21 research outputs found

    Promising source material for winter triticale breeding under the conditions of the Middle Urals

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    Background. The northern border of cereal crop cultivation passes through the territory of Sverdlovsk Province. Cultivars of winter triticale developed in the regions of Russia located to the south are grown there, but they die under unfavorable winter conditions. The breeding of this crop in local climate is at an early stage, so a study of source material for breeding new highyielding cultivars adapted to local conditions seems quite pertinent.Materials and methods. In 2017–2020, the Ural Research Institute of Agriculture in Yekaterinburg conducted a study of 78 winter triticale genotypes from 10 regions of Russia and 7 foreign countries. The seeds were obtained from the VIR genebank and breeding centers of Russia. Sowing was carried out in clean fallow on August 20–25 on 1 m2 plots in 3-4 repetitions, with the reference ‘Bashkirskaya korotkostebelnaya’ sown on every 10th plot. Plants were assessed for winter hardiness, yield, density of productive stems, plant height, ear length, number of spikelets and grains per ear, weight of 1000 grains, and ear productivity in accordance with published guidelines.Results. Cvs. ‘Privada’, ‘Tsekad 90’ and ‘Nemchinovsky 58’ combined high winter hardiness (70–81%) with resistance to damage by snow mold (15–20%), high density of productive stems (324–425 pcs/m2), and high yield (562–616 g/m2). They had high 1000 grain weight (45.4–49.1 g) and ear productivity (2.63–2.68 g). High yield (571–670 g/m2) and density of productive stems (285–436 pcs/m2 ) with reduced winter hardiness (62–72%) and resistance to snow mold (30–35%) was observed in cvs. ‘Sirs 57’, ‘Sotnik’, ‘Germes’, ‘Antey’, ‘Beta’, ‘Don’, and lines 1/1 and 8003 from Sweden

    Indicators of the osteoclastogenesis system in men with different clinical types of ankylosing spondylitis

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    Objective: to evaluate the osteoclastogenesis regulatory system – osteoprotegerin/receptor activator of nuclear factor-κβ ligand (OPG/RANKL) system – in men with different clinical types of ankylosing spondylitis (AS).Subjects and methods. The osteoclastogenesis regulatory system was studied in 60 men, including 40 patients diagnosed with AS complying with the 1984 New York criteria and 20 men without AS. RANKL, a major stimulant of osteoclastogenesis, and OPG, a decoy receptor that binds RANKL and, accordingly, blocks osteoclastogenesis, were investigated.Results. It was shown that in the patients with AS, RANKL concentrations were normal and the content of OPG and OPG/RANKL ratio proved to be significantly higher than those in the men without AS. The highest OPG concentrations were recorded in patients with the axial form of this disease, its moderate activity and early X-ray stage. No relationship was found between the level of RANKL and the clinical characteristics of AS; however, there was a tendency to a slight increase in its concentration in patients with extraskeletal manifestations of AS, its high activity, high functional class, and late X-ray stage.Conclusion. The considerable increase in OPG levels and OPG/RANKL ratio was ascertained to be associated to the fact that 94% of the patients with late-stage AS characterized by the presence of numerous syndesmophytes. These changes must be compensatory in response to modestly increased RANKL level and enhanced bone resorption

    Показатели системы остеокластогенеза у мужчин с различными клиническими вариантами анкилозирующего спондилита

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    Objective: to evaluate the osteoclastogenesis regulatory system – osteoprotegerin/receptor activator of nuclear factor-κβ ligand (OPG/RANKL) system – in men with different clinical types of ankylosing spondylitis (AS).Subjects and methods. The osteoclastogenesis regulatory system was studied in 60 men, including 40 patients diagnosed with AS complying with the 1984 New York criteria and 20 men without AS. RANKL, a major stimulant of osteoclastogenesis, and OPG, a decoy receptor that binds RANKL and, accordingly, blocks osteoclastogenesis, were investigated.Results. It was shown that in the patients with AS, RANKL concentrations were normal and the content of OPG and OPG/RANKL ratio proved to be significantly higher than those in the men without AS. The highest OPG concentrations were recorded in patients with the axial form of this disease, its moderate activity and early X-ray stage. No relationship was found between the level of RANKL and the clinical characteristics of AS; however, there was a tendency to a slight increase in its concentration in patients with extraskeletal manifestations of AS, its high activity, high functional class, and late X-ray stage.Conclusion. The considerable increase in OPG levels and OPG/RANKL ratio was ascertained to be associated to the fact that 94% of the patients with late-stage AS characterized by the presence of numerous syndesmophytes. These changes must be compensatory in response to modestly increased RANKL level and enhanced bone resorption.Цель исследования – оценить состояние системы регуляции остеокластогенеза – остеопротегерин/лиганд рецептора активатора нуклеарного фактора κβ (OPG/RANKL) – у мужчин с различными клиническими вариантами анкилозирующего спондилита (АС).Материал и методы. Система регуляции остеокластогенеза изучалась у 60 мужчин: 40 больных с диагнозом АС, соответствующим модифицированным Нью-Йоркским критериям (1984 г.) и 20 мужчин без АС. Исследовали RANKL – основной стимулятор остеокластогенеза и OPG – «рецептор-ловушку», связывающий RANKL и, соответственно, блокирующий остеокластогенез.Результаты исследования. Показано, что у больных АС концентрация RANKL была нормальной, а содержание OPG и отношение OPG/RANKL оказалось достоверно выше, чем у мужчин без АС. Наибольшая концентрация OPG зарегистрирована у пациентов с аксиальной формой заболевания, умеренной степенью активности и ранней рентгенологической стадией. Не выявлено зависимости уровня RANKL от клинических характеристик АС, однако отмечена тенденция к незначительному повышению его концентрации у пациентов с наличием внескелетных проявлений АС, высокой степенью активности, высоким функциональным классом и поздней рентгенологической стадией АС.Заключение. Установлено, что значительное повышение уровня OPG и отношения OPG/RANKL может быть связано с тем, что 94% пациентов имели позднюю стадию АС, характеризующуюся наличием множественных синдесмофитов. Данные изменения, вероятно, могут носить компенсаторный характер в ответ на незначительное повышение уровня RANKL и усиление костной резорбции


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    The article highlights the prevention of thromboembolic events in patients with atrial fibrillation. The clinical case is presented and focused on direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran administration as a secondary prevention strategy of thromboembolism (of an arrhythmogenic origin). В статье рассмотрены вопросы профилактики тромбоэмболических осложнений у больных с фибрилляцией предсердий. Приведено описание клинического случая с акцентом на возможную вторичную профилактику тромбоэмболий аритмогенного происхождения с применением прямого ингибитора тромбина дабигатрана.


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    The results of treatment were analyzed in 41 patients (the mean age 62,1 years old). Overall postoperative lethality consisted of 2,4%. The best functional results were reached in transmesenteric bringing down of the right parts of colon to small pelvis with isoperistaltic colorectal anastomosis. However, an application of this operation demands the presence of certain anatomic conditions. Limited mobilization of the right colon with antiperistaltic cecorectal anastomosis is feasible under any conditions

    Enhanced heme accessibility in horse heart mini-myoglobin: Insights from molecular modelling and reactivity studies

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    Mini-myoglobin (mini-HHMb) is a fragment of horse-heart myoglobin (HHMb) considered to be the prototype of the product encoded by the central exon of the HHMb gene. For this reason, mini-HHMb has been studied extensively showing that carbonylation and oxygenation properties of the ferrous form are similar to those of the full-length protein, while kinetics and thermodynamics of azide binding to the ferric form are significantly different from those of HHMb. To analyze the structure-function relationships in mini-HHMb and the role of conformational fluctuations in ligand accessibility, the molecular model of mini-HHMb has been built and refined by molecular dynamics simulations, and analyzed in parallel with that of full length HHMb. Moreover, imidazole binding parameters of ferric mini-HHMb and HHMb have been determined. Furthermore, structural data of ferric mini-HHMb and HHMb have been correlated with the imidazole and previously determined azide binding properties. Present results indicate that, despite the extensive trimming, the heme-α-helices E-F substructure is essentially unaltered in mini-HHMb with respect to HHMb. However, the heme-Fe atom displays an enhanced accessibility in mini-HHMb, which may affect both ligand association and dissociation kinetics

    Morphological and endoscopic diagnostic criteria of serrated adenomas of the colon

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    The aim of review. To generalize literature data on endoscopic and morphological diagnostics of serrated adenomas of the colon. Key points. In 2010 a new variant of histological classification of colonic tumors have been accepted by WHO, according to which serrated neoplasms were defined as separate group of preneoplastic changes, along with colonic adenomas. At the present time hyperplastic polyps and other serrated neoplasms are considered to be precursor lesions for 15 to 20% of sporadic or asymptomatic colorectal cancers located mainly in proximal colon, that progress by specific serrated adenoma-related pathway. Diagnostics of such lesions both on microscopic and macroscopical levels is associated with significant difficulties due to absence of the uniform nomenclature, definite morphological features and endoscopic semiotics. Conclusion. Definition of main morphological and endoscopic diagnostic criteria of all types of serrated adenomas will provide successful diagnostics along with differentiation with other epithelial colonic lesions that is required for proper choice of management approach