25 research outputs found

    Polyploidization of Japanese quince plants

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    In this paper, studies on in vitro polyploidization of Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) are reported. Tetraploid and mixoploid plants were obtained both when microshoots and cotyledons were treated with colchicine or oryzalin. In general, morphogenesis seemed to be more dependent on the concentration than on time and duration of treatment. High colchicine concentrations were toxic for Japanese quince microshoots, but genotype differences were also observed. Although high oryzalin concentrations inhibited growth, intermediate and low concentrations were very efficient for induction of polyploids without severe negative effects on shoot growth. The optimal concentration for polyploidization of microshoots was 0.6–0.9% for colchicine and 30–40 μM for oryzalin. The optimal concentration for polyploidization of excised cotyledons was 0.3–0.6% for colchicine, and 20–40 μM for oryzalin. For efficient polyploidization, cotyledons should not be treated with colchicine until four days after excision, whereas oryzalin should be applied immediately

    Propagation of Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) plants

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    In this paper, research on vegetative propagation of Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) plants is reported and summarised. An efficient system for propagation of Japanese quince based on softwood cuttings was developed. For this purpose, 20 cm long top cuttings, with the base of the cuttings soaked in 30 mg/l IBA for 18 hours, were used. Although hardwood cuttings seemed less useful for propagation of chaenomeles plants, a high rooting percentage was obtained using 20 cm long base cuttings, soaked in 100 mg/l IBA for 24 hours. Procedures for micropropagation were improved and micropropagation was shown to be a very efficient method for propagation of Japanese quince, with an average proliferation rate of around 3–4 and a rooting percentage of over 90%. For the proliferation phase a medium consisting of complete MS medium with macronutrients reduced to 3/4, iron added as NaFeEDTA, 1.0 g/l BA as growth regulator and 35 g/l sucrose as a source of carbohydrates, was useful in large scale commercial propagation. For rooting of microshoots, a shoot elongation phase of two weeks and a soaking of microshoots in 250 mg/l IBA before planting seemed important. It was shown that the ability to form roots was genotype dependent. Rooting potential should therefore be evaluated during plant breeding and selection

    Zależność między symulacją matematyczną a wynikami badań dotyczącymi przędz z kopolimeru poli(hydroksymaślanu i hydroksywalerianianu)

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    The effect of process parameters (extruder temperature, extruder pressure) on the properties of poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) yarns was studied and the causes of these effects are discussed. It is observed that with an increase in extruder pressure in the process leads to reductions in mechanical characteristics, while temperature has a larger effect on the stability of extrusion and quality of yarns. The effects of these parameters on the final yarn properties were investigated using linear density and strength tests. Regression equations for the prediction of PHBV yarn properties were also derived. On the basis of the regression equations, optimum process parameters for producing good quality PHBV yarns were obtained, considering that yarns with low instability and high tenacity are desirable.Badano wpływ parametrów procesu, takich jak temperatura wytłaczarki i ciśnienie na wyjściu wytłaczarki na właściwości przędz wykonanych z kopolimeru poli (3-hydroksymaślanu i 3-hydroxywalerianianu) (PHBV), omówiono także przyczyny wpływu tych parametrów. Zaobserwowano, że wzrost ciśnienia wytłaczania prowadzi do obniżenia właściwości mechanicznych, podczas gdy temperatura ma większy wpływ na stabilność wytłaczania i jakość przędzy. Wpływ tych parametrów na ostateczne właściwości przędzy były badane na podstawie pomiaru masy liniowej i testów wytrzymałościowych. Uzyskano również równania regresji do przewidywania właściwości przędz PHBV. Na podstawie równań regresji otrzymano optymalne parametry procesu do wytworzenia dobrej jakości przędz PHBV, biorąc pod uwagę, że są pożądane włókna stabilne i o wysokiej wytrzymałości narozciąganie

    Wytwarzanie i właściwości tekstylnych biokompozytów o matrycy z PLA wzmocnionej dzianinami rządkowymi z lnu i mieszanek len/PLA

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    Eco-friendly textile biocomposites with PLA matrix reinforced with flax and flax/PLA weft knitted fabrics without any additional chemical treatment were prepared in this study. Five different kinds of samples were manufactured and investigated: (i) pure PLA sheet and (ii-v) PLA matrix reinforced with weft knits (ii) single jersey flax knit, (iii) single jersey flax/PLA knit, (iv) double single jersey flax knit, (v) double single jersey flax/PLA knit. Tensile and flexural properties of PLA biocomposites with weft knitted fabrics were higher than pure PLA sheet. The highest properties exhibit PLA biocomposites reinforced with single jersey flax knitted fabric. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that crystallization rate of PLA matrix is enhanced with the presence of reinforced material - flax knit. It is possible to do an assumption that flax fibre can act as nucleating agents during the crystallization process.Zaproponowano technologię wytwarzania ekologicznych tekstylnych kompozytów o matrycy z PLA wzmocnionej dzianinami rządkowymi z lnu i mieszanek len/PLA nie poddanych żadnej dodatkowej obróbce chemicznej. Wykonano 5 próbek różniących się strukturą i składem wzmocnienia, przy tych samych parametrach zastosowanej przędzy lnianej oraz multifilamentów PLA wykonanych na własnym stanowisku badawczym. Badano wytrzymałość kompozytów oraz właściwości przy zginaniu, a także za pomocą DSC właściwości krystalizacji matrycy PLA . Otrzymane podczas badań wyniki wskazują na istotne podobieństwo z danymi literaturowymi otrzymanymi przy stosowaniu chemicznej obróbki przędz lnianych włókien z PLA dla zwiększenia adhezji wzmocnienia kompozytów

    Możliwość wytwarzania elektroprzędzionego runa z udziałem bursztynu

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    Nowadays targeted drug delivery is one of the areas widely investigated in the biomedical application of modern technologies. Propolis is well known natural material because of its confirmed antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity, and for these reasons it could be considered as a candidate in developing wound healing textile materials. Electrospun bicomponent mats of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and aqueous propolis solution were manufactured and analysed in this study. It was observed that the concentration of phenolic acids in aqueous propolis solution or the amount of aqueous propolis in the electrospinning solution had no significant influence on the structure of electrospun mats. From bicomponent PVA/aqueous propolis solutions fewer nanofibres with a diameter of up to 100 nm were electrospun, nor from PVA solution containing no added substances. Analysis of phenolic compound release kinetics demonstrated that up to 86 - 96% of vanilic acid, caffeic acid, vanillin acid, p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid had been released from the electrospun PVA/aqueous propolis solution mats in 15 min. It was concluded that electrospun mats from biocomponent PVA/aqueous propolis nano-microfibres may be considered for developing a drug delivery system for local application.W ostatnich latach elektroprzędzenie znalazło zastosowanie i zostało opisane w literaturze jako proces dla wytwarzania nano i mikro włókien dla produkcji materiałów do zastosowań medycznych. Stosuje się różnego rodzaju modyfikujące dodatki jak srebro, miedź, skrobia dla uzyskania specyficznych właściwości. Bursztyn jest naturalnym materiałem wywierającym korzystny wpływ na zdrowie człowieka i gojenie ran. Jednakże, nie stwierdzono żadnych informacji dotyczących zastosowania cząstek bursztynu przy elektroprzędzeniu. W przedstawionej pracy rozpatrzono możliwość produkcji nanowłóknistych run poprzez przędzenie z roztworu PVA zawierającego dodatek cząstek bursztynu z zastosowaniem urządzenia Nanospider. Największe z cząstek bursztynu, które znalazły się w wyprzędzionych włóknach miały 50 μm, uważa się jednak, że optymalnym rozmiarem cząstek bursztynu są cząstki poniżej 10 μm

    Anthocyanins: From plant pigments to health benefits at mitochondrial level

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    Anthocyanins are water-soluble pigments providing certain color for various plant parts, especially in edible berries. Earlier these compounds were only known as natural food colorants, the stability of which depended on pH, light, storage temperature and chemical structure. However, due to the increase of the in vitro, in vivo experimental data, as well as of the epidemiological studies, today anthocyanins and their metabolites are also regarded as potential pharmaceutical compounds providing various beneficial health effects on either human or animal cardiovascular system, brain, liver, pancreas and kidney. Many of these effects are shown to be related to the free-radical scavenging and antioxidant properties of anthocyanins, or to their ability to modulate the intracellular antioxidant systems. However, it is generally overlooked that instead of acting exclusively as antioxidants certain anthocyanins affect the activity of mitochondria that are the main source of energy in cells. Therefore, the aim of the present review is to summarize the major knowledge about the chemistry and regulation of biosynthesis of anthocyanins in plants, to overview the facts on bioavailability, and to discuss the most recent experimental findings related to the beneficial health effects emphasizing mitochondria