37 research outputs found


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    The ECOWAS Trade Liberation Scheme (ETLS) is the main ECOWAS Operational tool in bringing a free trade area and economic interaction for the West African Sub-region. Although there are few minimal achievements of the scheme, there are a lot more obstacles bedevilled the full implementation of the scheme after 44 years it had been drawn up, and 33 years after it became fully operational. Therefore, the crux of this study was an assessment of whether the scheme has succeeded in the creation of a free trade area, customs union and economic integration in the West African sub-region. The study adopted the custom Union theory as the theoretical framework of analysis. The major finding of the work was that there cannot be a free trade area without any products to trade as the lack of export diversification has been one of the major obstacles to attaining a free trade area and economic integration in West Africa. Other findings included but were not limited to, the inadequacies of laid-down policies coupled with the constant circumvention of such policies, the absence of harmonization of policies and standards and much more. In the final analysis, the study recommended among others, the improvement in levels of production in individual member states through policies and programmes, eliminating of all forms of trade barriers as well as the private sector involvement in the decision-making and the implementation process of ECOWAS protocols and schemes for a fair representation of their interest.  Article visualizations

    Anacin induced adverse drug reaction: A case report

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    Anacin; a brand of aspirin tablets (containing 300mg acetylsalicylic acid), is a widely used analgesics. It is recognized as one of the oldest brands of pain relievers. Its primary content is acetylsalicylic acid. Here we report a case of a 26-year old woman (64 kg in weight and 1.41m in height) who presented with adverse drug reaction secondary to Anacin ingestion following gum pain from fish bone injury. About 30mins after ingesting the drug, she presented with headache, excessive lacrimal gland secretion and facial swelling. Considering these presentations by inference, Anacin may have the potential to cause severe adverse drug reaction in some individuals. Hence, care should be taken by doctors, pharmacist and other health care providers when prescribing and monitoring patients placed on this medication. Additionally, a detailed history should be taken prior to prescribing and appropriate reporting should be made to relevant health authorities when such severe reactions are observed.Keyword: Anacin, adverse drug reaction, pain, Acetylsalicylic acid

    Anatomical Facial Changes Following Treatment for Anacin Induced Anaphylactic Reaction: A Case Report.

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    This is a case of a 26-year old female patient with adverse drug reaction secondary to Anacin ingestion due to gum pain from fish bone injury. About 30mins after ingesting the drug, the patient presented with excessive lacrimal gland secretion, facial swelling and reddish eye that later got swollen and occluded as at she was rushed to the hospital for emergency care. She was immediately attended to by the doctors and nurses on duty. Facial examination after treatment showed cessation of lacrimal gland secretion, improvement on the occluded eyes and reduction in facial swelling. During the episode, serialized facial anatomical changes were documented and the observations showed that the inflammatory changes on the face resolved faster on the right side than on the left; with the inflammatory changes on the left side lasting till the 3rd day. Although the mechanism for these observations remains to be fully understood, it however depicts a definite anatomical pattern.Keywords: Anacin, Anaphylaxis, Anatomical changes, Face

    Morphological and Physicochemical Properties of Basaltic Soils on a Toposequence in Ikom, South Eastern Nigeria

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    Three profile pits were sunk along a toposequence of basaltic soils in Ikom, Cross River State to determine their morphological and physicochemical properties. The profile pits were morphologically described and thirteen (13) soil samples were collected from different horizons of the profiles for physicochemical analysis. Morphologically, the soils were deep and well drained with no concretions. The colour of the surface soils varied between dark reddish gray (5YR4/2) and dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) to dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4), while that of the subsurface varied between red (2.5YR 4/6) to reddish brown (2.5YR 4/4). The soils had sub-angular blocky structure of different grades and classes with predominantly clayey texture in the Ap horizons and very gravelly clayey texture in the Crtg horizons. The chemical analysis revealed that exchangeable Ca2+ was the most dominant cation amongst the exchangeable bases. The soils were low in total nitrogen, organic carbon, available phosphorus and very high in base saturation. The study showed that the soils are moderately fertile and as such, a lot has to be done to improve their fertility status through the application of organic and inorganic fertilizers with good management practices such as mulching with crop residue after harvest, sowing of crops at low density per hectare, conservative tillage, strip cropping, crop rotation and shifting cultivation to ensure sustainable productivity