19 research outputs found

    Diversity, host specialization, and geographic structure of filarial nematodes infecting Malagasy bats

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    We investigated filarial infection in Malagasy bats to gain insights into the diversity of these parasites and explore the factors shaping their distribution. Samples were obtained from 947 individual bats collected from 52 sites on Madagascar and representing 31 of the 44 species currently recognized on the island. Samples were screened for the presence of micro-and macro-parasites through both molecular and morphological approaches. Phylogenetic analyses showed that filarial diversity in Malagasy bats formed three main groups, the most common represented by Litomosa spp. infecting Miniopterus spp. (Miniopteridae); a second group infecting Pipistrellus cf. hesperidus (Vespertilionidae) embedded within the Litomosoides cluster, which is recognized herein for the first time from Madagascar; and a third group composed of lineages with no clear genetic relationship to both previously described filarial nematodes and found in M. griveaudi, Myotis goudoti, Neoromicia matroka (Vespertilionidae), Otomops madagascariensis (Molossidae), and Paratriaenops furculus (Hipposideridae). We further analyzed the infection rates and distribution pattern of Litomosa spp., which was the most diverse and prevalent filarial taxon in our sample. Filarial infection was disproportionally more common in males than females in Miniopterus spp., which might be explained by some aspect of roosting behavior of these cave-dwelling bats. We also found marked geographic structure in the three Litomosa clades, mainly linked to bioclimatic conditions rather than host-parasite associations. While this study demonstrates distinct patterns of filarial nematode infection in Malagasy bats and highlights potential drivers of associated geographic distributions, future work should focus on their alpha taxonomy and characterize arthropod vectors

    Représentations et répercussions sociales d'un essai clinique à Madagascar

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    Les reprĂ©sentations et les rĂ©percussions sociales d’un essai clinique rĂ©alisĂ© par l’Institut Pasteur de Madagascar ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es dans le cadre d’une Ă©tude anthropologique. L’essai clinique avait pour objectif de tester un mĂ©dicament prĂ©ventif contre la parasitose liĂ©e Ă  la puce-chique (Tunga penetrans). L’Ă©tude repose sur une enquĂŞte par entretiens semidirectifs auprès de 24 participants Ă  l’essai, de 9 agents impliquĂ©s dans sa rĂ©alisation et des reprĂ©sentants locaux de la population. L’Ă©tude souligne que les mĂ©connaissances et incomprĂ©hensions de la population locale autour de l’essai ont notamment entraĂ®nĂ© des tensions entre les personnes et les communautĂ©s impliquĂ©es et non impliquĂ©es dans l’essai, ainsi que de nouvelles attentes Ă  l’Ă©gard du système de soins. Afin de limiter ce type de retombĂ©es, les auteurs prĂ©conisent la pluridisciplinaritĂ© et l’implication des populations locales dans la construction et la rĂ©alisation des protocoles de recherche clinique

    First report of

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    The presence of the filarial genus Litomosa in Malagasy bats is demonstrated by the finding of L. goodmani n. sp. from Miniopterus gleni and Litomosa sp. (male unknown) from M. manavi, both in the Special Reserve of Ankarana. These materials are compared to the 22 Litomosa species, including two Indian species originally placed in the genus Litomosoides, L. fotedari (Gupta & Trivedi, 1989) n. comb. and L. tewarii (Gupta & Trivedi, 1989) n. comb., and the new taxon L. seurati n. sp. (= L. beaucournui Bain, 1966 pro parte), type-host Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum, Algeria, distinguished by the narrow area rugosa and the female caudal extremity with two conspicuous points, instead of several small ones. The Malagasy material belongs to a group of species close to the type, L. filaria, which have a male area rugosa composed of cuticular bosses and microfilariae folded within the sheath, and which are parasitic in Vespertilionidae, Hipposideridae and Rhinolophidae from Africa and Europe. The two Malagasy species resemble L. seurati n. sp., L. beshkovi Jancev, 1971, L. chiropterum Ortlepp, 1932, L. adami Petit, 1980 and L. ottavianii Lagrange et Bettini, 1948, with the enlarged third segment of the buccal capsule. L. goodmani n. sp. is distinct with its small size and female caudal extremity with a single point, which is suppressed in old mature worms; the females of Litomosa sp. have two conical points. Relationships among Litomosa species appear to be dependent upon both the chiropteran host groups and the geographical region

    First report of Litomosa spp. (Nematoda: Filarioidea) from malagasy bats; review of the genus and relationships between species

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    The presence of the filarial genus Litomosa in Malagasy bats is demonstrated by the finding of L. goodmani n. sp. from Miniopterus gleni and Litomosa sp. (male unknown) from M. manavi, both in the Special Reserve of Ankarana. These materials are compared to the 22 Litomosa species, including two Indian species originally placed in the genus Litomosoides, L. fotedari (Gupta & Trivedi, 1989) n. comb. and L. tewarii (Gupta & Trivedi, 1989) n. comb., and the new taxon L. seurati n. sp. (= L. beaucournui Bain, 1966 pro parte), type-host Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum, Algeria, distinguished by the narrow area rugosa and the female caudal extremity with two conspicuous points, instead of several small ones. The Malagasy material belongs to a group of species close to the type, L. filaria, which have a male area rugosa composed of cuticular bosses and microfilariae folded within the sheath, and which are parasitic in Vespertilionidae, Hipposideridae and Rhinolophidae from Africa and Europe. The two Malagasy species resemble L. seurati n. sp., L. beshkovi Jancev, 1971, L. chiropterum Ortlepp, 1932, L. adami Petit, 1980 and L. ottavianii Lagrange et Bettini, 1948, with the enlarged third segment of the buccal capsule. L. goodmani n. sp. is distinct with its small size and female caudal extremity with a single point, which is suppressed in old mature worms; the females of Litomosa sp. have two conical points. Relationships among Litomosa species appear to be dependent upon both the chiropteran host groups and the geographical region

    Nationwide evaluation of malaria infections, morbidity, mortality, and coverage of malaria control interventions in Madagascar

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    Background: In the last decade, an important scale-up was observed in malaria control interventions. Madagascar entered the process for pre-elimination in 2007. Policy making needs operational indicators, but also indicators about effectiveness and impact of malaria control interventions (MCI). This study is aimed at providing data about malaria infection, morbidity, and mortality, and MCI in Madagascar. Methods: Two nationwide surveys were simultaneously conducted in 2012-2013 in Madagascar: a study about non-complicated clinical malaria cases in 31 sentinel health facilities, and a cross-sectional survey (CSS) in 62 sites. The CSS encompassed interviews, collection of biological samples and verbal autopsies (VA). Data from CSS were weighted for age, sex, malaria transmission pattern, and population density. VA data were processed with InterVA-4 software. Results: CSS included 15,746 individuals of all ages. Parasite rate (PR) as measured by rapid diagnostic tests was 3.1%, and was significantly higher in five to 19 year olds, in males, poorer socio-economic status (SES) quintiles and rural areas. Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) use was 41.7% and was significantly lower in five to 19 year olds, males and wealthier SES quintiles. Proportion of persons covered by indoor residual spraying (IRS) was 66.8% in targeted zones. Proportion of persons using other insecticides than IRS was 22.8%. Coverage of intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy was 21.5%. Exposure to information, education and communication messages about malaria was significantly higher in wealthier SES for all media but information meetings. The proportion of fever case managements considered as appropriate with regard to malaria was 15.8%. Malaria was attributed as the cause of death in 14.0% of 86 VA, and 50% of these deaths involved persons above the age of five years. The clinical case study included 818 cases of which people above the age of five accounted for 79.7%. In targeted zones, coverage of LLIN and IRS were lower in clinical cases than in general population. Conclusions: This study provides valuable data for the evaluation of effectiveness and factors affecting MCI. MCI and evaluation surveys should consider the whole population and not only focus on under-fives and pregnant women in pre-elimination or elimination strategies