163 research outputs found

    Automatic Clustering with Single Optimal Solution

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    Determining optimal number of clusters in a dataset is a challenging task. Though some methods are available, there is no algorithm that produces unique clustering solution. The paper proposes an Automatic Merging for Single Optimal Solution (AMSOS) which aims to generate unique and nearly optimal clusters for the given datasets automatically. The AMSOS is iteratively merges the closest clusters automatically by validating with cluster validity measure to find single and nearly optimal clusters for the given data set. Experiments on both synthetic and real data have proved that the proposed algorithm finds single and nearly optimal clustering structure in terms of number of clusters, compactness and separation.Comment: 13 pages,4 Tables, 3 figure

    Proximate composition, bio-chemical and microbial quality of pet food prepared from chicken byproducts by incorporating cauliflower wastes

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    A study was under taken on preparation of pet food from chicken head (20 %), feet meal (15 %) and cauliflower waste meal (10 %). The proximate composition, chemical and microbial qualities were analysed. The proximate composition (%) viz., crude protein, ether extract, crude fibre, total ash, nitrogen free extract and metabolizable energy (K Cal/100g) of pet food on dry matter basis were 26.63, 18.52, 1.38, 10.29, 43.17 and 422.28, respectively. The thiobarbituric acid from 0.46 to 2.52 mg MA/kg, tyrosine value 35.53 to 77.36 mg/100g and total viable count log 3.46 to 5.90 cfu/g were increasing significantly (P<0.01) and yeast and mould count was not detected up to 50 days of storage period. The pets were fed with prepared pet food and evaluated by pet owner gave score for appearance, consistency, odour which were in normal range and overall acceptability was good


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    After Recession, corporate was not doing well. There is a situation where the company’s cash flow is not enough to pay financial obligation is called Corporate Financial Distress. External and internal factors of an environment are causes for corporate financial distress. The main objective of this paper is to know the causes for financial distress. This study finds that Delay in obtaining permissions, Short term funds used for long term purpose, Slowdown in Economy and Investments are diverted into other projects most important factors for the financial distress of companies. In this situation, Corporate Debt Restructuring Mechanism is a platform for corporate to stop winding up and come out from financial distress. This study finds that 97 out of 530 companies exited successfully come out from CDR Mechanism

    Genetic studies on mote index, pollen sterility and earliness in interspecific cotton hybrids

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    Hybrids between four divergent varieties of Gossypium hirsutum and eight of G. barbadense were evaluated for three components of commercial importance, mote index, pollen sterility and earliness in their F1 generation. It was found that the former two components were predominantly under the control of additive gene action. The studies brought out the possibilities of selecting for fertile and early-maturing hybrids with the incidence of motes. American Nectariless, K 3400 SB 289 E, SB 1095-6 were found to be desirable parents and the crosses of the former two as female with the letter two as male parents were found to possess all the desirable character

    Controllability and Observability of Kronecker Product Sylvester System on Time Scales

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    The main objective in this paper is to present the necessary and sufficient conditions for complete controllability, complete observability associated with kronecker product Sylvester system on time scales.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 93B05,93B07,49K15


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    Abstract This paper presents several fundamental results concerning the controllability and observability criteria for Δ-differential matrix Sylvester system X Δ (t) = A(t) X(t) + X(t) B(t) + F 1 (t) U(t) F 2 * (t), X(t 0 ) = X 0 , with output signal Y(t)= K 1 (t)X(t)K 2 * (t) and control U(t). First, we convert the system into a corresponding Kronecker product system with the help of Kronecker product technique, and its general solution is presented in terms of two transition matrices of the systems X Δ (t) = A(t)X(t) and X Δ (t) = B * (t)X(t). Then, a set of necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for the complete controllability and complete observability of the Δ-differential Kronecker product system. 2000 Mathematics subject classification. 93B05, 93B07, 49K15

    Robust seed selection algorithm for k-means type algorithms

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    Selection of initial seeds greatly affects the quality of the clusters and in k-means type algorithms. Most of the seed selection methods result different results in different independent runs. We propose a single, optimal, outlier insensitive seed selection algorithm for k-means type algorithms as extension to k-means++. The experimental results on synthetic, real and on microarray data sets demonstrated that effectiveness of the new algorithm in producing the clustering resultsComment: 17 pages, 5 tables, 9figure

    Dynamic Behavior of Geogrid-Reinforced Soil

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    Geosynthetic materials particularly geogrids are widely used as reinforcement and is a proven technology for enhancing the performance of the foundation soil system under monotonic loadings. But the dynamic behavior of the reinforced foundation soil has not been well understood so far, and therefore dynamic loads (square wave pulse) of frequencies 0.2, 0.4 and 1 hertz under an amplitude of displacement of 2mm have been studied by carrying out dynamic plate loading tests on both unreinforced and the reinforced sandy beds. The size of the square plate is 150mm x 150mm x 30mm