26 research outputs found

    Mutational analysis of the hsp70-interacting protein Hip.

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    Single-point mutation in a conserved TPR domain of Hip disrupts enhancement of glucocorticoid receptor signaling

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    The Hsp70-interacting protein Hip has been identified as a transient participant in the assembly of both glucocorticoid (GR) and progesterone receptor complexes. Although it has been difficult to identify a physiological role for Hip, it is believed to have intrinsic chaperoning properties and has been identified as a potential anti-apoptotic target of Granzyme B. In vitro assays have provided evidence that Hip may interact with GR complexes in an Hsp70 independent manner and can enhance the function of GR in hormone based reporter assays. In this study, a cDNA for human Hip was used in mutational analysis to map Hip function to critical structural elements. A single amino acid substitution (L211S) resulted in a loss of Hip function. This mutation also appears to disrupt the interaction of Hip with Hsp70 in vitro. Failure to recover Hip-L211S constructs in co-immunoprecipitation assays with an Hsp70 monoclonal antibody suggests that the mutation is unlikely to result in a misfolded substrate

    Evaluation of ST13 gene expression in colorectal cancer patients

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    We identified a novel gene ST13 from a subtractive cDNA library of normal intestinal mucosa in 1993, more studies showed that ST13 was a co-chaperone of Hsp70s. Recently we detected the ST13 gene expression in tumor tissue and adjacent normal tissue of the same colorectal cancer patient and investigated if the ST13 gene expression might have any prognostic value. Analysis was performed at molecular level by reverse transcription-PCR using real-time detection method. We measured two genes simultaneously, ST13 as the target gene and glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase as a reference gene, in primary colorectal tumor specimens and tumor-adjacent normal mucosa specimens from 50 colorectal cancer patients. The expression levels of the ST13 gene were significantly decreased in primary tumors compared with adjacent mucosa (P<0.05). But there were no significant differences in the expression of ST13 as compared with different Dukes’ stage, tumor differentiation grade, invasion depth, lymph node metastasis and disease-specific survival

    Cochaperone immunophilin FKBP52 is critical to uterine receptivity for embryo implantation

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    Embryo implantation in the uterus is a critical step in mammalian reproduction, requiring preparation of the uterus receptive to blastocyst implantation. Uterine receptivity, also known as the window of implantation, lasts for a limited period, and it is during this period blastocysts normally implant. Ovarian steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone (P(4)) are the primary regulators of this process. The immunophilin FKBP52 serves as a cochaperone for steroid hormone nuclear receptors to govern appropriate hormone action in target tissues. Here we show a critical role for FKBP52 in mouse implantation. This immunophilin has unique spatiotemporal expression in the uterus during implantation, and females missing the Fkbp52 gene have complete implantation failure due to lack of attainment of uterine receptivity. The overlapping uterine expression of FKBP52 with nuclear progesterone receptor (PR) in wild-type mice together with reduced P(4) binding to PR, attenuated PR transcriptional activity and down-regulation of several P(4)-regulated genes in uteri of Fkbp52(-/-) mice, establishes this cochaperone as a critical regulator of uterine P(4) function. Interestingly, ovulation, another P(4)-mediated event, remains normal. Collectively, the present investigation provides evidence for an in vivo role for this cochaperone in regulating tissue-specific hormone action and its critical role in uterine receptivity for implantation