487 research outputs found

    Uraltsev Sum Rule in Bakamjian-Thomas Quark Models

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    We show that the sum rule recently proved by Uraltsev in the heavy quark limit of QCD holds in relativistic quark models \`a la Bakamjian and Thomas, that were already shown to satisfy Isgur-Wise scaling and Bjorken sum rule. This new sum rule provides a {\it rationale} for the lower bound of the slope of the elastic IW function ρ2≄34\rho^2 \geq {3 \over 4} obtained within the BT formalism some years ago. Uraltsev sum rule suggests an inequality âˆŁÏ„3/2(1)∣>âˆŁÏ„1/2(1)∣|\tau_{3/2}(1)| > |\tau_{1/2}(1)|. This difference is interpreted in the BT formalism as due to the Wigner rotation of the light quark spin, independently of a possible LS force. In BT models, the sum rule convergence is very fast, the n=0n = 0 state giving the essential contribution in most of the phenomenological potential models. We underline that there is a serious problem, in the heavy quark limit of QCD, between theory and experiment for the decays B→D0,1∗(broad)â„“ÎœB \to D^*_{0,1}(broad) \ell \nu, independently of any model calculation.Comment: 16 pages, Late

    Remarks on sum rules in the heavy quark limit of QCD

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    We underline a problem existing in the heavy quark limit of QCD concerning the rates of semileptonic B decays into P-wave DJ(j)D_J(j) mesons, where j=12j = {1 \over 2} (wide states) or j=32j = {3 \over 2} (narrow states). The leading order sum rules of Bjorken and Uraltsev suggest Γ[Bˉ→D0,1(12)â„“Îœ]â‰ȘΓ[Bˉ→D1,2(32)â„“Îœ]\Gamma [ \bar{B} \to D_{0,1} ({1 \over 2}) \ell \nu ] \ll \Gamma [ \bar{B} \to D_{1,2} ({3 \over 2}) \ell \nu ], in contradiction with experiment. The same trend follows also from a sum rule for the subleading 1/mQ1/m_Q curent matrix element correction Ο3(1)\xi_3(1). The problem is made explicit in relativistic quarks models \`a la Bakamjian and Thomas, that give a transparent physical interpretation of the latter as due, not to a L⋅SL \cdot S force, but to the Wigner rotation of the light quark spin. We point out moreover that the selection rule for decay constants of j=32j = {3 \over 2} states, f3/2=0f_{3/2} = 0, predicts, assuming the model of factorization, the opposite hierarchy Γ[Bˉ→Dˉs1,2(32)D(∗)]â‰ȘΓ[Bˉ→Dˉs0,1(12)D(∗)]\Gamma [ \bar{B} \to \bar{D}_{s_{1,2}} ({3 \over 2}) D^{(*)} ] \ll \Gamma [ \bar{B} \to \bar{D}_{s_{0,1}} ({1 \over 2}) D^{(*)} ].Comment: Contribution to the International Europhysics Conference on HEP, Budapest, July 2001 (presented by L. Oliver); 5 page

    One Interesting New Sum Rule Extending Bjorken's to order {1/m_Q}

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    We explicitly check quark-hadron duality to order (mb−mc)Λ/mb2(m_b-m_c)\Lambda/m_b^2 for b→clÎœb \to c l\nu decays in the limit mb−mcâ‰Șmbm_b-m_c \ll m_b including ground state and orbitally excited hadrons. Duality occurs thanks to a new sum rule which expresses the subleading HQET form factor Ο3\xi_3 or, in other notations, a+(1)a_+^{(1)} in terms of the infinite mass limit form factors and some level splittings. We also demonstrate the sum rule, which is not restricted to the condition mb−mcâ‰Șmbm_b-m_c \ll m_b, applying OPE to the longitudinal axial component of the hadronic tensor without neglecting the 1/mb1/m_b subleading contributions to the form factors. We argue that this method should produce a new class of sum rules, depending on the current, beyond Bjorken, Voloshin and the known tower of higher moments. Applying OPE to the vector currents we find another derivation of the Voloshin sum rule. From independent results on Ο3\xi_3 we derive a sum rule which involves only the τ1/2(n)\tau_{1/2}^{(n)} and τ3/2(n)\tau_{3/2}^{(n)} form factors and the corresponding level splittings. The latter strongly supports a theoretical evidence that the BB semileptonic decay into narrow orbitally-excited resonances dominates over the decay into the broad ones, in apparent contradiction with some recent experiments. We discuss this issue.Comment: 9 page

    Duality in the non-relativistic harmonic oscillator quark model in the Shifman-Voloshin limit : a pedagogical example

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    The detailed way in which duality between sum of exclusive states and the free quark model description operates in semileptonic total decay widths, is analysed. It is made very explicit by the use of the non relativistic harmonic oscillator quark model in the SV limit, and a simple interaction current with the lepton pair. In particular, the Voloshin sum rule is found to eliminate the mismatches of order ÎŽm/mb2\delta m/m_b^2.Comment: 11 pages, Latex2e, AMS-LaTe

    Study of internal structures of 9,10Be and 10B in scattering of 4He from 9Be

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    A study of inelastic scattering and single-particle transfer reactions was performed by an alpha beam at 63 MeV on a 9$Be target. Angular distributions of the differential cross sections for the 9Be(4He,4He')9Be*, 9Be(4He,3He)10Be and 9Be(4He,t)10B reactions were measured. Experimental angular distributions of the differential cross sections for the ground state and a few low-lying states were analyzed in the framework of the optical model, coupled channels and distorted-wave Born approximation. An analysis of the obtained spectroscopic factors was performed.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, regular paper, mispritns are corrected in new versio

    Spatial distributions in static heavy-light mesons: a comparison of quark models with lattice QCD

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    Lattice measurements of spatial distributions of the light quark bilinear densities in static mesons allow to test directly and in detail the wave functions of quark models. These distributions are gauge invariant quantities directly related to the spatial distribution of wave functions. We make a detailed comparison of the recent lattice QCD results with our own quark models, formulated previously for quite different purposes. We find a striking agreement not only between our two quark models, but also with the lattice QCD data for the ground state in an important range of distances up to about 4/GeV. Moreover the agreement extends to the L=1 states [j^P=(1/2)^+]. An explanation of several particular features completely at odds with the non-relativistic approximation is provided. A rather direct, somewhat unexpected and of course approximate relation between wave functions of certain quark models and QCD has been established.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures (version published in PRD

    The structure of the atomic helium trimers: Halos and Efimov states

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    The Faddeev equations for the atomic helium-trimer systems are solved numerically with high accuracy both for the most sophisticated realistic potentials available and for simple phenomenological potentials. An efficient numerical procedure is described. The large-distance asymptotic behavior, crucial for weakly bound three-body systems, is described almost analytically for arbitrary potentials. The Efimov effect is especially considered. The geometric structures of the bound states are quantitatively investigated. The accuracy of the schematic models and previous computations is comparable, i.e. within 20% for the spatially extended states and within 40% for the smaller ^4He-trimer ground state.Comment: 32 pages containing 7 figures and 6 table

    B→D∗∗B\to D^{\ast\ast} semileptonic decay in covariant quark models \`a la Bakamjian Thomas

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    Once chosen the dynamics in one frame, for example the rest frame, the Bakamjian and Thomas method allows to define relativistic quark models in any frame. These models have been shown to provide, in the heavy quark limit, fully covariant current form factors as matrix elements of the quark current operator. They also verify the Isgur-Wise scaling and give a slope parameter ρ2>3/4\rho^2>3/4 for all the possible choices of the dynamics. In this paper we study the L=1L=1 excited states and derive the general formula, valid for any dynamics, for the scaling invariant form factors τ1/2(n)(w)\tau_{1/2}^{(n)}(w) and τ3/2(n)(w)\tau_{3/2}^{(n)}(w). We also check the Bjorken-Isgur-Wise sum rule already demonstrated elsewhere in this class of models.Comment: 14 pages, Latex2e, AMS-LaTe

    Regularization of a three-body problem with zero-range potentials

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    We propose a coordinate-space regularization of the three-body problem with zero-range potentials. We include the effective range and the shape parameter in the boundary condition of the zero-range potential. The proposed extended zero-range model is tested against atomic helium trimers and is shown to provide an adequate quantitative description of these systems
