: the formation of a competitive environment within the university, the definition of a specific strategic goal, the attraction of more qualified personnel to the university, including from the international academic market, etc. Negative consequences were revealed too, such as: increase in the workload on teachers, and as a result, reduced attention to the organization of the educational process, higher risk of losing the quality of scientific research, as a result of increasing the number of publications, ineffective spending of the university funds
Creation of Polymer Hydrogel Dressings with Herbal Medicinal Substance "Alkhydin" and their Properties
New hydrogel dressings containing the herbal medicinal substance "Alkhydin", obtained from the Kirghiz (Alhagi kirghisorum Schrenk), grown in Kazakhstan, were obtained by radiation irradiation of the initial reaction mixture (IRM). Poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone (PVP) with a molecular weight (MM) of 1 ppm was used to prepare hydrogel dressings as the main gelling polymer for IRM, agar-agar and lowmolecular polyethylene glycol MM = 600 were used as auxiliary substances. The main regularities of the formation of the three-dimensional structure of PVP under conditions of irradiation of IRM are investigated. It is shown that with increasing PVP in IRM, as well as irradiation dose, the yield of gel fraction increases and the degree of swelling decreases. Obviously, these effects are due to an increase in the degree of cross-linking of the polymer network formed. For the obtained hydrogel dressings containing the herbal medicinal substance Alkhydin, cytotoxic effects on the culture of mouse embryonic fibroblasts obtained by primary trypsinization were studied. The results obtained in this case testify to the absence of a cytotoxic effect on the cell culture. In conditions "in vivo" in rats using the model of thermal skin burn, the wound healing effect of hydrogel dressings with "Alkhydin" was studied. It is shown that such bandages show a pronounced wound-healing effect. This is evidenced by a higher rate of reduction in the area of the burn wound treated with a hydrogel dressing compared to the control
Методика формирования свисающего анастомоза при операции на желудке
The original technique of distal resection of a stomach with formation of a muscular cuff and the hanging down valve from own tissues of a stomach in area of gastroduodenal anasthomosis is offered in article. This allows to avoid development of postgastroresectional complications. Materials of investigations out on 26 experimental mongrel dogs. The results of dynamic observation and instrumental methods of the studies have shown functional full value of the formed anastomosis.Предложена оригинальная методика дистальной резекции желудка с формированием мышечной манжеты и свисающего клапана из собственных тканей желудка в области гастродуоденального соустья, которая позволяет предупредить развитие постгастрорезекционных осложнений. Представлены материалы экспериментального исследования 26 беспородных собак. Результаты динамического наблюдения и инструментальные методы исследования показали функциональную полноценность сформированного анастомоза