14 research outputs found

    Granulometric and Chemical Composition of the Danube River Sediments, Batina Village, Croatia

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    The size-fractionated recent sediments of the Danube river, from Batina, were assayed for the total concentrations of 15 elements: Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, Ti, V, Y, Zn and Zr. It was found that trace metals increased with decreasing particle size, whereas the highest levels of organic matter from loss on ignition tests were found in the 0.5ā€“1 mm fraction. The exchangeable phase accounted for a very minor proportion of the total heavy metal concentrations. Seasonal patterns of exchangeable Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn and Fe were more irregular than those of total metal levels, both generally reflecting a decrease in concentrations during spring. Rubidium normalization of the Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Mn and Fe concentrations was applied on the <0.063 mm fraction. A certain amount of the Cu and Ni concentrations may be related to anthropogenic rather than natural processes upstream of the study area and around one of the localities

    Kemijski profil sedimenata Plominskog zaljeva

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    Granulometric, chemical, and leaching properties of sediments dredged in the Plomin Bay (Northern Adriatic Sea, Croatia) were investigated in order to asses the risk of remobilisation of heavy metals into the water column. In total 65 samples from 65 sampling sites were taken from different sediment depths within the bay. Analysis of variance confirmed the homogeneity of granulometric and elemental composition of the investigated sediment throughout its volume. Granulometric analysis showed that all samples corresponded to a pelitic fraction (<0.063 mm). Bulk elemental mass fractions in the sediments were similar to literature data on relatively unpolluted areas of the Adriatic Sea. High sedimentation rate caused by constant infl ow of material from the Boljunčica River drainage may be responsible for low levels of heavy metals and negligible infl uence of fl y and bottom ash from a nearby disposal site on the chemical composition of the sediments. In contact with sea water only 0.29 mg kg-1 of V, 0.04 mg kg-1 of Cr, 0.07 mg kg-1 of Ni, 0.33 mg kg-1 of Cu, 0.67 mg kg-1 of Zn and 0.06 mg kg-1 of Pb could be remobilised from sediment material into the water column. However, these values increased three to ten times in case of leaching with organic acids.Granulometrijska i kemijska svojstva te mogućnost otpuÅ”tanja teÅ”kih metala ispitivani su u sedimentima Plominskog zaljeva (Sjeverni Jadran, Hrvatska) u svrhu utvrđivanja rizika od remobilizacije teÅ”kih metala iz sedimenta u stupac vode. Uzeto je 65 uzoraka s različitih točaka i dubina unutar zaljeva. Analizom varijance potvrđena je granulometrijska i kemijska homogenost cijelog volumena sedimenta, Å”to upućuje na jedan prevladavajući izvor tijekom cijeloga sedimentacijskog razdoblja. Granulometrijskom analizom je utvrđeno da u svim uzorcima prevladava sitnozrnata frakcija (<0,063 mm). Koncentracije elemenata u ukupnim uzorcima sedimenata slične su literaturnim vrijednostima objavljenim za relativno onečiŔćena područja Jadranskog mora. Velika brzina sedimentacije uzrokovana konstantnim donosom materijala iz slijevnog područja Boljunčice vjerojatan je uzrok niskih koncentracija teÅ”kih metala i slabo vidljivog utjecaja odlagaliÅ”ta Å”ljake i pepela na sastav sedimenata. U kontaktu s morskom vodom moguća je remobilizacija samo 0,29 mg kg-1 V, 0,04 mg kg-1 Cr, 0,07 mg kg-1 Ni, 0,33 mg kg-1 Cu, 0,67 mg kg-1 Zn i 0,06 mg kg-1 Pb iz sedimenta u stupac morske vode. Ipak ove vrijednosti su tri do deset puta povećane u slučaju izluživanja s pomoću organskih kiselina

    Influence of Radiation Dose in Computed Tomography on Antioxidant Enzyme Activity in Rabbit Erythrocytes

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    The objective of this study was to assess the radiation dose in computed tomography examinations of rabbits using different examination protocols and to correlate these values with the activity of antioxidant enzymes in their red blood cells following irradiation. The presented results revealed that a single, routine computed tomography scan exposure led to a different response of the activity of antioxidant enzymes in red blood cells regarding both dose and time. The results indicate that there is a dose threshold that is about 25 mGy. Doses below that level do not produce any significant changes in the level of antioxidant enzymes activity. On the other hand, the level just above that threshold had a significant impact on the antioxidant defence, but in a relatively short time period (2 hours after exposure), compared to the higher dose that requires a longer adaptive period

    Obrada otpadnih voda od pranja brodova kombinacijom fizičko-kemijskih metoda

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effi ciency of (1) chemical precipitation by calcium oxide, (2) coagulation/flocculation by ferric chloride (FC), and (3) the combination these two methods in reducing the toxicity of wastewater generated by boat pressure washing. All three methods gave satisfactory results in the removal of colour, turbidity, Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Pb. The concentrations of heavy metals were lowered below national limits with 1 g of CaO, 2.54 mg of Fe3+ in the form of FeCl3Ɨ6H2O, and the combination of 0.25 g of CaO and 5.08 mg of Fe3+ per 50 mL of wastewater. Both CaO (1.50 g per 50 mL of wastewater) and FC proved efficient, but their combination yielded a significantly better performance: 99.41 %, 100.00 %, 97.87 %, 99.09 %, 99.90 %, 99.46 % and 98.33 % for colour, turbidity, Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Pb respectively. For colour, Cr, Cu, Zn, and Pb removal efficiencies increased in the following order: FC<CaO<CaO+FC, while this order for turbidity and Fe was as follows: CaO<FC<CaO+FC. As expected, all three methods increased the concentration of total dissolved solids in the final effluent. Our results suggest that the combined treatment of marina wastewaters with calcium oxide followed by ferric chloride is efficient, cost-effective, and user-friendly.Radi smanjenja toksičnosti otpadnih voda koje nastaju pranjem brodova premazanih bojama protiv obraÅ”taja primijenjene su tri metode obrade: (1) kemijsko taloženje s pomoću kalcijeva oksida, koagulacija/flokulacija s pomoću željezova klorida (FC) i (3) kombinacija ovih dviju metoda. Sve tri metode dale su zadovoljavajuće rezultate u uklanjanju boje, mutnoće, kroma, željeza, bakra, cinka i olova. Koncentracije teÅ”kih metala niže od graničnih vrijednosti postignute su nakon tretmana s 1 g CaO ili 2,54 mg Fe3+ dodanog u obliku FeCl3Ɨ6H2O ili kombinacijom od 0,25 g CaO i 5,08 mg Fe3+ na 50 mL otpadne vode. Optimalne vrijednosti uklanjanja boje, mutnoće, Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn odnosno Pb s pomoću CaO (1,50 g na 50 mL) bile su 99,07 %, 99,54 %, 86,97 %, 96,77 %, 97,81 %, 98,76 % odnosno 84,10 %, dok su u slučaju željezova klorida te vrijednosti iznosile 98,76 %, 99,85 %, 78,99 %, 97,35 %, 96,77 %, 98,53 % odnosno 78,99 %. Značajno viÅ”i stupanj uklanjanja postignut je kombinacijom navedenih dvaju pristupa čime je postignuta maksimalna učinkovitost uklanjanja i to 99,41 % boje, 100,00 % mutnoće, 97,87 % kroma, 99,09 % željeza, 99,90 % bakra, 99,46 % cinka i 98,33 % olova. Za boju, krom, bakar, cink i olovo učinkovitost uklanjanja raste ovim redoslijedom: FC <CaO <CaO + FC dok za mutnoću i željezo raste u ovom nizu: CaO <FC <CaO + FC. Sukladno očekivanju, sve tri metode povećavaju koncentraciju ukupne otopljene tvari u konačnom ispustu. NaÅ”i rezultati pokazuju da je primijenjeni način pročiŔćavanja otpadnih voda iz marina kombinacijom kalcijeva oksida i željezova klorida učinkovit s obzirom na stupanj uklanjanja, s povoljnim odnosom stupnja pročiŔćavanja i cijene te jednostavan za primjenu

    Vena caval filters placement for deep vein thrombosis caused by protein S deficiency: Two case reports

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    Prikazujemo dve mlade bolesnice (25 i 28 godina) koje su imale ponovljene tromboze dubokih vena donjih ekstremiteta. Za nastanak tromboza postojali su riziko faktori: postpartalni period, gojaznost, puÅ”enje, septično stanje. Nove tromboze su nastale u toku adekvatne oralne antikoagulantne terapije. Kod bolesnice nakon tromboze vene kave inferior u sklopu terapije vitalno ugrožavajuće tromboze uz heparinsku i.v. terapiju plasiran je filter vene kave, kod druge je filter vene kave plasiran preventivno. Nakon kliničkog poboljÅ”anja i prevođenja bolesnica sa visokomolekularnog na niskomolekularni heparin izvrÅ”eno je testiranje trombofilija. Kod obe je pronađen deficit proteina S, koji je utvrđen i ponovljenim testiranjem. Genetskim ispitivanjima pronađeno je da je jedna bolesnica nosilac mutacije gena za MTHFR C677T, a druga mutacije gena za protrombin G20210A (heterozigot).Two young patients (25 and 28 years old) are presented in our article. They had lower limb deep recurrent venous thrombosis. Precipitating factors for thomboses were: puerperal period, obesity, cigarette smoking, sepsis, etc. New thrombosis occurred despite adequate oral anticoagulant therapy. The vena caval filter was inserted in the patient with thrombosis of the inferior vena cava, together with heparin i.v. therapy. It was a therapy for life threatening thrombosis. Second patient was inserted vena caval filter prophylactic. After clinic improvement low-molecular-weight heparin was administered insted of HMW heparin and tests for thrombophilia were done. Both patients had reduced protein S, which was also reduced in repeated tests. According to genetic engineering research one female patient was a carrier of mutation gene for A4THFR C677Tand the other for mutation for prothrombin G20210A

    Citrus flavanones naringenin and hesperetin improve antioxidant status and membrane lipid compositions in the liver of old-aged Wistar rats

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    This study aimed to investigate effects of citrus flavanones naringenin (NAR) and hesperetin (HES) on liver antioxidant status and membrane phospholipid composition in 24-month-old rats. NAR and HES (15 mg/kg) were administrated orally to male Wistar rats, once per day, for 4 weeks. Control group received either vehicle (sunflower oil) or remained intact. The results showed decreased (p < 0.05) activity of antioxidant enzymes (AOE), specifically catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) 1 and glutathione reductase (GR) in the liver of intact control old-aged rats in comparison to young intact controls. Flavanone administration to old-aged males increased (p < 0.05) examined AOE activities in comparison to vehicle-administered animals. Namely, NAR was more potent in comparison to HES regarding the increase (p < 0.05) in activities of examined antioxidant enzymes (SOD 1 and 2, glutathione peroxidase-GPx and GR) and the liver glutathione (GSH), while HES elevated (p < 0.05) only activity of CAT and GR. Both flavanones significantly decreased (p < 0.05) TBARS and improved (p < 0.05) membrane phospholipid composition in favor of n-3 PUFA and n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio. Both flavanones did not affect liver histology and reduced (p < 0.05) alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels in serum. The results of this study indicate beneficial potential of citrus flavanones in the old-aged rat liver

    Influence of radiation dose in computed tomography on antioxidant enzyme activity in rabbit erythrocytes

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    The objective of this study was to assess the radiation dose in computed tomography examinations of rabbits using different examination protocols and to correlate these values with the activity of antioxidant enzymes in their red blood cells following irradiation. The presented results revealed that a single, routine computed tomography scan exposure led to a different response of the activity of antioxidant enzymes in red blood cells regarding both dose and time. The results indicate that there is a dose threshold that is about 25 mGy. Doses below that level do not produce any significant changes in the level of antioxidant enzymes activity. On the other hand, the level just above that threshold had a significant impact on the antioxidant defence, but in a relatively short time period (2 hours after exposure), compared to the higher dose that requires a longer adaptive period. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 173014: Molecular mechanisms of redox signalling in homeostasis: adaptation and pathology

    OnečiŔćenje rijeke Save u Srbiji teÅ”kim metalima i bakterijama

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    The aim of this study was to establish microbial and heavy metal pollution of the Sava River at three locations close to industry and urban areas (Å abac, Obrenovac, Beograd) in Serbia. Heavy metal analysis included Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in the river water and sediment samples. Using the microbiological analysis we tried to establish the effectiveness of total coliforms, faecal coliforms and Escherichia coli in detecting pollution of surface waters. We found that E. coli levels steadily increased downstream from Å abac (location 1; 2100 MPN per 100 mL) to Belgrade (location 3; 10000 MPN per 100 mL). To prevent bacterial contamination, it is necessary to reduce the discharge of wastewater with faecal matters near highly populated towns. Heavy metal levels in sediments correlated with those in the river water. Fluctuations attributed mainly to anthropogenic sources were not high. These results point to acceptable anthropogenic contribution to heavy metal content in the Sava River and to low environmental risk.Ispitivani su mikrobioloÅ”ki parametri i teÅ”ki metali u rijeci Savi na tri lokacije u blizini industrijskih i urbanih centara (Å abac, Obrenovac, Beograd). Analiza je obuhvatila parametre kvalitete: teÅ”ke metale ā€“ Cu, Zn, Pb i Cd u riječnoj vodi i sedimentu te bakterije i patogene bakterije u riječnoj vodi. Radi utvrđivanja bakterijske kontaminacije povrÅ”inskih voda testirani su koliform Escherichia coli i fekalni koliformi. Brojnost E. coli povećava se od lokacije 1 prema uŔću Save od 2100 do 10000 u 100 mL NVB (najvjerojatniji broj). Nađen je velik broj bioloÅ”ki aktivnih mikroorganizama i bakterija. Koncentracija teÅ”kih metala u sedimentu u korelaciji je s njihovom koncentracijom u riječnoj vodi ako se izrazi s pomoću koefi cijenta distribucije Kd (dm3 kg-1) između čvrste i tekuće faze. Predložen je postupak za procjenu toksičnosti teÅ”kih metala