24,216 research outputs found

    Materials data handbook, Inconel alloy 718

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    Materials data handbook on Inconel alloy 718 includes data on the properties of the alloy at cryogenic, ambient, and elevated temperatures and other pertinent engineering information required for the design and fabrication of components and equipment utilizing this alloy

    Materials data handbook, aluminum alloy 6061

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    Comprehensive compilation of technical data on aluminum alloy 6061 is presented in handbook form. The text includes data on the properties of the alloy at cryogenic, ambient, and elevated temperatures and other pertinent information required for the design and fabrication of components and equipment utilizing this alloy

    Ultraviolet variability of quasars: dependence on the accretion rate

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    We compiled a catalogue of about 4000 SDSS quasars including individual estimators V for the variability strength, virial black hole masses M, and mass accretion rates dM/dt from the Davis-Laor scaling relation. We confirm significant anti-correlations between V and dM/dt, the Eddington ratio, and the bolometric luminosity L, respectively. A weak, statistically not significant positive trend is indicated for the dependence of V on M. As a side product, we find a strong correlation of the radiative efficiency with M and show that this trend is most likely produced by selection effects in combination with the mass errors and the use of the scaling relation for dM/dt. The anti-correlations found for V cannot be explained in such a way. The strongest anti-correlation is found with dM/dt. However, it is difficult to decide which of the quantities (L, Eddington ratio, dM/dt) is intrinsically correlated with V and which of the observed correlations are produced by the relations between these quantities. A V-dM/dt anti-correlation is qualitatively expected for the strongly inhomogeneous accretion disks. We argue that several observed variability properties are not adequately explained by the simple multi-temperature black-body model of a standard disk and suggest to check whether the strongly inhomogeneous disk model is capable of reproducing these observations better.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics; the full catalogue is only available in electronic form at CD

    Two-pion light-cone distribution amplitudes from the instanton vacuum

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    We calculate the two-pion light-cone distribution amplitudes in the effective low-energy theory based on the instanton vacuum. These generalized distribution amplitudes describe the soft (non-perturbative) part of the process γ∗γ→ππ\gamma^*\gamma \to \pi\pi in the region where the c.m. energy is much smaller than the photon virtuality. They can also be used in the analysis of exclusive processes such as γ∗p→p+2π,3π\gamma^* p \to p + 2\pi, 3\pi etc.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures included using eps

    Nuclear physics with a medium-energy Electron-Ion Collider

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    A polarized ep/eA collider (Electron-Ion Collider, or EIC) with variable center-of-mass energy sqrt(s) ~ 20-70 GeV and a luminosity ~ 10^{34} cm^{-2} s^{-1} would be uniquely suited to address several outstanding questions of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and the microscopic structure of hadrons and nuclei: (i) the three-dimensional structure of the nucleon in QCD (sea quark and gluon spatial distributions, orbital motion, polarization, correlations); (ii) the fundamental color fields in nuclei (nuclear parton densities, shadowing, coherence effects, color transparency); (iii) the conversion of color charge to hadrons (fragmentation, parton propagation through matter, in-medium jets). We briefly review the conceptual aspects of these questions and the measurements that would address them, emphasizing the qualitatively new information that could be obtained with the collider. Such a medium-energy EIC could be realized at Jefferson Lab after the 12 GeV Upgrade (MEIC), or at Brookhaven National Lab as the low-energy stage of eRHIC.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Mini-review compiled in preparation for the MEIC Conceptual Design Report, Jefferson Lab (2011

    Development of the technology for the fabrication of reliable laminar flow control panels

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    Various configurations of porous, perforated and slotted materials were flow tested to determine if they would meet the LFC surface smoothness and flow requirements. The candidate materials were then tested for susceptibility to clogging and for resistance to corrosion. Of the materials tested, perforated titanium, porous polyimide, and slotted assemblies demonstrated a much greater resistance to clogging than other porous materials

    Mercury in the environs of the north slope of Alaska

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    The analysis of Greenland ice suggests that the flux of mercury from the continents to the atmosphere has increased in recent times, perhaps partly as a result of the many of man’s activities that effect an alteration of terrestrial surfaces. Upon the exposure of fresh crustal matter, the natural outgassing of mercury vapor from the earth’s surface could be enhanced. Accordingly, mercury was measured in a variety of environmental materials gathered from the North Slope of Alaska to provide background data prior to the anticipated increase of activity in this environment. The materials were collected during the U. S. Coast Guard WEBSEC 72-73 cruises as well as through the facilities provided by Naval Arctic Research Laboratory in the spring of 1973. The method of measurement depended upon radioactivation of mercury with neutrons and the subsequent quantification of characteristic gamma radiations after radiochemical purification. Mercury concentrations in seawater at several locations in the vicinity of 151°W, 71°N averaged 20 parts per trillion. The waters from all stations east of this location showed a significantly smaller concentration. This difference may relate to penetration o f Bering- Chukchi Sea water into the southern Beaufort Sea to 151°W. Marine sediments on the shelf and slope between 143°W and 153°W contained about 100 parts per billion mercury, except for those on the continental shelf between Barter Island and the Canning River, where the concentration was less than half this value. These results are consistent with sediment input from the respective rivers when their mercury content and mineralogy are considered. The mercury content of river waters was 18 ppt and in reasonable agreement with the average of snow samples (13 ppt). The burden of mercury in plankton was 37 ppb.This work was supported by the office of Naval Research under grant N R 083-290

    Transverse target spin asymmetry in inclusive DIS with two-photon exchange

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    We study the transverse target spin dependence of the cross section for inclusive electron-nucleon scattering with unpolarized beam. Such dependence is absent in the one-photon exchange approximation (Christ-Lee theorem) and arises only in higher orders of the QED expansion, from the interference of one-photon and absorptive two-photon exchange amplitudes as well as from real photon emission (bremsstrahlung). We demonstrate that the transverse spin-dependent two-photon exchange cross section is free of QED infrared and collinear divergences. We argue that in DIS kinematics the transverse spin dependence should be governed by a "parton-like" mechanism in which the two-photon exchange couples mainly to a single quark. We calculate the normal spin asymmetry in an approximation where the dominant contribution arises from quark helicity flip due to interactions with non-perturbative vacuum fields (constituent quark picture) and is proportional to the quark transversity distribution in the nucleon. Such helicity-flip processes are not significantly Sudakov-suppressed if the infrared scale for gluon emission in the photon-quark subprocess is of the order of the chiral symmetry breaking scale, mu_chiral^2 >> Lambda_QCD^2. We estimate the asymmetry in the kinematics of the planned Jefferson Lab Hall A experiment to be of the order 10^{-4}, with different sign for proton and neutron. We also comment on the spin dependence in the limit of soft high-energy scattering.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures; uses revtex
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