93 research outputs found

    Comparison of the Structural Stability and Dynamic Properties of Recombinant Anthrax Protective Antigen and its 2- Fluorohistidine Labeled Analogue

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    Protective antigen (PA) is the primary protein antigenic component of both the currently used anthrax vaccine and related recombinant vaccines under development. An analogue of recombinant PA (2-FHis rPA) has been recently shown to block the key steps of pore formation in the process of inducing cytotoxicity in cells, and thus can potentially be used as an antitoxin or a vaccine. This rPA analogue was produced by fermentation to incorporate the unnatural amino acid 2-fluorohistidine (2-FHis). In this study, the effects of 2-FHis labeling on rPA antigen’s conformational stability and dynamic properties were investigated by various biophysical techniques. Temperature/pH stability profiles of rPA and 2-FHis rPA were analyzed by the empirical phase diagram (EPD) approach, and physical stability differences between them were identified. Results showed that rPA and 2-FHis rPA had similar stability at pH 7–8. With decreasing solution pH, however, 2-FHis rPA was found to be more stable. Dynamic sensitive measurements of the two proteins at pH 5 found that 2-FHis rPA was more dynamic and/or differentially hydrated under acidic pH conditions. The biophysical characterization and stability data provide information useful for the potential development of 2-FHis rPA as a more stable rPA vaccine candidate

    Detection and characterization of subvisible aggregates of monoclonal lgG in serum

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    To detect and characterize the aggregation of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in undiluted biological fluids. Fluorescently labeled subvisible IgG aggregates formed by applying either heat stress or by pH-shift were investigated immediately after addition to human serum, and after 24 h. Unstressed and stressed IgG formulations were analyzed by fluorescence single particle tracking, confocal laser scanning microscopy and flow cytometry. Unstressed formulations remained free from subvisible aggregates in serum, whereas heat-stressed and pH-shift stressed formulations showed dissimilar aggregation behaviors. The aggregation profile of the heat-stressed formulation diluted in serum remained practically the same as the one diluted in buffer, even after the 24 h incubation period. The pH-shift stressed formulation had strikingly smaller and more numerous subvisible aggregates immediately after dilution in serum compared to buffer. These aggregates became noticeably larger in both diluents after 24 h, but in serum they appeared to be formed by other types of constituents than the labeled protein itself. These results show that subvisible therapeutic protein aggregates may undergo changes in number, type and size distribution upon contact with human serum. This emphasizes the importance of analytical strategies for monitoring aggregation in undiluted biological fluids

    Measurement of Adenovirus-Based Vector Heterogeneity (Dataset)

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    Adenovirus vectors have become an important class of vaccines with the recent approval of Ebola and COVID-19 products. In-process quality attribute data collected during Adenovirus vector manufacturing has focused on particle concentration and infectivity ratios (based on viral genome: cell-based infectivity), and data suggest only a fraction of viral particles present in the final vaccine product are efficacious. To better understand this product heterogeneity, lab-scale preparations of two Adenovirus viral vectors, (Chimpanzee adenovirus (ChAdOx1) and Human adenovirus Type 5 (Ad5), were studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Different adenovirus morphologies were characterized, and the proportion of empty and full viral particles were quantified. Interestingly, these proportions correlated with the sample’s infectivity values. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) peptide mapping was used to identify and track key adenovirus proteins involved in viral maturation. Using peptide abundance analysis, a ~5-fold change in L1 52/55k abundance was observed between low-(empty) and high-density (full) fractions taken from CsCl ultracentrifugation preparations of ChAdOx1 virus. The L1 52/55k viral protein is associated with DNA packaging and is cleaved during viral maturation, so it may be a marker for infective particles. TEM and LC-MS peptide mapping are thus promising higher-resolution analytical characterization tools to help differentiate between relative proportions of empty, non-infectious, and infectious viral particles as part of Adenovirus vector in-process monitoring
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