940 research outputs found

    Exact String Solutions in 2+1-Dimensional De Sitter Spacetime

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    Exact and explicit string solutions in de Sitter spacetime are found. (Here, the string equations reduce to a sinh-Gordon model). A new feature without flat spacetime analogy appears: starting with a single world-sheet, several (here two) strings emerge. One string is stable and the other (unstable) grows as the universe grows. Their invariant size and energy either grow as the expansion factor or tend to constant. Moreover, strings can expand (contract) for large (small) universe radius with a different rate than the universe.Comment: 11 pages, Phyzzx macropackage used, PAR-LPTHE 92/32. Revised version with a new understanding of the previous result

    Optimal streaks in a Falkner-Skan boundary layer

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    This paper deals with the optimal streaky perturbations (which maximize the perturbed energy growth) in a wedge flow boundary layer. These three dimensional perturbations are governed by a system of linearized boundary layer equations around the Falkner-Skan base flow. Based on an asymptotic analysis of this system near the free stream and the leading edge singularity, we show that for acute wedge semi-angle, all solutions converge after a streamwise transient to a single streamwise-growing solution of the linearized equations, whose initial condition near the leading edge is given by an eigenvalue problem first formulated in this context by Tumin (2001). Such a solution may be regarded as a streamwise evolving most unstable streaky mode, in analogy with the usual eigenmodes in strictly parallel flows, and shows an approximate self-similarity, which was partially known and is completed in this paper. An important consequence of this result is that the optimization procedure based on the adjoint equations heretofore used to define optimal streaks is not necessary. Instead, a simple low-dimensional optimization process is proposed and used to obtain optimal streaks. Comparison with previous results by Tumin and Ashpis (2003) shows an excellent agreement. The unstable streaky mode exhibits transient growth if the wedge semi-angle is smaller than a critical value that is slightly larger than π/6\pi/6, and decays otherwise. Thus the cases of right and obtuse wedge semi-angles exhibit less practical interest, but they show a qualitatively different behavior, which is briefly described to complete the analysis

    String Instabilities in Black Hole Spacetimes

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    We study the emergence of string instabilities in DD - dimensional black hole spacetimes (Schwarzschild and Reissner - Nordstr\o m), and De Sitter space (in static coordinates to allow a better comparison with the black hole case). We solve the first order string fluctuations around the center of mass motion at spatial infinity, near the horizon and at the spacetime singularity. We find that the time components are always well behaved in the three regions and in the three backgrounds. The radial components are {\it unstable}: imaginary frequencies develop in the oscillatory modes near the horizon, and the evolution is like (ττ0)P(\tau-\tau_0)^{-P}, (P>0)(P>0), near the spacetime singularity, r0r\to0, where the world - sheet time (ττ0)0(\tau-\tau_0)\to0, and the proper string length grows infinitely. In the Schwarzschild black hole, the angular components are always well - behaved, while in the Reissner - Nordstr\o m case they develop instabilities inside the horizon, near r0r\to0 where the repulsive effects of the charge dominate over those of the mass. In general, whenever large enough repulsive effects in the gravitational background are present, string instabilities develop. In De Sitter space, all the spatial components exhibit instability. The infalling of the string to the black hole singularity is like the motion of a particle in a potential γ(ττ0)2\gamma(\tau-\tau_0)^{-2} where γ\gamma depends on the DD spacetime dimensions and string angular momentum, with γ>0\gamma>0 for Schwarzschild and γ<0\gamma<0 for Reissner - Nordstr\o m black holes. For (ττ0)0(\tau-\tau_0)\to0 the string ends trapped by the black hole singularity.Comment: 26pages, Plain Te

    Multi-String Solutions by Soliton Methods in De Sitter Spacetime

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    {\bf Exact} solutions of the string equations of motion and constraints are {\bf systematically} constructed in de Sitter spacetime using the dressing method of soliton theory. The string dynamics in de Sitter spacetime is integrable due to the associated linear system. We start from an exact string solution q(0)q_{(0)} and the associated solution of the linear system Ψ(0)(λ)\Psi^{(0)} (\lambda), and we construct a new solution Ψ(λ)\Psi(\lambda) differing from Ψ(0)(λ)\Psi^{(0)}(\lambda) by a rational matrix in λ\lambda with at least four poles λ0,1/λ0,λ0,1/λ0\lambda_{0},1/\lambda_{0},\lambda_{0}^*,1/\lambda_{0}^*. The periodi- city condition for closed strings restrict λ0\lambda _{0} to discrete values expressed in terms of Pythagorean numbers. Here we explicitly construct solu- tions depending on (2+1)(2+1)-spacetime coordinates, two arbitrary complex numbers (the 'polarization vector') and two integers (n,m)(n,m) which determine the string windings in the space. The solutions are depicted in the hyperboloid coor- dinates qq and in comoving coordinates with the cosmic time TT. Despite of the fact that we have a single world sheet, our solutions describe {\bf multi- ple}(here five) different and independent strings; the world sheet time τ\tau turns to be a multivalued function of TT.(This has no analogue in flat space- time).One string is stable (its proper size tends to a constant for TT\to\infty , and its comoving size contracts); the other strings are unstable (their proper sizes blow up for TT\to\infty, while their comoving sizes tend to cons- tants). These solutions (even the stable strings) do not oscillate in time. The interpretation of these solutions and their dynamics in terms of the sinh- Gordon model is particularly enlighting.Comment: 25 pages, latex. LPTHE 93-44. Figures available from the auhors under reques

    Strings Next To and Inside Black Holes

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    The string equations of motion and constraints are solved near the horizon and near the singularity of a Schwarzschild black hole. In a conformal gauge such that τ=0\tau = 0 (τ\tau = worldsheet time coordinate) corresponds to the horizon (r=1r=1) or to the black hole singularity (r=0r=0), the string coordinates express in power series in τ\tau near the horizon and in power series in τ1/5\tau^{1/5} around r=0r=0. We compute the string invariant size and the string energy-momentum tensor. Near the horizon both are finite and analytic. Near the black hole singularity, the string size, the string energy and the transverse pressures (in the angular directions) tend to infinity as r1r^{-1}. To leading order near r=0r=0, the string behaves as two dimensional radiation. This two spatial dimensions are describing the S2S^2 sphere in the Schwarzschild manifold.Comment: RevTex, 19 pages without figure

    Strings in Cosmological and Black Hole Backgrounds: Ring Solutions

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    The string equations of motion and constraints are solved for a ring shaped Ansatz in cosmological and black hole spacetimes. In FRW universes with arbitrary power behavior [R(X^0) = a\;|X^0|^{\a}\, ], the asymptotic form of the solution is found for both X00X^0 \to 0 and X0X^0 \to \infty and we plot the numerical solution for all times. Right after the big bang (X0=0X^0 = 0), the string energy decreasess as R(X0)1 R(X^0)^{-1} and the string size grows as R(X0) R(X^0) for 01 0 1 . Very soon [ X01 X^0 \sim 1 ] , the ring reaches its oscillatory regime with frequency equal to the winding and constant size and energy. This picture holds for all values of \a including string vacua (for which, asymptotically, \a = 1). In addition, an exact non-oscillatory ring solution is found. For black hole spacetimes (Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstr\oo m and stringy), we solve for ring strings moving towards the center. Depending on their initial conditions (essentially the oscillation phase), they are are absorbed or not by Schwarzschild black holes. The phenomenon of particle transmutation is explicitly observed (for rings not swallowed by the hole). An effective horizon is noticed for the rings. Exact and explicit ring solutions inside the horizon(s) are found. They may be interpreted as strings propagating between the different universes described by the full black hole manifold.Comment: Paris preprint PAR-LPTHE-93/43. Uses phyzzx. Includes figures. Text and figures compressed using uufile

    From the WZWN Model to the Liouville Equation: Exact String Dynamics in Conformally Invariant AdS Background

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    It has been known for some time that the SL(2,R) WZWN model reduces to Liouville theory. Here we give a direct and physical derivation of this result based on the classical string equations of motion and the proper string size. This allows us to extract precisely the physical effects of the metric and antisymmetric tensor, respectively, on the {\it exact} string dynamics in the SL(2,R) background. The general solution to the proper string size is also found. We show that the antisymmetric tensor (corresponding to conformal invariance) generally gives rise to repulsion, and it precisely cancels the dominant attractive term arising from the metric. Both the sinh-Gordon and the cosh-Gordon sectors of the string dynamics in non-conformally invariant AdS spacetime reduce here to the Liouville equation (with different signs of the potential), while the original Liouville sector reduces to the free wave equation. Only the very large classical string size is affected by the torsion. Medium and small size string behaviours are unchanged. We also find illustrative classes of string solutions in the SL(2,R) background: dynamical closed as well as stationary open spiralling strings, for which the effect of torsion is somewhat like the effect of rotation in the metric. Similarly, the string solutions in the 2+1 BH-AdS background with torsion and angular momentum are fully analyzed.Comment: 24 pages including 4 postscript figures. Enlarged version including a section on string solutions in 2+1 black hole background. To be published in Phys. Rev. D., December 199

    Quantum String Dynamics in the conformal invariant SL(2,R) WZWN Background: Anti-de Sitter Space with Torsion

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    We consider classical and quantum strings in the conformally invariant background corresponding to the SL(2,R) WZWN model. This background is locally anti-de Sitter spacetime with non-vanishing torsion. Conformal invariance is expressed as the torsion being parallelized. The precise effect of the conformal invariance on the dynamics of both circular and generic classical strings is extracted. In particular, the conformal invariance gives rise to a repulsive interaction of the string with the background which precisely cancels the dominant attractive term arising from gravity. We perform both semi-classical and canonical string-quantization, in order to see the effect of the conformal invariance of the background on the string mass spectrum. Both approaches yield that the high-mass states are governed by m sim HN (N,`large integer'), where m is the string mass and H is the Hubble constant. It follows that the level spacing grows proportionally to N: d(m^2 alpha')/dN sim N, while the entropy goes like: S sim sqrt{m}. Moreover, it follows that there is no Hagedorn temperature,so that the partition function is well defined at any positive temperature. All results are compared with the analogue results in Anti- de Sitter spacetime, which is a non conformal invariant background. Conformal invariance simplifies the mathematics of the problem but the physics remains mainly unchanged. Differences between conformal and non-conformal backgrounds only appear in the intermediate region of the string spectrum, but these differences are minor. For low and high masses, the string mass spectra in conformal and non-conformal backgrounds are identical. Interestingly enough, conformal invariance fixes the value of the spacetime curvature to be -69/(26 alpha').Comment: Latex file, 23 pages, no figure

    Back Reaction of Strings in Self-Consistent String Cosmology

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    We compute the string energy-momentum tensor and {\bf derive} the string equation of state from exact string dynamics in cosmological spacetimes. 1+1, 2+11+1,~2+1 and DD-dimensional universes are treated for any expansion factor RR. Strings obey the perfect fluid relation p=(γ1)ρ p = (\gamma -1) \rho with three different behaviours: (i) {\it Unstable} for R R \to \infty with growing energy density ρR2D \rho \sim R^{2-D} , {\bf negative} pressure, and γ=(D2)/(D1) \gamma =(D-2)/(D-1) ; (ii){\it Dual} for R0 R \to 0 , with ρRD \rho \sim R^{-D} , {\bf positive} pressure and γ=D/(D1)\gamma = D/(D-1) (as radiation); (iii) {\it Stable} for R R \to \infty with ρR1D \rho \sim R^{1-D} , {\bf vanishing} pressure and γ=1\gamma = 1 (as cold matter). We find the back reaction effect of these strings on the spacetime and we take into account the quantum string decay through string splitting. This is achieved by considering {\bf self-consistently} the strings as matter sources for the Einstein equations, as well as for the complete effective string equations. String splitting exponentially suppress the density of unstable strings for large RR. The self-consistent solution to the Einstein equations for string dominated universes exhibits the realistic matter dominated behaviour R(X0)2/(D1)   R \sim (X^0)^{2/(D-1)}\; for large times and the radiation dominated behaviour R(X0)2/D   R \sim (X^0)^{2/D}\; for early times. De Sitter universe does not emerge as solution of the effective string equations. The effective string action (whatever be the dilaton, its potential and the central charge term) is not the appropriate framework in which to address the question of string driven inflation.Comment: 29 pages, revtex, LPTHE-94-2

    Assessing the Feasibility of Removing Graffiti from Railway Vehicles Using Ultra-Freezing Air Projection

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    [EN] Unauthorised graffiti is a challenge in urban environments, affecting railway structures, stations, tracks, and vehicles. Inefficient cleaning methods increase the costs and downtime of railcars, limiting passenger transport. In turn, they are harmful to the operator¿s health and the environment, due to the VOCs they release. This study focuses on the feasibility of dry-ice blasting, replacing carbon dioxide with ambient air as an innovative and sustainable solution to remove graffiti from rail vehicles. Experimental tests have been carried out with 13 different aerosols, controlling the temperature (<¿80 °C), pressure (up to 3 bar), projection distance (0.5 cm) and exposure times (30¿/1¿/2¿/4¿/6¿/8¿/++). The results showed that ultra-freezing with ambient air preserved the integrity of the support materials and altered the topography, colourimetry and adhesion of the aerosols tested, achieving the total removal of one of the paints. Preliminary results suggest that ultra-freezing with ambient air could be a viable and sustainable solution for graffiti removal on railway structures, transferable to other urban environments.The authors would like to acknowledge the support received for this research from the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (PAID-11-22), grant number PID2022-139433OB-I00, as well as the collaboration with Istobal S.A., facilitated by the ISTOBAL Chair of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). In addition, the authors would like to express their gratitude to CEICE-GVA and its grant Programme for Doctoral Studies (CIACIF/2021/404), funded by the European Union.Vega-Bosch, A.; Santamarina-Campos, V.; Bosch-Roig, P.; López-Carrillo, JA.; Dolz, V.; Sánchez Pons, M. (2024). Assessing the Feasibility of Removing Graffiti from Railway Vehicles Using Ultra-Freezing Air Projection. Applied Sciences. 14(10). https://doi.org/10.3390/app14104165141