628 research outputs found

    Predicitions for high-energy real and virtual photon-photon scattering from color dipole BFKL-Regge factorization

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    High-energy virtual photon-virtual photon scattering can be viewed as interaction of small size color dipoles from the beam and target photons, which makes γ∗γ∗,γ∗γ\gamma^{*}\gamma^{*}, \gamma^{*}\gamma scattering at high energies (LEP, LEP200 & NLC) an indispensable probe of short distance properties of the QCD pomeron exchange. Based on the color dipole representation, we investigate consequences for the γ∗γ∗,γ∗γ\gamma^{*}\gamma^{*},\gamma^{*}\gamma scattering of the incorporation of asymptotic freedom into the BFKL equation which makes the QCD pomeron a series of isolated poles in the angular momentum plane. The emerging color dipole BFKL-Regge factorization allows us to relate in a model-independent way the contributions of each BFKL pole to γ∗γ∗,γ∗γ\gamma^{*}\gamma^{*},\gamma^{*} \gamma scattering and DIS off protons. Numerical predictions based on our early works on color dipole BFKL phenomenology of DIS on protons are in a good agreement with the experimental data on the photon structure function F2γF_{2\gamma} and most recent data on the γ∗γ∗\gamma^*\gamma^* cross section σγ∗γ∗(Y)\sigma^{\gamma^*\gamma^*}(Y) from OPAL and L3 experiments at LEP200. We discuss the role of non-perturbative dynamics and predict pronounced effect of the Regge-factorization breaking due to large unfactorizable non-perturbative corrections to the perturbative vacuum exchange. We comment on the salient features of the BFKL-Regge expansion for γ∗γ∗,γ∗γ\gamma^{*}\gamma^{*},\gamma^{*}\gamma scattering including the issue of decoupling of subleading BFKL poles and the soft plus rightmost hard BFKL pole dominance .Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures; treatment of the soft component is modified, one more figure with the description of the recent data from OPAL is added. The version to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Optimizing phonon space in the phonon-coupling model

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    We present a new scheme to select the most relevant phonons in the phonon-coupling model, named here time-blocking approximation (TBA). The new criterion, based on the phonon-nucleon coupling strengths rather than on B(EL)B(EL) values, is more selective and thus produces much smaller phonon spaces in TBA. This is beneficial in two respects: first, it curbs down the computational cost, and second, it reduces the danger of double counting in the expansion basis of TBA. We use here TBA in a form where the coupling strength is regularized to keep the given Hartree-Fock ground state stable. The scheme is implemented in an RPA and TBA code based on the Skyrme energy functional. We first explore carefully the cutoff dependence with the new criterion and can work out a natural (optimal) cutoff parameter. Then we use the freshly developed and tested scheme to a survey of giant resonances and low-lying collective states in six doubly magic nuclei looking also on the dependence of the results when varying the Skyrme parametrization.Comment: 9 figures, 3 table

    Self-consistency in the phonon space of the particle-phonon coupling model

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    In the paper the non-linear generalization of the time blocking approximation (TBA) is presented. The TBA is one of the versions of the extended random-phase approximation (RPA) developed within the Green-function method and the particle-phonon coupling model. In the generalized version of the TBA the self-consistency principle is extended onto the phonon space of the model. The numerical examples show that this non-linear version of the TBA leads to the convergence of the results with respect to enlarging the phonon space of the model.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    Landau-Migdal vs. Skyrme

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    The magnitude and density-dependence of the non-spin dependent Landau-Migdal parameters are derived from Skyrme energy functionals and compared with the phenomenological ones. We perform RPA calculations with various approximations for the Landau-Migdal particle-hole interaction and compare them with the results obtained with the full Skyrme interaction. For the first time the next to leading order in the Landau-Migdal approach is considered in nuclear structure calculations.Comment: Dedicated to the memory of G.E. Brow

    Phonon coupling effects in magnetic moments of magic and semi-magic nuclei

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    Phonon coupling (PC) corrections to magnetic moments of odd neighbors of magic and semi-magic nuclei are analyzed within the self-consistent Theory of Finite Fermi Systems (TFFS) based on the Energy Density Functional by Fayans et al. The perturbation theory in g_L^2 is used where g_L is the phonon-particle coupling vertex. A model is developed with separating non-regular PC contributions, the rest is supposed to be regular and included into the standard TFFS parameters. An ansatz is proposed to take into account the so-called tadpole term which ensures the total angular momentum conservation with g_L^2 accuracy. An approximate method is suggested to take into account higher order terms in g_L^2. Calculations are carried out for four odd-proton chains, the odd Tl, Bi, In and Sb ones. Different PC corrections strongly cancel each other. In the result, the total PC correction to the magnetic moment in magic nuclei is, as a rule, negligible. In non-magic nuclei considered it is noticeable and, with only one exception, negative. On average it is of the order of -(0.1 - 0.5) \mu_N and improves the agreement of the theory with the data. Simultaneously we calculated the gyromagnetic ratio g_L^{ph} of all low-lying phonons in 208Pb. For the 3^-_1 state it is rather close to the Bohr-Mottelson model prediction whereas for other L-phonons, two 5^- and six positive parity states, the difference from the Bohr-Mottelson values is significant.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figure

    Self-consistent calculations within the Green's function method including particle-phonon coupling and the single-particle continuum

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    The Green's function method in the \emph{Quasiparticle Time Blocking Approximation} is applied to nuclear excitations in 132^{132}Sn and 208^{208}Pb. The calculations are performed self-consistently using a Skyrme interaction. The method combines the conventional RPA with an exact single-particle continuum treatment and considers in a consistent way the particle-phonon coupling. We reproduce not only the experimental values of low- and high-lying collective states but we also obtain fair agreement with the data of non-collective low-lying states that are strongly influenced by the particle-phonon coupling.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, documentclass{svjour

    Microscopic description of the pygmy and giant electric dipole resonances in stable Ca isotopes

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    The properties of the pygmy (PDR) and giant dipole resonance (GDR)in the stable 40Ca^{40}Ca,44Ca^{44}Ca and 48Ca^{48}Ca isotopes have been calculated within the \emph{Extended Theory of Finite Fermi Systems}(ETFFS). This approach is based on the random phase approximation (RPA) and includes the single particle continuum as well as the coupling to low-lying collectives states which are considered in a consistent microscopic way. For 44Ca^{44}Ca we also include pairing correlations. We obtain good agreement with the experimental data for the gross properties of both resonances. It is demonstrated that the recently measured A-dependence of the strength of the PDR below 10 MeV is well understood in our model:due to the phonon coupling some of the strength in 48Ca^{48}Ca is simply shifted beyond 10 MeV. The predicted fragmentation of the PDR can be investigated in (e,e′)(e,e') and (γ,γ′)(\gamma ,\gamma') experiments. Whereas the isovector dipole strength of the PDR is small in all Ca isotopes, we find in this region surprisingly strong isoscalar dipole states, in agreement with an (α,α′γ)(\alpha,\alpha'\gamma) experiment. We conclude that for the detailed understanding of the structure of excited nuclei e.g. the PDR and GDR an approach like the present one is absolutely necessary.Comment: 6 figure
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