28 research outputs found


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    Objective: to evaluate the efficiency of pharmacological correction of endogenous intoxication in patients with Stages III—IV ovarian cancer (OC) in the perioperative period. Subjects and methods. Thirty-to-70-year old seventy patients with Stages III-IV OC who had been surgically treated under general anesthesia were examined. The bio chemical parameters of intoxication, such as middleweight molecules, the total, effective concentration and binding capacity of albumin, integral hematological indices of intoxication, and C-reactive protein, were studied in the perioperative period. Results. Analysis of the performed tests showed that the premorbid background in all the examinees was characterized by varying degrees of endogenous intoxication (EI), increased leukocytic index of intoxication, hematological index of intoxication, and modified hematological index of intoxication, an imbalance between the accumulation and binding of overproduced toxic ligands, the intensified production of acutephase inflammatory proteins by the activation of a systemic inflammatory response, and decreased systemic responsiveness. These changes occur with suppressed systemic responsiveness, inadequate intoxication compensation by physiological detoxification systems and hemostatic instability. Conclusion. The use of heptral and Remaxol as part of the metabolic pharmacological correction infusion program nonequivalently caused reductions in the activity of an inflammatory response and the efficiency of EI correction in patients with OC in the perioperative period. The administration of Remaxol for systemic hyporesponsiveness and pronounced intoxication in OC patients promoted the optimization of systemic responsiveness, by producing a reduced toxic effect of tumorassociated EI. Цель — оценить эффективность фармакологической коррекции эндогенной интоксикации у больных раком яичников III—IV стадии в периоперационном периоде. Материал и методы. Обследованы 70 больных раком яичников III—IV стадии, в возрасте от 30 до 70 лет, перенесших хирургический этап лечения в условиях общей анестезии. В периоперационном периоде изучены биохимические показатели интоксикации — молекулы средней массы, общая, эффективная концентрация и связывающая способность альбумина, гематологические интегральные индексы интоксикации, С-реактивный белок. Результаты. Анализ проведенных исследований показал, что у всех исследуемых больных преморбидный фон характеризовался разной степени выраженности эндогенной интоксикацией (ЭИ), ростом лейкоцитарного индекса интоксикации, гематологического показателя интоксикации, модифицированного гематологического показателя интоксикации, нарушением баланса накопления и связывания избыточно продуцируемых токсических лигандов, интенсификацией продукции белков острой фазы воспаления активизацией системного воспалительного ответа, снижением общей реактивности организма. Эти изменения происходят на фоне угнетения общей реактивности организма, неадекватной компенсации интоксикации физиологическими системами детоксикации и нестабильностью гомеостаза. Заключение. Использование в составе инфузионной программы метаболической фармакологической коррекции гептрала и Ремаксола неравнозначно способствовало уменьшению активности воспалительной реакции и эффективности коррекции ЭИ у больных РЯ в периоперационном периоде. Использование Ремаксола в условиях снижения общей реактивности организма и выраженной интоксикации у больных раком яичников способствует оптимизации общей реактивности организма, обеспечивая снижение токсического воздействия опухолевой ЭИ.

    Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children of different age groups (a literature review)

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    In recent years, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are becoming more common with economic and social impacts. It is believed that in terms of frequency, they rank second both among the adult and pediatric population, second only to respiratory system diseases. Due to significant morphological and physiological changes in individual organs and systems during the period of intensive development of a child, the formation of gastroenterological pathology occurs most often at the age of 5–6 or 9–12 years, that gives rise to various functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. There is an opinion that among older children, such functional disorders are often bordering on pathology, prompting pediatricians to an increased interest in their etiology, pathogenesis and current therapy. Aim. To highlight the state of the problem associated with the most frequent functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children at the present stage. According to the recent recommendations, it has been recommended to consider functional changes as disorders of the interaction between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract (disorders of gut-brain interaction).The underlying disorders are abnormal motility, visceral hypersensitivity, the state of the gastrointestinal mucosa and local immune factors, intestinal microflora, activity of the central and autonomic nervous system. Most researchers tend to think about the key role of impaired autonomic regulation of sphincter activity in the pathogenesis of motor-evacuatory dysfunction of the alimentary canal in children, buoyed by the fact that often the lack of gastrointestinal organic lesions in motility disorders indicates their dysregulatory character. Conclusions. Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract have an extraordinary brightness of pain syndrome perception (no organic pathology would give such a wide array of symptoms as functional disorders) and a variable pattern of symptoms, so it becomes clear why these diseases impose a major economic burden, and it is this characteristic enables them to be classified as socially significant disorders. This requires a physician at various levels of medical care to provide timely diagnosis, differential diagnosis between organic gastrointestinal diseases, and timely correction of functional disorders

    Analysis of errors in the creation and updating of digital topographic maps

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    This article analyzes the technology of creating and updating a digital topographic map using the method of mapping (generalization) on an updated map with a scale of 1 : 25;000 based on the source cartographic material. The main issue in the creation of digital maps is the study of map production accuracy and error analysis arising from the process of map production. When determining the quality of a digital map, the completeness and accuracy of object and terrain mapping are evaluated. The correctness of object identification, the logical consistency of the structure, the and representation of objects are assessed. The main and the most effective method, allowing to take into account displacement errors for the relief during image processing, is orthotransformation, but the fragment used to update the digital topographic map needs additional verification of its compliance with the scale requirements of the map. Instrumental survey will help to clearly identify areas of space image closer to nadir points and to reject poor quality material. The software used for building geodetic control network should provide stable results of accuracy regardless on the scale of mapping, the physical and geographical conditions of the work area or the conditions of aerial photography

    Effect of vacancies on the spin density waves onset in Fe/Cr superlattices

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    International audienceThe spin density wave's onset in Cr based superlattices is considered within proximity of Fe interlayer boundaries and the effect of randomly located vacancies in Cr monolayers is examined. The study is performed for Fe/Cr, Fe/Cr/V superlattices with odd and even number of Cr monolayers. It is shown that the number of Cr monolayer determines the spin density wave's nodes onset in the perfect Fe/Cr super lattices. Pinning of Cr magnetic moments on vacancies destroys this determination and leads to appearance or disappearance of nodes

    Формирование готовности педагога к развитию системного мышления на основе концептуальной педагогической модели

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    The goal of the paper is to argue and to develop a conceptual pedagogical model of formation of teacher's readiness for the development of systems thinking. The challenges of this paper are to analyze domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of teacher's readiness for the development of systems thinking, to summarize the results available in domestic and foreign literature, to argue methodological approaches and principles in the process of training a conceptual pedagogical model. The systems state of modern science has a theoretical potential for serious enriching and developing the priority trends in the field of science, technology, Economics and education are characterized by a number of specific features, the need to understand the complex economic processes initiated by scientific progress. The center of integrative approaches in connection with the globalization of education is the training of a new format teacher. This is primarily due to the lack of relationship between the requirements of the FSES and the problem of teacher’s readiness to work with a huge amount of information, the ability to identify practice-oriented professional information in terms of incompleteness and inconsistency, to systemsatize it for the goal of its further realization in the educational process. Since natural sciences have a huge potential aimed at the development of systems thinking as a personal quality of a teacher, it leads to the need to investigate the problem of teacher’s readiness for the development of systems thinking. In modern conditions it is impossible to imagine professionally, culturally and psychologically adapted teacher for professional work and vital activity with minimal cost, clearly expressed knowledge, awareness of perception of professional knowledge, independence, and depth judgments, ability to establish comfortable relations of the subjects of education, to work in a team

    Vector magnetization of a Cr monolayer on an Fe(110) film

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    International audienceThe non-collinear magnetic moment distribution at the Cr/Fe(110) interface of an Fe(110) thin film covered by a Cr monolayer is revealed by means of periodic Anderson model calculations. It is shown that the Cr surface has two magnetically non-equivalent sites with magnetic moments canted to each other. The Fe atoms in the subsurface monolayer also acquire two magnetically non-equivalent sites with magnetic moments canted to each other. Non-collinearity is shown to be a ground state for the Cr/Fe(110) multilayer

    Transition from antiferromagnetic interlayer ordering to superparamagnetic state in Fe/Cr nanostructures by varying Fe thickness

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    Transition from antiferromagnetic exchange coupling of the Fe layers to superparamagnetic state of the Fe/Cr nanostructures is studied experimentally and theoretically. The experimental study are performed by means of magnetoresistance and magnetization measurements as well as Mössbauer spectroscopy for the nanostructures with Fe layers thicknesses from 1.4 Å up to 16 Å alternating by 10 Å of Cr layers. It is shown that Fe layers in the nanostructures with thicknesses less than 2 Å are not continuous but consist of separate ferromagnetic clusters. Such cluster-layered nanostructures exhibit Langevin paramagnetism of the superparamagnetic clusters and the Kondo-like behavior of the resistance. For the considered nanostructures, a modeling of Fe and Cr atoms random deposition for the interface layers and self-consistent calculations of the magnetic moments distribution in Periodic Anderson model are carried out. It is shown that, for nanostructures with extremely thin Fe layers, the Fe clusters with lateral size in the range of 11 to 20 Å are self-organized. Calculations of magnetic moments distribution result in histograms which coincide with the hyperfine field distributions obtained by Mössbauer spectroscopy


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    In order to ensure reliable and accurate results, the authors carried out the validation procedure developed technique for spectrophotometric quantification of the active substance for the lyophilized liposomal formulation of national hydrophobic antitumor compounds from the group of indolocarbazole - LHS-1208. As a result of the establishment of the specificity, linearity, range of use, accuracy and precision of a validated method may be used in the range of 80-120% concentration LHS-1208 in the dosage form