143 research outputs found

    Neuroscience, Empathy, and Violent Crime in an Incarcerated Population: A Narrative Review.

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    Empathy is a fundamental construct that allows individuals to perceive and understand the cognitive and emotional state of others. Empathy is not only a psychological and sociological concept; it also heavily impacts our daily lives by affecting our decisions and actions. Empathy is connected to and involves specific parts of the brain which, if damaged or of reduced volume, can lead to actions that are morally unjust, aggressive, or simply denoting a lack of understanding and sensitivity. The literature affirms that the low level of empathy, guilt, embarrassment, and moral reasoning displayed by violent and psychopathic criminals is strongly associated with empathy-linked brain regions that are smaller in size or less developed. The aim of this review is to show empirical data over the last 5 years on the connection between empathy and neuroscience among violent and psychopathic offenders, reflecting on future research on the topic

    Intrasexual vibrational behavior of Philaenus spumarius in semi-field conditions

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    Insects that communicate by vibrational signals live in a complex interactive network of communication. Most studies on insect intrasexual behavior, based on plant-borne vibrational signals, have targeted few individuals. Despite their importance, behaviors that occur within groups were often overlooked. The study of multiple individuals, when insects occur in high density could simulate the environment in which they live and provide more reliable information on their behavior. In semi-field conditions, we investigated the intrasexual behavior of the meadow spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius. Vibrational signals exchanged among individuals of the same sex were recorded throughout their adult stage, from late spring to early autumn, and during the day, from the morning to the evening using a laser vibrometer. Males were less active than females throughout the season and their interactions were less frequent compared to females. Intrasexual interactions were characterized by signal overlapping in both unisex groups, in addition to signal alternating only in the case of males. In conclusion, the study of signaling behavior in intrasexual groups contributed to a better understanding of P. spumarius social behavior. We discuss the hypothesis of a possible competitive behavior between males and cooperative behavior between female

    Vibrational disruption of feeding behaviors of a vector of plant pathogen

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    Interference with the behaviors associated to host plant recognition, and inter-and intra-specific communication of insect vectors of plant pathogens, could represent a sustainable strategy for reducing or disrupting pathogen transmission Here, we show that the transmission over a suitable host plant (sunflower) of a vibrational stimulus significantly affects the probing and feeding behavior of the spittlebug Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae), the main European vector of the fastidious bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. Specifically, ca. 30% of the individuals did not even attempt to probe the sunflower plants to which the stimulus was transmitted, while the remaining showed a sex-independent reduction in inges-tion of the xylem sap, i.e., P. spumarius\u2019 main food source, of ca. 67% compared to the control. Even so, the stimulus did not affect the feeding behavior when transmitted to olive plants. The possible reflection of a signal-based vector behavior disturbance on the epidemiology of X. fastidiosa, together with future research needs are discussed

    Assessment of “Sugranineteen” Table Grape Maturation Using Destructive and Auto-Fluorescence Methods

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    The optimal harvesting of table grapes is commonly determined based on technological and phenolic indices analyzed over the course of its maturity. The classical techniques used for these analyses are destructive, time-consuming, and work for a limited number of samples that may not represent the heterogeneity of the vineyard. This study aimed to follow the ripening season of table grapes using non-destructive tools as a rapid and accurate alternative for destructive techniques. Grape samples were collected from a Sugranineteen vineyard during the ripening season to measure the basic maturity indices via wet chemistry, and total polyphenols, anthocyanins, and flavonoids were evaluated by spectrophotometry. Fluorescent readings were collected from intact clusters with a portable optical sensor (Multiplex® 3, Force-A, France) that generates indices correlated to different maturity parameters. Results revealed strong relationships between the Multiplex® indices ANTH_RG and FERARI and the skin anthocyanin content, with R2 values equal to 0.9613 and 0.8713, respectively. The NBI_R index was also related to total anthocyanins (R2 = 0.8032), while the SFR_R index was linked to the titratable acidity (R2 = 0.6186), the sugar content (R2 = 0.7954), and to the color index of red grapes (CIRG) (R2 = 0.7835). Results demonstrated that Multiplex® 3 can be applied on intact clusters as an effective non-destructive tool for a rapid estimation of table grapes’ anthocyanin content

    Nematicidal and fertilizing effects of chicken manure, fresh and composted olive mill wastes on organic melon

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    Abstract The fertilizing and nematicidal effects of three organic amendments were evaluated in a pot experiment on melon plants infested by the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita. A soil artificially infested with 4 eggs and juveniles/ ml soil of the nematode was amended with: a) virgin olive pomace (VOP); b) composted olive pomace (COP); c) chicken manure based fertilizer (CM) and d) chicken manure based fertilizer combined with the biological control agent Paecilomyces lilacinus strain 251, brand name BioAct WG (CMB). VOP was applied at doses of 11 (VOP-A), 22 (VOP-B) and 44 t/ha (VOP-C); COP at 4.5 (COP-A), 9 (COP-B) and 18 t/ha (COP-C); CM at 3 t/ha and CMB at 3 t/ha combined with 4 kg/ha of BioAct WG. Untreated soil was used as control. The treatments CM, CMB, VOP-B and COP-B were established on the basis of N requirement of melon plants (120 kg/ha) taking into account soil and amendments N availability. Two weeks later amendment application and nematode inoculation, the soil was poured in 4.8 l clay pots which were arranged in a greenhouse according to a randomized block design with ten replications for each treatment. A one-month old melon seedling (cv. Galia) was transplanted in each pot and organic farming management practices were used during the growing period. At the end of the experiment, 60 days after transplant, plants were uprooted and height, fresh and dry shoot and root weights were recorded. Root gall index, on the roots, caused by the nematode attack, was estimated according to a 0–5 scale. Final nematode population density and reproduction rate were also calculated for each pot. All data were subjected to statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means compared according to Least Significant Difference's Test. Nematode population and root infestation were significantly suppressed by the addition of all amendments, compared to untreated control. However, CM and CMB resulted in a total more suppressive effect and in a significantly higher plant growth in comparison to all the other treatments. A significant correlation was found between root gall index and eggs and juveniles/g root and final nematode population density. No signifycant correlations were found between nematological parameters or plant growth parameters and amendment doses
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