797 research outputs found

    Chemotherapy response assessment in stage IV melanoma patients—comparison of 18F-FDG-PET/CT, CT, brain MRI, and tumormarker S-100B

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    Purpose: This study aims to compare the use of 18F-FDG-PET/CT, CT, brain MRI, and tumormarker S-100B in chemotherapy response assessment of stage IV melanoma patients. Methods: In 25 patients with stage IV melanoma, FDG-PET/CT and S-100B after 2-3months (three cycles) of chemotherapy was compared with baseline PET/CT and baseline S-100B. Retrospectively, the response was correlated with the outcome. In patients with clinical suspicion for brain metastases, MRI or CCT was performed. Results: There was agreement between FDG-PET/CT and CT regarding response to chemotherapy in all patients. There was a clear trend to a longer OS of PET/CT responders (n = 10) compared with PET/CT non-responders (n = 15; p = 0.072) with remarkably better 1-year OS of 80% compared to 40% (p = 0.048). There was a significant longer PFS of PET/CT responders compared with PET/CT non-responders (p = 0.002). S-100B was normal at baseline in eight of 22 patients where it was available. Chemotherapy response assessment with S-100B failed to show correlation with OS or PFS. Eleven patients developed brain metastases during treatment, first detected by PET/CT in two and by MRI or CCT in nine of 11 patients. Appearance of brain metastases was associated with a poor survival. Conclusions: 18F-FDG-PET/CT and CT alone are equally suitable for chemotherapy response assessment in melanoma patients and clearly superior to S-100B. PET/CT responders have better early survival, but this is shortlived due to late therapy failure—often with brain recurrence. Additional brain MRI for therapy response assessment in such high-risk patients is mandatory to detect brain metastases missed by PET/C

    Learning at large conferences:from the 'sage on the stage' to contemporary models of learning

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    AimTo explore and evaluate the affordances of a flipped classroom model applied to a research paper session within the professional development opportunity of a large conference setting.MethodAuthors were invited to present their research papers in a flipped classroom presentation format at two large, multi-national conferences. Before the session, authors and moderators met online to clarify features of the session, and preparation of the material. The research material was then posted online before the conference, to allow access by meeting attendees. During the sessions, moderators encouraged the audience to actively participate. An evaluation form was collected from the audience at the end of each session.ResultsParticipants found the session valuable, and appreciated the opportunity to engage in a meaningful dialogue with colleagues. However, the majority of the audience did not access the materials in advance. Lack of time, or technology-related issues were mentioned as potential challenges to such format.ConclusionIn the context of a large conference, a 'flipped session' format can facilitate active learning and a participatory culture of inquiry. However, to change the nature of how individuals learn collaboratively at large conferences means a change in the culture of continuous professional learning


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    The result of collaboration work between Siberian Research Institute of Plant Cultivation and Breeding, the branch of The Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICG SB RAS) and the company OOO Geterozisnaya Selectia on ecological trial and assessment of economically valuable traits were obtained in promising radish accessions. The data on influence of sowing terms on yielding ability, formation of flower bearing stalks was analyzed and morphological descriptions for radish accessions were given. It was shown that the development of marketable radish roots can be possible in condition of long lasting light period. When sowing in the second decade of June less number of flower stalks formed on the plants than on the control plants of ‘Raniy Krasniy’. The sowing in the first decade of August did not give any plants with flower stalks in accessions 17-12 and 17-13. The highest yield at first sowing term was observed in accession 17-12 at second sowing term in accession 17-13, 5.6 and 6.1 kg/m2 respectively. The accession 17-12 was distinguished by root weight, 19.2 g. The highest dry matter content (5.31%) was observed in accession 17-11; the highest total sugar content (2.18%) was in accession 17-12; the highest ascorbic acid content (25.1 mg %) was in accession 17-13. The comparative analysis of data on summer and autumn sowing terms showed that when sowing in summer time, at long lasting light period the radish accessions were characterized by the more number of plants with flower stalks; more developed leaf apparatus; larger roots and enriched biochemical composition as compared with the accessions sown in autumn time. All accessions tested belonged to early-maturing group, where the root formation takes for 22-25 days. For economically valuable traits the accessions 17-12 and 17-13 were selected out.Представлены результаты совместной работы научно-исследовательского института растениеводства и селекции – филиал ИЦиГ СО РАН и ООО «Гетерозисная селекция» по экологическому испытанию и оценке хозяйственно ценных признаков перспективных образцов редиса. Проведен анализ данных о влиянии сроков сева на урожайность, формирование цветоносных побегов, приведены морфологические характеристики сортообразцов. Установлено, что в условиях максимальной продолжительности светового периода возможно формирование товарного корнеплода у изучаемых образцов. При посеве во второй декаде июня они в меньшей степени переходили к стеблеванию, чем стандартный сорт Ранний красный. Посев в первой декаде августа у образцов 17-12 и 17-13 не выявил цветоносных растений. Максимальный урожай при первом сроке сева отмечен у образца 17-12, при втором у 17-13 – 5,6 и 6,1 кг/м2 соответственно. По массе корнеплода существенно выделялся образец 17-12 – 19,2 г. По сухому остатку максимальные показатели (5,31%) имел образец 17-11, общему сахару – 17-12 (2,18%), аскорбиновой кислоте – 17-13 (25,1 мг%). Сравнительный анализ данных летнего и осеннего сроков сева показал, что при посеве редиса в летние сроки на максимальном световом дне формируется на 30-40% больше застеблевавшихся растений, при этом с более мощным листовым аппаратом, крупными корнеплода-ми более насыщенного биохимического состава в сравнении с осенним сроком. Все образцы относятся к раннеспелой группе, формируют корнеплод в течение 22-25 суток. По комплексу признаков представляют интерес два сортообразца 17-12 и 17-13

    Оценка селекционного материала межвидовых гибридов Allium ascalonicum L. и Allium cepa L.

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    Relevance. Shallots are an independent botanical species. It easily crosses with onions, has a medium-sized bulb, keeps well, gives rich greens. Shallot and onion hybrids have a higher yield, less nesting, and a large bulb mass. Work on the creation of interspecific hybrids of shallots and onions has been under way since 2000.Methods. The aim of the research was to study the hybrids of Allium ascalonicum L. x Allium cepa L. and Allium cepa L. x Allium ascalonicum L. by a complex of characters in comparison with their maternal forms. Samples from the Urals were taken as initial forms for hybridization.Results. 268 promising hybrids were obtained, of which 33 were selected for further study. The results of the study showed the advantage of hybrid forms, where shallots were the parent form. A significant advantage of hybrids over parental forms was revealed in terms of yield, average and maximum bulb weight.Актуальность. Лук шалот – самостоятельный ботанический вид. Он легко скрещивается с луком репчатым, имеет некрупную луковицу, хорошо хранится, дает богатую зелень. Гибриды шалота и репчатого имеют более высокую урожайность, меньшую гнездность, большую массу луковицы. Работа по созданию межвидовых гибридов шалота и репчатого ведется с 2000 года.Материал и методика. Целью исследований было изучение гибридов Allium ascalonicum L. х Allium cepa L. и Allium cepa L. х Allium ascalonicum L. по комплексу признаков в сравнении с их материнскими формами. В качестве исходных форм для гибридизации были взяты сортообразцы с Урала.Результаты. Получено 268 перспективных гибридов, из которых для дальнейшего изучения отобрано 33. Результаты исследования показали преимущество гибридных форм, где в качестве материнской формы был лук шалот. Существенное преимущество гибридов перед родительскими формами выявлено по признакам: урожайность, масса средней и максимальной луковицы

    Rhomboid family member 2 regulates cytoskeletal stress-associated Keratin 16.

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    Keratin 16 (K16) is a cytoskeletal scaffolding protein highly expressed at pressure-bearing sites of the mammalian footpad. It can be induced in hyperproliferative states such as wound healing, inflammation and cancer. Here we show that the inactive rhomboid protease RHBDF2 (iRHOM2) regulates thickening of the footpad epidermis through its interaction with K16. K16 expression is absent in the thinned footpads of irhom2-/- mice compared with irhom2+/+mice, due to reduced keratinocyte proliferation. Gain-of-function mutations in iRHOM2 underlie Tylosis with oesophageal cancer (TOC), characterized by palmoplantar thickening, upregulate K16 with robust downregulation of its type II keratin binding partner, K6. By orchestrating the remodelling and turnover of K16, and uncoupling it from K6, iRHOM2 regulates the epithelial response to physical stress. These findings contribute to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying hyperproliferation of the palmoplantar epidermis in both physiological and disease states, and how this 'stress' keratin is regulated


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    The main stages of the development of cucumber selection studies in the laboratory of seed selection and technology of cultivation of vegetable cultures of SibNIIRS for more than 40 years are presented. The severe climatic conditions of the region, the lack of a regionalized assortment, the high cost of cucumber products imported from other regions makes the task of creating local adapted varieties and hybrids very relevant. Particular attention in the laboratory is devoted to the study of the source material. More than 600 initial forms of different eco-geographical origin have been studied, and the best ones have been selected for use in breeding. The main directions in the selection of cucumber for open ground are precocity, yield, resistance to diseases, marketability of greenery, high technological properties. The main methods of selection are individual, mass selection, simple, complex hybridization, saturating and recurrent crossings, inbreeding. The State Register of Selection Achievements approved for the use of 3 bee-dusted varieties and 18 hetherosis parthenocarpic hybrids was created and introduced. An extensive linear material of various sexual types has been accumulated for heterotic selection of cucumber. In 2017 Siberian Research Institute of Plant Industry and Breeding was begin the cooperation on the creation of new varieties and hybrids of cucumber with LLC Geterosisnaya Selectiya. Preliminary results were obtained for nine lines of cucumber. Three samples with high yield and early maturity are revealed.Приведены основные этапы развития селекционных исследований по огурцу в лаборатории селекции семеноводства и технологии возделывания овощных культур СибНИИРС за более, чем 40-летний период. Суровые климатические условия региона, нехватка районированного ассортимента, дороговизна завозимой из других регионов продукции огурца делает задачу создания местных адаптированных сортов и гибридов весьма актуальной. Особое внимание в лаборатории отводится вопросам изучения исходного материала. Изучено более 600 исходных форм разного эколого-географического происхождения, выбраны лучшие для использования в селекции. Основные направления в селекции огурца для открытого грунта – скороспелость, урожайность, устойчивость к болезням, товарность зеленца, высокие технологические свойства. Основные методы селекции – индивидуальный, массовый отборы, простая, сложная гибридизация, насыщающие и возвратные скрещивания, инцухт. Созданы и внесены в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений, допущенных к использованию 3 пчелоопыляемых сорта и 18 гетерозисных партенокарпических гибридов. Накоплен обширный линейный материал различных половых типов для гетерозисной селекции огурца. Начато с 2017 года совместное сотрудничество по созданию новых сортов и гибридов огурца с ООО «Гетерозисная селекция». Получены предварительные результаты по 9 образцам огурца из которых выделены 3 образца по урожайности и скороспелости.