226 research outputs found

    Long-term development of reservoir ecosystems - changes in pelagic food webs and their microbial component

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    Reservoirs differ from lakes mostly in three aspects: (i) water residence times usually are not longer than several months, (ii) horizontal heterogeneity induced by the inflowing river water is more pronounced, and (iii) they are historically much younger than lakes. As a consequence, seasonal and long-term dynamics of pelagic food webs reflect the changes in the catchment and hydrological variations more significantly than in lakes, and an ageing and "maturing" of the reservoir ecosystem might affect the pelagic biomass even several decades after filling. Using long-term data sets on pelagic biomass components from canyonshaped reservoirs of different residence time, the following topics are discussed: (1) changes of pelagic bacteria-phytoplankton - zooplankton abundances during ageing as well as longitudinal changes from the river inflow dowstream to the lacustrine part of a reservoir, (2) long-term changes of pelagic bacteria-phytoplankton-zooplankton abundances and seasonal changes of microbial loop in two reservoirs of different residence times. Periods with relative prevalence of bacterial above zooplankton biomass were detected, mostly coinciding with (or following after) the periods with low phytoplankton to zooplankton ratios.Los embalses difieren de los lagos principalmente en tres aspectos: (i) el tiempo de residencia del agua no suele ser superior a varios meses, (ii) la heterogeneidad horizontal inducida por la entrada de agua fluvial es más marcada, y (iii) son históricamente mucho más jóvenes que los lagos. Como consecuencia de todo ello, las dinámicas estacional y a largo plazo de las redes tróficas pelágicas reflejan los cambios en la cuenca y las variaciones hidrológicas más significativamente que en los lagos, y el envejecimiento y "madurez" del ecosistema del embalse podría afectar a la biomasa pelágica incluso varias décadas después de su llenado. Mediante el análisis de largas series de datos sobre la biomasa de componentes pelágicos en embalses con sección en forma de cañón y diferentes tiempos de residencia, se discuten los siguientes aspectos: (1) cambios en las abundancias de bacterias-fitoplancton-zooplancton pelágicos durante el envejecimiento del embalse, así como cambios longitudinales desde la entrada de los ríos hasta la zona lacustre del embalse, (2) cambios a largo plazo en las abundancias de bacterias-fitoplancton-zooplancton pelágicos y cambios estacionales del bucle microbiano en dos embalses con diferentes tiempos de residencia. Se detectaron períodos con un predominio relativo de la biomasa bacteriana sobre la biomasa de zooplancton, coincidiendo principalmente con (o justamente después de) los períodos con bajas relaciones fitoplancton / zooplancton

    Complex gunshot injury to the heart as a consequence of suicide attempt in a schizophrenic patient

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    AbstractIntroductionSelf-inflicted gunshot injury to the heart is uncommon in Western Europe countries. However it is considered to have a high mortality through cardiac tamponade or exsanguination and concomitant chest or abdominal cavity injury.Case presentationWe present a 39-year-old schizophrenic woman who attempted suicide with the aid of a 6.35mm caliber handgun, after self-discontinuing of antipsychotic treatment. Lower third of sternum, right heart atrium and ventricle and inferior caval vein were hit by the bullet which consequently got lodged in the right paravertebral muscle mass at the lower thoracic vertebral level. As she was hemodynamically unstable due to hemopericardium and a huge right hemothorax, she underwent emergent surgery. Heart and inferior vena caval injuries were repaired on extracorporeal circulation. The postoperative course was uneventful and she was transferred to a psychiatric facility on the 7th postoperative day. One year after the surgery she is well, compliant to antipsychotic medications and on periodic follow-up by psychiatrists.ConclusionThis case represents management of complex self-inflicted gunshot cardiac injury in a schizophrenic patient who discontinued antipsychotic medication. Liaison between themedical rescue service and high level trauma center essentially reduced injury-to-surgery time. Complex heart injury was successfully repaired on extracorporeal circulation

    Investigation and Numerical Simulation of a High-Current AC Circuit Breaker

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    The article is devoted to the study of the high-current AC circuit breaker. The results of the study are presented for various configurations of the arc divider. The study includes methods of spectral diagnostics and high-speed camera shooting synchronized with the electrical characteristics of the circuit breaker (current, voltage) in time. The obtained results allow to determine the composition of the plasma and dynamics of changes in the composition of the discharge in time. Calculation of the plasma composition and properties is made according to the obtained data, which makes it possible to take into account the products of circuit breaker materials ablation in numerical simulation. Non-stationary two-dimensional mathematical model with a moving mesh is developed. The obtained results allow to correct and verify the developed mathematical model of the circuit breaker operation. The evaluation of the arc divider influence is presented in the article

    An MPI-CUDA Implementation for Massively Parallel Incompressible Flow Computations on Multi-GPU Clusters

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    Modern graphics processing units (GPUs) with many-core architectures have emerged as general-purpose parallel computing platforms that can accelerate simulation science applications tremendously. While multi-GPU workstations with several TeraFLOPS of peak computing power are available to accelerate computational problems, larger problems require even more resources. Conventional clusters of central processing units (CPU) are now being augmented with multiple GPUs in each compute-node to tackle large problems. The heterogeneous architecture of a multi-GPU cluster with a deep memory hierarchy creates unique challenges in developing scalable and efficient simulation codes. In this study, we pursue mixed MPI-CUDA implementations and investigate three strategies to probe the efficiency and scalability of incompressible flow computations on the Lincoln Tesla cluster at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). We exploit some of the advanced features of MPI and CUDA programming to overlap both GPU data transfer and MPI communications with computations on the GPU. We sustain approximately 2.4 TeraFLOPS on the 64 nodes of the NCSA Lincoln Tesla cluster using 128 GPUs with a total of 30,720 processing elements. Our results demonstrate that multi-GPU clusters can substantially accelerate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations

    Assessment of atrial regional and global electromechanical function by tissue velocity echocardiography: a feasibility study on healthy individuals

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    BACKGROUND: The appropriate evaluation of atrial electrical function is only possible by means of invasive electrophysiology techniques, which are expensive and therefore not suitable for widespread use. Mechanical atrial function is mainly determined from atrial volumes and volume-derived indices that are load-dependent, time-consuming and difficult to reproduce because they are observer-dependent. AIMS: To assess the feasibility of tissue velocity echocardiography (TVE) to evaluate atrial electromechanical function in young, healthy volunteers. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We studied 37 healthy individuals: 28 men and nine women with a mean age of 29 years (range 20–47). Standard two-dimensional (2-D) and Doppler echocardiograms with superimposed TVE images were performed. Standard echocardiographic images were digitized during three consecutive cardiac cycles in cine-loop format for off-line analysis. Several indices of regional atrial electrical and mechanical function were derived from both 2-D and TVE modalities. RESULTS: Some TVE-derived variables indirectly reflected the atrial electrical activation that follows the known activation process as revealed by invasive electrophysiology. Regionally, the atrium shows an upward movement of its walls at the region near the atrio-ventricular ring with a reduction of this movement towards the upper levels of the atrial walls. The atrial mechanical function as assessed by several TVE-derived indices was quite similar in all left atrium (LA) walls. However, all such indices were higher in the right (RA) than the LA. There were no correlations between the 2-D- and TVE-derived variables expressing atrial mechanical function. Values of measurement error and repeatability were good for atrial mechanical function, but only acceptable for atrial electrical function. CONCLUSION: TVE may provide a simple, easy to obtain, reproducible, repeatable and potentially clinically useful tool for quantifying atrial electromechanical function

    Lack of Protection following Passive Transfer of Polyclonal Highly Functional Low-Dose Non-Neutralizing Antibodies

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    Recent immune correlates analysis from the RV144 vaccine trial has renewed interest in the role of non-neutralizing antibodies in mediating protection from infection. While neutralizing antibodies have proven difficult to induce through vaccination, extra-neutralizing antibodies, such as those that mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), are associated with long-term control of infection. However, while several non-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies have been tested for their protective efficacy in vivo, no studies to date have tested the protective activity of naturally produced polyclonal antibodies from individuals harboring potent ADCC activity. Because ADCC-inducing antibodies are highly enriched in elite controllers (EC), we passively transferred highly functional non-neutralizing polyclonal antibodies, purified from an EC, to assess the potential impact of polyclonal non-neutralizing antibodies on a stringent SHIV-SF162P3 challenge in rhesus monkeys. Passive transfer of a low-dose of ADCC inducing antibodies did not protect from infection following SHIV-SF162P3 challenge. Passively administered antibody titers and gp120-specific, but not gp41-specific, ADCC and antibody induced phagocytosis (ADCP) were detected in the majority of the monkeys, but did not correlate with post infection viral control. Thus these data raise the possibility that gp120-specific ADCC activity alone may not be sufficient to control viremia post infection but that other specificities or Fc-effector profiles, alone or in combination, may have an impact on viral control and should be tested in future passive transfer experiments

    A development study and randomised feasibility trial of a tailored intervention to improve activity and reduce falls in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia

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    Background: People with dementia progressively lose abilities and are prone to falling. Exercise- and activity-based interventions hold the prospect of increasing abilities, reducing falls, and slowing decline in cognition. Current falls prevention approaches are poorly suited to people with dementia, however, and are of uncertain effectiveness. We used multiple sources, and a co-production approach, to develop a new intervention, which we will evaluate in a feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT), with embedded adherence, process and economic analyses. Methods: We will recruit people with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia from memory assessment clinics, and a family member or carer. We will randomise participants between a therapy programme with high intensity supervision over 12 months, a therapy programme with moderate intensity supervision over 3 months, and brief falls assessment and advice as a control intervention. The therapy programmes will be delivered at home by mental health specialist therapists and therapy assistants. We will measure activities of daily living, falls and a battery of intermediate and distal health status outcomes, including activity, balance, cognition, mood and quality of life. The main aim is to test recruitment and retention, intervention delivery, data collection and other trial processes in advance of a planned definitive RCT. We will also study motivation and adherence, and conduct a process evaluation to help understand why results occurred using mixed methods, including a qualitative interview study and scales measuring psychological, motivation and communication variables. We will undertake an economic study, including modelling of future impact and cost to end-of-life, and a social return on investment analysis. Discussion: In this study, we aim to better understand the practicalities of both intervention and research delivery, and to generate substantial new knowledge on motivation, adherence and the approach to economic analysis. This will enable us to refine a novel intervention to promote activity and safety after a diagnosis of dementia, which will be evaluated in a definitive randomised controlled trial.\ud Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02874300; ISRCTN 10550694

    The additional value of patient-reported health status in predicting 1-year mortality after invasive coronary procedures: A report from the Euro Heart Survey on Coronary Revascularisation

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    Objective: Self-perceived health status may be helpful in identifying patients at high risk for adverse outcomes. The Euro Heart Survey on Coronary Revascularization (EHS-CR) provided an opportunity to explore whether impaired health status was a predictor of 1-year mortality in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) undergoing angiographic procedures. Methods: Data from the EHS-CR that included 5619 patients from 31 member countries of the European Society of Cardiology were used. Inclusion criteria for the current study were completion of a self-report measure of health status, the EuroQol Questionnaire (EQ-5D) at discharge and information on 1-year follow-up, resulting in a study population of 3786 patients. Results: The 1-year mortality was 3.2% (n = 120). Survivors reported fewer problems on the five dimensions of the EQ-5D as compared with non-survivors. A broad range of potential confounders were adjusted for, which reached a p<0.10 in the unadjusted analyses. In the adjusted analyses, problems with self-care (OR 3.45; 95% CI 2.14 to 5.59) and a low rating (≤ 60) on health status (OR 2.41; 95% CI 1.47 to 3.94) were the most powerful independent predictors of mortality, among the 22 clinical variables included in the analysis. Furthermore, patients who reported no problems on all five dimensions had significantly lower 1-year mortality rates (OR 0.47; 95% CI 0.28 to 0.81). Conclusions: This analysis shows that impaired health status is associated with a 2-3-fold increased risk of all-cause mortality in patients with CAD, independent of other conventional risk factors. These results highlight the importance of including patients' subjective experience of their own health status in the evaluation strategy to optimise risk stratification and management in clinical practice

    Life-Cycle and Genome of OtV5, a Large DNA Virus of the Pelagic Marine Unicellular Green Alga Ostreococcus tauri

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    Large DNA viruses are ubiquitous, infecting diverse organisms ranging from algae to man, and have probably evolved from an ancient common ancestor. In aquatic environments, such algal viruses control blooms and shape the evolution of biodiversity in phytoplankton, but little is known about their biological functions. We show that Ostreococcus tauri, the smallest known marine photosynthetic eukaryote, whose genome is completely characterized, is a host for large DNA viruses, and present an analysis of the life-cycle and 186,234 bp long linear genome of OtV5. OtV5 is a lytic phycodnavirus which unexpectedly does not degrade its host chromosomes before the host cell bursts. Analysis of its complete genome sequence confirmed that it lacks expected site-specific endonucleases, and revealed the presence of 16 genes whose predicted functions are novel to this group of viruses. OtV5 carries at least one predicted gene whose protein closely resembles its host counterpart and several other host-like sequences, suggesting that horizontal gene transfers between host and viral genomes may occur frequently on an evolutionary scale. Fifty seven percent of the 268 predicted proteins present no similarities with any known protein in Genbank, underlining the wealth of undiscovered biological diversity present in oceanic viruses, which are estimated to harbour 200Mt of carbon