327 research outputs found


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    Panchakarma is a specialized branch of Ayurveda, which deals with both aspects of Ayurvedic treatment which are purification as well as pacification of vitiated Doshas. Virechana (Purgation) is considered as Agra Chikitsa (main treatment) in all types of Kushtarogas (skin diseases) and also given Pradhanyata in Pittaja type of Kushtas. Vicharchika is a type of Kshudra kushta with Pitta and Kapha dosha pradhanyata and has the symptoms like Kandu (itching), Srava (discharge), Pidaka (eruption) and Shyavavarna twacha (blackish discoloration of skin). Vicharchika is often correlated with Eczema based on its clinical presentation. Acharya Kashyapa mentioned it as Sadhya vyadhis (curable disease). The main line of treatment of Vicharchika is Shodhana (purification) and Shamana (pacification). Among the Shodhana karma, Virechana is chiefly advised along with Shamanaushadi. We are presenting a case of Vicharchika, who made a remarkable improvement in the condition with these lines of treatment

    Institutional Repository at National Aerospace Laboratories

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    The Information Centre of NAL with its state-of-the-art expertise, infrastructure and services initiated setting up of its own repository during 2003 using, the then most popular open source software Greenstone Digital Library (GSDL). The work progressed rapidly with the adoption of the open source software GNU EPrints for archiving and managing the digital collections. This paper in detail explains the working model of NAL’s Institutional Repository. It discusses the technology employed and methodology adopted in building the same. The collection process of different data types, processing and depositing the same to IR is discussed in detail. It is summarized by providing the current status and the statistics on number of hits receive

    A Novel Method for Classification of Wrist Pulse for Health Monitoring using Sparse Classifier

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    A wrist pulse system has been developed that can detect both normal and abnormal conditions in patients based on wrist pulse diagnosis. Pulse diagnosis are mainly done in three steps they are pulse preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. The acquired wrist pulse signal is passed through consecutive stages of denoising, baseline wander removal and period segmentation. The feature extraction is then done to extract time domain, frequency domain and wavelet features. Classification is then done for finding normal and abnormal conditions using SVM (Support Vector Machine) classifier. It is found that by using the SVM classifier, distributed features cannot be efficiently identified, classification accuracy is low and sub-classification cannot be done for abnormal condition as SVM supports only binary data. So SVM classifier is replaced by sparse classifier which has higher accuracy since it supports highly nonlinear data. T test is used in feature selection so that it needs low memory and less time consumption. Sub-classification has been done for the abnormal cases of Anemia, Arrhythmia, Tuberculosis and Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

    Survey Paper on CP-ABE cloud computing

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    In attribute based encryption (ABE) scheme, attributes plays a very important role. Attribute –based encryption provides privacy protection for the users by a set of attributes. Now a days as cloud is most widely used in mostly all fields so there is need of keeping data more secure and confidential which is outsourced on the cloud. Security of the data in cloud database server is the key area of concern in the acceptance of cloud. It is required very high degree of privacy and authentication. In existing system used hierarchical authorization structure to reduce the burden and risk of a single authority .this paper proposes a hierarchical attribute based encryption which directly provides attribute value by user as well as data stored in different types of media

    New World Health Organization labour care guide in reducing intrapartum caesarean section rates at tertiary care hospital-Hassan institute of medical sciences, Hassan

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    Background: The Aim of this study was to assess whether labour monitoring using new WHO LCG will result in reducing intra partum caesarean sections. Methods: A analytical study was conducted from the month of September 2022 to January 2023 among 1735 pregnant women admitted at Hassan institute of Medical Sciences, in active phase of labour (5cm cervical dilatation and above) after obtaining informed consent. Results: In the present study, the New WHO Labour Care guide was plotted for 1735 pregnant women among which 1668 (96%) of the total patients had vaginal delivery, while 67 (4%) of the patients underwent Cesarean Section. Among the patients who underwent Cesarean Section it was found that1082 (94%) of the total Cesarean Sections were in latent phase of labour before plotting of the new WHO Labour care guide whereas only about 67 (6%) of Cesarean Section were conducted in active phase of labour. Among the patients who underwent LSCS in the active phase of labour majority were due to fetal distress 29(43%), 21(31%) due to Cephalopelvic disproportion, 13(20%) due to Non progression of labour and about 4(6%) due to Deep Transverse Arrest Conclusions: Majority of the caesarean sections were conducted in the latent phase of labour. The New WHO Labour Care guide has reduced the occurrence of intrapartum caesarean sections in the active phase of labour. However the overall rate of caesarean section must be controlled by reducing the number of Cesarean Sections conducted in latent phase of labour, that is before plotting the New WHO labour care guide

    Correlation between vitamin D levels in third trimester and postpartum hemorrhage

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    Background: The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between antenatal vitamin D levels and postpartum hemorrhage. Methods: An analytical study was conducted among 385 term pregnant women admitted at Hassan institute of Medical Sciences and who went in spontaneous onset of labour or induced labour. Basic demographic details were noted. Vitamin D levels were assessed on admission in these patients prior to childbirth. Incidence of postpartum haemorrhage among these patients after delivery were noted and analysed. Results: Vitamin D levels were deficient in 225 (58.5%) antenatal women in the study. The overall rates of atonic postpartum haemorrhage were higher in vitamin D deficient women that is 19 (54.2%) when compared to woman having normal vitamin D levels. Conclusions: Our results suggest that vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent among pregnant woman and is a risk factor for atonic postpartum hemorrhage. Hence antenatal supplementation of vitamin D could help prevent vitamin D deficiency and uterine atony
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