24 research outputs found

    Вплив наносполук Феруму та Германію на вміст церулоплазміну в крові свиноматок і отриманих від них поросят

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    The work is devoted to establishing the degree and nature of the effect of the application of iron and germanium nano compounds on the content of ceruloplasmin in the blood plasma of sows and piglets obtained from them. For this, two groups of sows (control and experimental) were selected; the pigs of the experimental group were given a complex of nano compounds of trace elements iron and germanium, and the ceruloplasmin content in the blood was evaluated. A reliable effect of the application of iron and germanium nanocompounds on the content of ceruloplasmin in the blood of sows was established – F = 25.5 > FU = 4.15; P < 0.001, which is manifested only after farrowing – gh²ᵪ = 0.48–0.74 (P ≤ 0.05–0.01). Thus, after farrowing (on the first and third day), the content of the enzyme in the blood of these animals was significantly higher than that of sows of the control group (12.7–13.5 %; P ≤ 0.05). It was established that the ceruloplasmin content in the blood of piglets obtained from sows that were given the mentioned metal nanocompounds on the second (gh²ᵪ = 0.52; P ≤ 0.05) and seventh (gh²ᵪ = 0.70; P ≤ 0.01) days of life of animals depends on the application of iron and germanium nanocompounds. In these piglets, the enzyme content two and seven days after birth is 13.3–20.0 % (P ≤ 0.05) higher than piglets obtained from sows that were not given nanocompounds. It was experimentally proven that the content of ceruloplasmin in the blood plasma of piglets obtained from sows that were given nano compounds of metals is directly related to its content in the blood of sows, in particular, the content of the enzyme in the blood of two- and 7-day-old piglets correlates with the content of the enzyme in the blood of sows on the day of farrowing – r = 0.91–0.95 (P ≤ 0.001). Therefore, the conducted studies indicate the effectiveness of using ferrum and germanium nanoparticles to correct the ceruloplasmin content in the blood of both sows and suckling piglets.Роботу присвячено встановленню ступеня і характеру впливу наносполук Феруму та Германію на вміст церулоплазміну в плазмі крові свиноматок і отриманих від них поросят. Для цього було підібрано дві групи свиноматок (контрольна і дослідна), свиням дослідної групи задавали комплекс наносполук мікроелементів Феруму та Германію і оцінювали вміст церулоплазміну в крові. Встановлено достовірний вплив наносполук Феруму та Германію на вміст церулоплазміну в крові свиноматок – F= 25,5 > FU = 4,15; Р < 0,001, який проявляється лише після опоросу – ղ²ᵪ = 0,48–0,74 (P ≤ 0,05–0,01). Так, після опоросу (на першу і третю добу) вміст ензиму в крові цих тварин був достовірно більшим від такого у свиноматок контрольної групи (на 12,7–13,5 %; P ≤ 0,05). Встановлено, що у поросят отриманих від свиноматок, яким задавали згадані наносполуки металів вміст церулоплазміну в крові на другу (ղ²ᵪ = 0,52; P ≤ 0,05) та сьому (ղ²ᵪ = 0,70; P ≤ 0,01) добу життя залежить від задавання наносполук Феруму та Германію. У цих поросят вміст ензиму через дві та сім діб після народження більше на 13,3–20,0 % (P ≤ 0,05) від такого у поросят отриманих від свиноматок, яким наносполуки не задавали. Експериментально доведено, що вміст церулоплазміну в плазмі крові поросят отриманих від свиноматок, яким задавали наносполуки металів прямо пов’язаний з його вмістом в крові свиноматок, зокрема, вміст ензиму в крові дво- та 7-добових поросят корелює з вмістом ензиму в крові свиноматок в день опоросу – r = 0,91–0,95 (P ≤ 0,001). Отже, проведені дослідження вказують на ефективність застосування наночастинок Феруму та Германію для корекції вмісту церулоплазміну в крові як свиноматок, так і молочних поросят

    The tool simulated complex for study of molecular gears of homeostasis

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    For reception of integrated parameters of homeostasis and their evaluations the expensive technologies of researches are required. The tool complex for decision of this task at minimum possible costs is suggested

    The experimental - computer technology for pathological process simulation

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    The technology of pathological process and its treatment simulation in conditions of sharing of results of experimental supervision and computer simulation is considered


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    The main role in maintaining the functioning of the body, its growth, and its development belongs to protein. It is involved in the formation of the muscular skeleton and is s part of enzymes, neurotransmitters, hormones. The effect of the autonomic nervous system on total protein metabolism has not been sufficiently studied. It is known that the autonomic nervous system is a structure that is responsible for the homeostasis and stability of the whole organism. It participates in the regulation of the heart, endocrine and external secretion glands, gastrointestinal tract, excretory organs, and more. In our studies, it was found that in chickens of Cobb 500 strain with different tones of the autonomic nervous system during the growing period from the 35th to the 60th day, different contents of total protein, albumin, and globulins were observed and different body weights were recorded. Vagotonic chickens showed the lowest protein metabolism at the age of 35 and 45 days (P < 0.05–0.001) compared with sympathicotonics and normotonics, which tended to increase between 35 and 60 days of rearing compared with other groups of birds, where the studied protein fractions on the contrary decreased. Correlations between total protein, albumin, and bird body weight had a high linear relationship in all groups of chickens (P < 0.05–0.001) and a negative relationship between the 45th and 60th days of rearing in sympathicotonics and normotonics. In birds with a predominance of the parasympathetic tone of the autonomic nervous system, this correlation maintained its direction with high reliability (P < 0.05) between body weight and total protein on the 60th day of rearin

    Multi-demension classificator for essentially small samples in tasks of diseases diagnostics

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    There are some pathologies express train - diagnostics of which does not permit to conduct the long supervision, and task should be resolved enough tast

    Designing Circuits Detecting Different Types of Faults 1

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    Abstract:- This paper presents methods for designing totally self-checking Mealy type synchronous sequential circuits (SSCs). We use implementations of the output and next state functions that are monotonic in state variables. The monotony enables the SSC to react to permanent faults differently than it does to transient faults. If the fault is permanent, the SSC will produce a non-code output after a number of clock cycles (latency), and the non-code output will be detected as an error by the checker. In the case of a transient fault, the SSC is able to become fault free after a number of clock cycles (so-called self-healing time). In the case of a permanent fault the minimal latency is desired. Though the self-healing of SSC after a transient fault takes its time. Thus, requirements to the period of the SSC functioning in cases of permanent and transient faults are contradicting. We propose a universal architecture of self-checking SSCs enabling to overcome the above contradiction. Namely, this architecture can be adapted either for reduction of the latency of a permanent fault or for increasing the SSC self-healing ability after a transient fault. In the proposed architecture, a method for SSC synthesis is presented. This method is oriented to FPGA based implementation. Key-Words:- On-line testing, sequential circuits, fault detecting, latency, transient fault, selfhealing circuits.


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    Coordination of physiological activity and intensity of metabolism in various organs and tissues of a productive animal depending on environmental conditions and own needs is provided by the regulatory activity of the corresponding nerve centers. However, the features of the autonomic regulation of the nervous system in this matter can have a significant impact not only on the physiological activity of animals but also on their productivity. Therefore, the question of studying the influence of autonomic regulation on the animal body in general and the interaction of the autonomic system and lipid metabolism is quite relevant. Groups of animals were formed by determining the state of the cardiovascular system according to the Baevskyi method. Blood plasma was used for the study, lipid extraction was performed by the Folch method. Fatty acid analysis was performed on a Trace GC Ultra gas chromatograph (USA) with a flame ionization detector. Studies have shown that the relative content of saturated fatty acids in blood of normotonics was the highest compared with other groups: sympathotonics – by 1.9%; vagotonics – 0.48%. Regarding the concentration of saturated fatty acids in sympathotonics, it should be noted that the content of stearic acid was the highest (18.07 ± 0.01; P C20:4n6 > C18:3n3 > C22:6n3 > C22:5n3, a similar sequence we observed in other groups, although the relative concentration of acids could fluctuate. Normotonics were characterized by the highest levels of some polyunsaturated fatty acids (C18:3n3, C22:5n3, and C22:6n3; P < 0.05–0.01), while levels of some unsaturated fatty acids (C18:1n9 and C20:3n6) were the lowest. Thus, the type of nervous activity has a significant effect on the ratio of fatty acids in blood plasma and autonomic regulation affects the metabolic processes in the body of cow

    Laser-induced magnetization precession in the magnetite Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> in the vicinity of a spin-reorientation transition

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    Using time-resolved magneto-optical pump-probe technique we demonstrate excitation of magnetization precession in a single crystalline bulk magnetite Fe3O4 below and in the vicinity of the Verwey and spin-reorientation (SR) phase transitions. Pronounced temperature dependence of the precession amplitude is observed suggesting that the excitation occurs via laser-driven spin-reorientation transition. Similarity observed between the characteristic features of the laser-induced ultrafast SR and Verwey transitions suggests that they both rely on the same microscopic processes.publishe