413 research outputs found

    The O-antigen epitope governs susceptibility to colistin in Salmonella enterica

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    Some serovars of Salmonella, namely, those belonging to group D, appear to show a degree of intrinsic resistance to colistin. This observed intrinsic colistin resistance is of concern since this last-resort drug might no longer be effective for treating severe human infections with the most common Salmonella serovar, Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. Here, we show that the O-antigen epitope in group D Salmonella governs the levels of colistin susceptibility. Using whole-genome sequencing, we also revealed that increased colistin susceptibility in a group D Salmonella veterinary isolate was due to a defect in the O-antigen polymerase protein, Rfc. In summary, we show that two different mechanisms that influence the presence and composition of O antigens affect colistin susceptibility in Salmonella enterica.Group D and group B Salmonella enterica serovars differ in their susceptibility to colistin with the former frequently intrinsically resistant (MIC > 2 μg/ml); however, the mechanism has not been described. Here, we show that the O-antigen epitope in group D Salmonella governs the levels of colistin susceptibility. Substitution of the rfbJ gene in a group B Salmonella with the rfbSE genes from a group D Salmonella conferred a decrease in susceptibility to colistin. The presence of dideoxyhexose, abequose, and the deoxymannose, tyvelose, differentiate the Salmonella group B and group D O antigens, respectively. We hypothesize that the subtle difference between abequose and tyvelose hinders the colistin molecule from reaching its target. Whole-genome sequencing also revealed that increased colistin susceptibility in a group D Salmonella veterinary isolate was due to a defect in the O-antigen polymerase protein, Rfc. This study shows that two different mechanisms that influence the presence and composition of O antigens affect colistin susceptibility in Salmonella enterica

    Functional genomics to identify the factors contributing to successful persistence and global spread of an antibiotic resistance plasmid

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    Background: The spread of bacterial plasmids is an increasing global problem contributing to the widespread dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes including β-lactamases. Our understanding of the details of the biological mechanisms by which these natural plasmids are able to persist in bacterial populations and are able to establish themselves in new hosts via conjugative transfer is very poor. We recently identified and sequenced a globally successful plasmid, pCT, conferring β-lactam resistance. Results: Here, we investigated six plasmid encoded factors (tra and pil loci; rci shufflon recombinase, a putative sigma factor, a putative parB partitioning gene and a pndACB toxin-antitoxin system) hypothesised to contribute to the 'evolutionary success' of plasmid pCT. Using a functional genomics approach, the role of these loci was investigated by systematically inactivating each region and examining the impact on plasmid persistence, conjugation and bacterial host biology. While the tra locus was found to be essential for all pCT conjugative transfer, the second conjugation (pil) locus was found to increase conjugation frequencies in liquid media to particular bacterial host recipients (determined in part by the rci shufflon recombinase). Inactivation of the pCT pndACB system and parB did not reduce the stability of this plasmid. Conclusions: Our findings suggest the success of pCT may be due to a combination of factors including plasmid stability within a range of bacterial hosts, a lack of a fitness burden and efficient transfer rates to new bacterial hosts rather than the presence of a particular gene or phenotype transferred to the host. The methodology used in our study could be applied to other 'successful' globally distributed plasmids to discover the role of currently unknown plasmid backbone genes or to investigate other factors which allow these elements to persist and spread

    High level fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from animals in Turkey is due to multiple mechanisms

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    The aim of this study was to determine the molecular mechanisms of fluoroquinolone resistance in E. coli isolated from cattle, goats, sheep, cats, and dogs in Turkey. Twenty nonreplicate E. coli isolates (chosen on the basis of RAPD pattern) from food-producing animals were selected for the study. To identify phenotypic differences between isolates, the sum of the MIC values of 14 antimicrobials was calculated; values ranged from 565 to 2520 mu g/mL, indicating the diversity in antimicrobial resistance present in the panel of isolates. PCR and qRT-PCR were used to characterize the presence and expression levels of known molecular mechanisms of fluoroquinolone resistance. The number of E. coli isolates having single, double, and triple topoisomerase mutations was 2, 10, and 5, respectively. Moreover, the number of qnrA -, qnrS -, oqxB -, and aac(6') Ib-cr-containing E. coli isolates was 1, 4, 1, and 17, respectively. Increased expression of acrB and soxS was detected in 2 and 9 isolates, respectively. The results of this study show a wide range of different mechanisms of fluoroquinolone resistance in E. coli isolates in Turkey.European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) - BM070

    Clinically relevant fluoroquinolone resistance due to constitutive overexpression of the PatAB ABC transporter in Streptococcus pneumoniae is conferred by disruption of a transcriptional attenuator

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    OBJECTIVES: Constitutive overexpression of patAB has been observed in several unrelated fluoroquinolone-resistant laboratory mutants and clinical isolates; therefore, we sought to identify the cause of this overexpression. METHODS: Constitutive patAB overexpression in two clinical isolates and a laboratory-selected mutant was investigated using a whole-genome transformation approach. To determine the effect of the detected terminator mutations, the WT and mutated patA leader sequences were cloned upstream of a GFP reporter. Finally, mutation of the opposing base in the stem–loop structure was carried out. RESULTS: We identified three novel mutations causing up-regulation of patAB. All three of these were located in the upstream region of patA and affected the same Rho-independent transcriptional terminator structure. Each mutation was predicted to destabilize the terminator stem–loop to a different degree, and there was a strong correlation between predicted terminator stability and patAB expression level. Using a GFP reporter of patA transcription, these terminator mutations led to increased transcription of a downstream gene. For one mutant sequence, terminator stability could be restored by mutation of the opposing base in the stem–loop structure, demonstrating that transcriptional suppression of patAB is mediated by the terminator stem–loop structure. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that a mutation in a Rho-independent transcriptional terminator structure confers overexpression of patAB and fluoroquinolone resistance. Understanding how levels of the PatAB efflux pump are regulated increases our knowledge of pneumococcal biology and how the pneumococcus can respond to various stresses, including antimicrobials

    How to Measure Export via Bacterial Multidrug Resistance Efflux Pumps

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    Bacterial multidrug resistance (MDR) efflux pumps are an important mechanism of antibiotic resistance and are required for many pathogens to cause infection. They are also being harnessed to improve microbial biotechnological processes, including biofuel production. Therefore, scientists of many specialties must be able to accurately measure efflux activity. However, myriad methodologies have been described and the most appropriate method is not always clear. Within the scientific literature, many methods are misused or data arising are misinterpreted. The methods for measuring efflux activity can be split into two groups, (i) those that directly measure efflux and (ii) those that measure the intracellular accumulation of a substrate, which is then used to infer efflux activity. Here, we review the methods for measuring efflux and explore the most recent advances in this field, including single-cell or cell-free technologies and mass spectrometry, that are being used to provide more detailed information about efflux pump activity