239 research outputs found

    Static and dynamic properties of Single-Chain Magnets with sharp and broad domain walls

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    We discuss time-quantified Monte-Carlo simulations on classical spin chains with uniaxial anisotropy in relation to static calculations. Depending on the thickness of domain walls, controlled by the relative strength of the exchange and magnetic anisotropy energy, we found two distinct regimes in which both the static and dynamic behavior are different. For broad domain walls, the interplay between localized excitations and spin waves turns out to be crucial at finite temperature. As a consequence, a different protocol should be followed in the experimental characterization of slow-relaxing spin chains with broad domain walls with respect to the usual Ising limit.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Novel target genes of PsrA transcriptional regulator of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    The PsrA transcriptional regulator is involved in stationary phase induced transcriptional regulation of rpoS and in negative auto-regulation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This study was designed to determine whether other loci were regulated by PsrA in P. aeruginosa. Computer search was performed of the PsrA binding motif (G/CAAAC N2-4 GTTTG/C) against the P. aeruginosa genome sequence. Four of 14 analysed promoters responded to and bound PsrA; (i) divergent promoters controlling PA2952/ PA2951 and PA2953, (ii) promoter of PA0506 and (iii) upstream region of PA3571. Promoters PA0506 and PA2952-PA2951 were regulated negatively whereas promoters of PA2953 and PA3571 were regulated positively by PsrA. Two dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (21) SDS-PAGE) analysis on total proteins from P. aeruginosa PAO1 and psrA knock-out derivative was also performed resulting in the identification of 11 protein spots which were differentially regulated. These studies have indicated PsrA as a global regulator

    Topoisomerase II beta mediates the resistance of glioblastoma stem cells to replication stress-inducing drugs

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    Background: Glioblastoma stem cells (GSC) have been extensively recognized as a plausible cause of glioblastoma resistance to therapy and recurrence resulting in high glioblastoma mortality. Abnormalities in the DNA repair pathways might be responsible for the inability of the currently used chemotherapeutics to eliminate the (GSC) subpopulation. Methods: In this work, we compared the expression of sixty DNA repair related genes between primary glioblastoma cell cultures and the glioblastoma enriched stem cell primary cultures. MTT test was used to analyze the effect of selected drugs and immunofluorescence to evaluate the load of DNA damage. Results: We found several differentially expressed genes and we identified topoisomerase II beta (Top2 beta) as the gene with highest up-regulation in GSC. Also among the tested cell lines the expression of Top2 beta was the highest in NCH421k cells, a well-characterized glioblastoma cell line with all the stemness characteristics. On the other hand, Top2 beta expression markedly decreased upon the induction of differentiation by all trans-retinoic acid. Depletion of Top2 beta increased the sensitivity of NCH421k cells to replication stress inducing drugs, such as cisplatin, methyl-methanesulfonate, hydrogen peroxide, and temozolomide. Consistently, we found an increased load of DNA damage and increased Chk1 activation upon Top2 beta depletion in NCH421k cells. Conclusion: We suggest that Top2 beta may represent a new target for gene therapy in glioblastoma. In addition, the other genes that we found to be up-regulated in GSC versus glioblastoma primary cells should be further investigated as glioblastoma theranostics

    Folate-Functionalization Enhances Cytotoxicity of Multivalent DNA Nanocages on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells

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    DNA is an excellent programmable polymer for the generation of self-assembled multivalent nanostructures useful for biomedical applications. Herein, we developed (i) folate-functionalized nanocages (Fol-NC), very efficiently internalized by tumor cells overexpressing the alpha isoform of the folate receptor; (ii) AS1411-linked nanocages (Apt-NC), internalized through nucleolin, a protein overexpressed in the cell surface of many types of cancers; and (iii) nanostructures that harbor both folate and AS1411 aptamer functionalization (Fol-Apt-NC). We analyzed the specific miRNA silencing activity of all types of nanostructures harboring miRNA sequestering sequences complementary to miR-21 and the cytotoxic effect when loaded with doxorubicin in a drug-resistant triple-negative breast cancer cell line. We demonstrate that the presence of folate as a targeting ligand increases the efficiency in miR-21 silencing compared to nanocages functionalized with AS1411. Double-functionalized nanocages (Fol-Apt-NC), loaded with doxorubicin, resulted in an increase of over 51% of the cytotoxic effect on MDA-MB-231 cells compared to free doxorubicin, demonstrating, besides selectivity, the ability of nanocages to overcome Dox chemoresistance. The higher efficiency of the folate-functionalized nanocages is due to the way of entrance, which induces more than four times higher intracellular stability and indicates that the folate-mediated route of cell entry is more efficient than the nucleolin-mediated one when both folate and AS1411 modifications are present

    One-dimensional Ising ferromagnet frustrated by long-range interactions at finite temperatures

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    We consider a one-dimensional lattice of Ising-type variables where the ferromagnetic exchange interaction J between neighboring sites is frustrated by a long-ranged anti-ferromagnetic interaction of strength g between the sites i and j, decaying as |i-j|^-alpha, with alpha>1. For alpha smaller than a certain threshold alpha_0, which is larger than 2 and depends on the ratio J/g, the ground state consists of an ordered sequence of segments with equal length and alternating magnetization. The width of the segments depends on both alpha and the ratio J/g. Our Monte Carlo study shows that the on-site magnetization vanishes at finite temperatures and finds no indication of any phase transition. Yet, the modulation present in the ground state is recovered at finite temperatures in the two-point correlation function, which oscillates in space with a characteristic spatial period: The latter depends on alpha and J/g and decreases smoothly from the ground-state value as the temperature is increased. Such an oscillation of the correlation function is exponentially damped over a characteristic spatial scale, the correlation length, which asymptotically diverges roughly as the inverse of the temperature as T=0 is approached. This suggests that the long-range interaction causes the Ising chain to fall into a universality class consistent with an underlying continuous symmetry. The e^(Delta/T)-temperature dependence of the correlation length and the uniform ferromagnetic ground state, characteristic of the g=0 discrete Ising symmetry, are recovered for alpha > alpha_0.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Eosinophilic esophagitis: an Italian experience.

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    Background: eosinophilic esophagitis is an esophageal disor der characterized by esophageal and/or upper gastrointestinal tract symptoms, and by dense esophageal eosinophilia associated with a normal gastric and duodenal mucosa. Prevalently reported in children, eosinophilic esophagitis has recently been reported with increased frequency also in adults. Aims: the purpose of this study was to report our experience with eosinophilic esophagitis in Italy, since there are only very few series of such patients in our country. Patients and methods: we retrospectively reviewed the his tological data of consecutive patients with a diagnosis of esophagitis or reflux disease in the period September 2004-September 2008. Eosinophils were counted where they appeared most nu merous in the biopsy, with a cutoff > 15 eosinophils in more than one high-power field as diagnostic of eosinophilic esophagitis. Pa tients were excluded if gastric or duodenal biopsies showed a prominent eosinophilic infiltrate. Results: twenty two patients (14 adults, 8 children, age range 2-59 years) were identified according to the above criteria. The average eosinophil count was 86/ high-power field (range 31150), associated with other pathologic features (eosinophilic microabscesses eosinophil degranulation, basal zone hyperplasia, papillary elongation). The main clinical complaints were dyspha gia, food impaction, and heartburn, and endoscopic findings con sisted of mucosal thickening and inelasticity, longitudinal shearing, rings, and white specks, without difference between adults and children for both clinical and endoscopic variables. Conclusions: eosinophilic esophagitis is not rare in Italy, and displays clinical, endoscopic, and pathologic features similar to those described in other countries

    The effect of timing and composition of gestational weight gain in obese pregnant women on infant birth weight: A prospective cohort study.

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    Introduction: CK2 is a protein kinase implicated in several essential cellular processes, over-expressed in cancer and described to regulate insulin signaling cascade. Recently CK2 has been described to negatively regulate thermogenesis (Shinoda K et al, 2015, Cell Metabolism) and to inhibit insulin release (Rossi M et al, 2015, PNAS). Nevertheless, the role of CK2 in adipose tissue (AT) and its involvement in human obesity development and therapy has been poorly investigated. Methods: Our multi-disciplinary team performed biochemical analysis of signaling pathways by WB and in vitro kinase activity assays, and glucose handling studies using glucose uptake assay and IF in adipocyte cultures and glucose and insulin tolerance test in mice. Moreover we quantify CK2 expression/activity in human AT specimens of 27 obese patients, clinically characterized, in 12 obese patients underwent relevant weight loss and 11 normal-weight controls. Results: We proved that CK2 amount and activity were not influenced by insulin stimulation and that CK2 activity was efficiently inhibited by specific inhibitors, structurally unrelated. We worked with CX-4945, a CK2 inhibitor currently used in cancer clinical trials, using the minimal concentration (2.5 \u192 dM) and pre-treatment time (1hr) able to efficiently inhibit CK2 activity, avoiding any cytotoxic effect. Pharmacological inhibition of CK2 did not significantly affect in vitro adipogenic differentiation or expression profiling of mature adipocytes. Conversely, we showed that in human and murine adipocytes CK2-inhibition decreases the insulin-induced glucose uptake by counteracting Akt-signaling and GLUT4-translocation to the plasma membrane. We compared CK2 expression and activity in different mouse tissues highlighted that white skeletal muscle fibres and liver contained the highest quantity of this kinase. CK2 was expressed more in brown AT than in white AT depots. We show that CK2 promotes insulin-signaling in mouse AT, liver and skeletal muscle and that in vivo acute treatment with CX-4945 impairs glucose- tolerance in mice. Studies in tissues of ob/ob and db/db mice highlights an up-regulation of CK2 expression and activity only in WAT. CK2 hyper-activation is strongly evident also in SAT and VAT of obese patients and weight loss obtained by bariatric surgery or hypocaloric diet reverts CK2 up-regulation to normal level. Conclusion: We show that CK2 is involved in insulin sensitivity, glucose handling and remodeling of WAT. Moreover we identify CK2 hyper-activation as a hallmark of human obesity, suggesting a new potential therapeutic target for metabolic diseases
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