161 research outputs found

    FTIR studies on the effect of concentration of polyethylene glycol on polimerization of Shellac

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. In the present paper, it was reported the FTIR studies on the efect of polyethylene glycol on polimerization of shellac. The shellac was shellac waxfree, and the solvent was ethanol 96%. The shellac films were were prepared by solvent- evaporation method. The concentrations of polyethylene glycol having molecular weight of 400 were 10, 30, 60, and 90 w/w %. Three peak intensity bands of C= O stretching of ester at 1709 cm-1, O-H stretching of hydroxyl group at 3400 cm-1, and C-H stretching vibration at 2942 cm-1 were observed and related to polimerization of shellac. It was found that polymerization of shellac was slowed down by polyethyelene glycol, and the degree of polymerization of shellac decreased with increasing the concentration of polyethyelene glycol

    Pengembangan Smart Motor untuk Pencegahan Tindak Kriminal Pencurian Kendaraan Roda 2

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    Every year the production motorcycles has increased. In 2017 to 2018 the increase reached 8,112,364 units or 7.24%. Motorcycles are the most popular among Indonesian people, especially the lower middle class to facilitate mobilization in daily activities. As the rapid growth of motorcycle, the number of criminal motorcycles theft is also high. criminal motorcycles data for 2018 amounted to 27,731 cases and for 2017 there were 35,226 cases. Motorcycles are often the object of theft because it is easier in terms of mobilization in terms of the theft process to the sale to collectors compared cars and above. In addition, the security side provided by motorcycles manufacturers is still relatively low, only a few manufacturers have listed an alarm feature in their production. The modus operandi that the perpetrators often use is to destroy the key house by using the T key, but also by seizing directly, pretending to borrow to spread nails on certain streets. This study aims to develop a tool (Smart motor) that can be used as an anti-theft security with the media validation of the driver's license and vehicle registration so that the motor can not be turned on if it does not bring the driver’s licence and vehicle registration registered on the device. With the device built, the owner is required to bring the vehicle registration and driver’s licence so that the motor can be turned on. This is also useful in order to comply with traffic rules set by the police, namely by carrying a complete driving while travelin

    Analisa Highest And Best Use pada Lahan Kosong di Jemur Gayungan II Surabaya

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    Perkembangan bisnis properti di Surabaya yang semakin pesat, mengakibatkan permintaan terhadap lahan semakin tinggi. Namun fakta di lapangan menampakkan hal yang sebaliknya karena ternyata masih terdapat lahan-lahan yang dibiarkan kosong tidak dimanfaatkan oleh pemiliknya. Kondisi yang demikian memerlukan efisiensi dan optimalisasi penggunaan lahan dengan mendirikan sebuah properti komersial yang memberikan keuntungan bagi pemilik serta lingkungan sekitarnya.Lahan “X” seluas 1786 m2 berlokasi di Jl. Jemur Gayungan II merupakan lahan kosong yang terletak di dekat daerah perkantoran dan berpotensi dikembangkan menjadi properti komersial. Penentuan nilai lahan “X” bergantung pada penggunaan lahan. Metode penilaian yang digunakan adalah analisa penggunaan tertinggi dan terbaik atau Highest and Best Use (HBU) yang secara legal diijinkan, secara fisik memungkinkan, layak secara finansial dan memiliki produktifitas maksimum. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan alternatif yang menghasilkan nilai lahan tertinggi dan produktivitas maksimum adalah hotel. Nilai lahan yang didapatkan sebesar Rp 9.722.718/m2 dengan produktivitas meningkat sebesar 486%

    Analisa Kestabilan Model Matematika Untuk Penyembuhan Kanker Menggunakan Oncolytic Virotherapy

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    Oncolytic virotherapy is one type of cancer treatment using oncolytic virus. In this paper, we will present a mathematical model for treatment of cancer using oncolytic virotherapy with the burst size of a virus (the number of new viruses released from lysis of an infected cell) and we considering the presence of syncytia which is a fusion between infected tumor cell and uninfected tumor cell. In this mathematical model we introduced the population of uninfected tumor cells which fusion in syncytia. So, in this model contains four population, which are, uninfected tumor cell population, infected tumor cell population, uninfected tumor cell population which fusion in syncytia, and free virus particles which are outside cells. Then, these models are analyzed to determine the stability of the equilibrium points. The stability of the equilibrium points criteria is based on basic reproduction number () and we show that there exist a disease free equilibrium point and a disease endemic equilibrium point. By the Routh-Hurwitz criterion of stability, we prove that the disease free equilibrium point is locally asymptotically stable if and the disease endemic equilibrium point is locally asymptotically stable if . In this numerical simulations using software Maple we have, if then the graphic of this mathematical model will reach the disease free equilibrium point, then virotherapy fails. While, if then the graphic of this mathematical model will reach the disease endemic equilibrium point, then virotherapy success

    Pengadopsian Kebijakan Dekriminalisasi Illicit Drugs for Personal Use Di Portugal Oleh UNODC

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    Drugs abuse is a criminal act which cause harm to state\u27s health,social and economy circumstances. So far, United Nation on Drugsand Crime (UNODC) drugs policy tend to do law enforcement andoperations to stifle drug supply. Portugal raise a different policy in2001 where drug use is no longer a crime act and only consider asadministrative offences. It show positive result and they try to promoteit into the Commission in Narcotic Drugs (CND). Using liberalinstitutionalism and global public policy theory, this research tries toanalyze the process of global policy adoption to challenge drugsabuse. It seeks to describe what kind of global policy adoption happenin CND is and the process in adopting national policy into globalpolicy. As the result, UNODC did not fully adopting Portugal\u27s drugsdecriminalization policy. But, Portugal and European Union\u27s role inpolitical process in CND earn policy adoption to the importance ofaccess to rehabilitation and treatment for drug users as a strategy tochallenge drug abuse
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