14 research outputs found

    Promising directions for vaccine development to prevent shigellosis

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    Shigellosis (bacterial dysentery) is an acute infectious disease caused by Shigella spp., members of the Enterobacteriaceae family. The disease has the highest mortality rate amongst bacterial enteric infections. A considerable proportion of Shigella infections occur in children under the age of five. In 2017, WHO included Shigella spp. strains into the list of “priority pathogens” that are resistant to most antibiotics and pose a threat to global public health. This provided a stimulus for the development of new antibiotics to treat shigellosis. Apart from the creation of new antimicrobial therapies for Shigella infections, an important role in fighting against shigellosis belongs to the preventative measures set out in WHO’s Immunisation Agenda 2030. These include sanitation, hygiene, consumption of clean water, and vaccination. The development of Shigella vaccines has been a priority of the WHO programme for more than 20 years. The aim of the study was to analyse promising approaches to Shigella vaccine development. According to the analysis of literature, only one vaccine against shigellosis has been approved so far—Shigellvac, the Russian polysaccharide dysentery vaccine against Shigella sonnei. This study covers a number of vaccine candidates (whole-cell, polysaccharide, polysaccharide conjugate, protein antigen-based vaccines, etc.) that are at different stages of clinical trials. The importance of researching combination (multivalent) vaccines against Shigellа spp. and other enteric pathogens is noted. However, the authors consider subunit vaccines based on Ipa proteins, providing broad cross-protection against Shigellа spp., and conjugate polyvalent vaccines for children under 5 the most promising for further development

    Перспективные направления разработки вакцинных препаратов для профилактики шигеллеза

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    Shigellosis (bacterial dysentery) is an acute infectious disease caused by Shigella spp., members of the Enterobacteriaceae family. The disease has the highest mortality rate amongst bacterial enteric infections. A considerable proportion of Shigella infections occur in children under the age of five. In 2017, WHO included Shigella spp. strains into the list of “priority pathogens” that are resistant to most antibiotics and pose a threat to global public health. This provided a stimulus for the development of new antibiotics to treat shigellosis. Apart from the creation of new antimicrobial therapies for Shigella infections, an important role in fighting against shigellosis belongs to the preventative measures set out in WHO’s Immunisation Agenda 2030. These include sanitation, hygiene, consumption of clean water, and vaccination. The development of Shigella vaccines has been a priority of the WHO programme for more than 20 years. The aim of the study was to analyse promising approaches to Shigella vaccine development. According to the analysis of literature, only one vaccine against shigellosis has been approved so far—Shigellvac, the Russian polysaccharide dysentery vaccine against Shigella sonnei. This study covers a number of vaccine candidates (whole-cell, polysaccharide, polysaccharide conjugate, protein antigen-based vaccines, etc.) that are at different stages of clinical trials. The importance of researching combination (multivalent) vaccines against Shigellа spp. and other enteric pathogens is noted. However, the authors consider subunit vaccines based on Ipa proteins, providing broad cross-protection against Shigellа spp., and conjugate polyvalent vaccines for children under 5 the most promising for further development.Шигеллез (бактериальная дизентерия) — острое инфекционное заболевание, вызываемое возбудителями Shigellа spp. семейства Enterobacteriaceae, характеризуется наибольшим показателем смертности населения от бактериальных кишечных инфекций. Значительная доля случаев заболевания приходится на детей в возрасте до 5 лет. В 2017 г. штаммы Shigellа spp. были включены в опубликованный ВОЗ список устойчивых к действию большинства антибиотиков «приоритетных патогенов», представляющих угрозу мировому здравоохранению, что послужило стимулом к разработке новых противомикробных препаратов для терапии шигеллезов. Наряду с созданием антимикробных средств против Shigellа spp. важную роль в борьбе с шигеллезами играет комплекс превентивных мер, изложенный в программе иммунизации ВОЗ 2030, в который, помимо санитарии, гигиены и потребления чистой воды, входит вакцинация. Разработка вакцины против шигеллеза остается одним из приоритетных направлений программы ВОЗ уже более 20 лет. Цель работы — анализ перспективных направлений разработки вакцинных препаратов против шигеллеза. Проведенный анализ данных литературы показал, что в настоящее время на мировом рынке зарегистрирована только одна вакцина против шигеллеза — российская вакцина Шигеллвак, полисахаридная дизентерийная вакцина против шигелл Зонне. Рассмотрен ряд вакцинных препаратов (цельноклеточные, полисахаридные конъюгированные и неконъюгированные, препараты на основе белковых антигенов и др.), находящихся на различных этапах клинических испытаний. Отмечено, что важным направлением является создание комбинированных мультивалентных препаратов против инфекций, вызываемых Shigellа spp. и другими кишечными патогенами. Сделан вывод о том, что наиболее перспективными являются разработки субъединичных вакцин на основе Ipa-белков, обеспечивающих перекрестную защиту против Shigellа spp., а также конъюгированных поливалентных вакцин, предназначенных для детей в возрасте до 5 лет

    Брюшнотифозные вакцины. История создания и современные вакцинные препараты

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    Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease caused by Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi), which is still extremely common in endemic low- and middle-income countries of Asia and Africa. Industrialised countries may also be affected by typhoid fever outbreaks due to booming international tourism, and natural disasters. Given S. Typhi progressive resistance to antibiotics, high epidemiological burden, and lack of adequate sanitation and hygiene in a number of regions, the introduction of new treatment protocols and the improvement of preventive vaccination are critical tasks in global healthcare. The aim of the study was to highlight the main historical aspects of the typhoid vaccine development, to summarise data on the licensed vaccines and promising approaches to the development of new typhoid vaccines. The paper describes the current epidemiological situation of typhoid fever globally and in the Russian Federation. It dwells upon the global experience in typhoid vaccine development from the production of an inactivated vaccine to the development of conjugated vaccines. The paper summarises data on Russian and foreign-made typhoid fever vaccines currently available in the global pharmaceutical market. It outlines the main trends in the development of vaccines against the disease caused by S. Typhi. The paper demonstrates the need for improving the efficacy of existing vaccines and development of new typhoid combination vaccines.Брюшной тиф — острое инфекционное заболевание, вызываемое возбудителем Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica серотип Typhi (S. Typhi), по-прежнему является одной из основных причин заболеваемости населения в эндемичных экономически средне- и слаборазвитых странах Азии и Африки. Индустриальные страны могут быть подвержены вспышкам брюшного тифа ввиду стремительно развивающегося международного туризма, а также стихийных бедствий. В условиях прогрессирующей резистентности S. Typhi к антимикробным препаратам, высокой эпидемиологической нагрузки и невозможности обеспечения удовлетворительных санитарно-гигиенических условий в ряде регионов, наряду с внедрением новых протоколов лечения заболевания, актуальной задачей мирового здравоохранения является развитие вакцинопрофилактики брюшного тифа. Цель работы — освещение основных аспектов истории создания брюшнотифозных вакцин, систематизация данных о лицензированных вакцинных препаратах и перспективных направлениях разработки новых вакцин. В статье описана эпидемиологическая картина брюшного тифа в мире и в Российской Федерации. Изложен мировой опыт создания вакцинных препаратов от момента получения убитой брюшнотифозной вакцины до этапа производства конъюгированных вакцин. Приведена информация об отечественных и зарубежных вакцинах, представленных на мировом фармацевтическом рынке. Обозначены основные тенденции в сфере разработки вакцинных препаратов против заболевания, вызываемого S. Typhi. Сделан вывод о необходимости повышения эффективности ранее разработанных вакцин, а также создания новых, комбинированных вакцинных препаратов против брюшного тифа

    Integration of solid oxide electrolyser, entrained gasification, and Fischer-Tropsch process for synthetic diesel production: Thermodynamic analysis

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    A novel integrated renewable-based energy system for production of synthetic diesel is proposed and simulated in this study. This system merges solid oxide electrolyser (SOE), entrained gasification (EG) and Fischer-Tropsch (FT) technologies. Two case scenarios are considered here. In the first case, the electrolyser unite produce syngas through co-electrolysis of steam and carbon dioxide, while in the second case only steam is electrolyzed. The effects of SOEC and EG operating pressure and temperatures on the system performance in each case are investigated and compared. It is shown that the operating condition of electrolyser subsystem has a more considerable effect on the performance of the integrated system as compared to the gasification subsystem. Also waste heat recovery results in about 43 and 2 percentage point increase in energy and exergy efficiency, respectively. It is also shown that internal recovering of oxygen has the best effect on the system performance

    Pulmonary hypertension and diastolic function of right heart chambers in adolescents with scoliosis

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    Right heart chamber hemodynamics was assessed in adolescents with various stages of scoliosis. In participants with severe scoliosis, pulmonary hypertension was detected, with increased right ventricular volume and wall thickness, as well as myocardial dysfunction

    Typhoid vaccines. Historical aspects of typhoid vaccine development, and currently available products

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    Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease caused by Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi), which is still extremely common in endemic low- and middle-income countries of Asia and Africa. Industrialised countries may also be affected by typhoid fever outbreaks due to booming international tourism, and natural disasters. Given S. Typhi progressive resistance to antibiotics, high epidemiological burden, and lack of adequate sanitation and hygiene in a number of regions, the introduction of new treatment protocols and the improvement of preventive vaccination are critical tasks in global healthcare. The aim of the study was to highlight the main historical aspects of the typhoid vaccine development, to summarise data on the licensed vaccines and promising approaches to the development of new typhoid vaccines. The paper describes the current epidemiological situation of typhoid fever globally and in the Russian Federation. It dwells upon the global experience in typhoid vaccine development from the production of an inactivated vaccine to the development of conjugated vaccines. The paper summarises data on Russian and foreign-made typhoid fever vaccines currently available in the global pharmaceutical market. It outlines the main trends in the development of vaccines against the disease caused by S. Typhi. The paper demonstrates the need for improving the efficacy of existing vaccines and development of new typhoid combination vaccines

    Early diagnostics of «kyphoscoliotic heart» in patients with thoracic scoliosis

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    Aim. To assess functional cardiohemodynamics status in patients with thoracic dysplastic scoliosis, by Doppler echocardiography (DEchoCG) and diagnose the most valuable early signs of «kyphoscoliotic heart» development. Material and methods. The study included 90 adolescent boys and girls, with Stage II-IV scoliosis, aged 13-18. DEchoCG was performed by ТMegasУ device (Italy), according to standard protocol. Pulmonary hemodynamics and right heart diastolic function in scoliotic adolescents were examined. Results. In scoliotic adolescents, increase in systolic, diastolic, and mean hemodynamic pressure in pulmonary artery was registered. These patients also had increased right ventricular wall thickness and chamber size; velocity and temporal characteristics of diastolic tricuspidal blood flow were disturbed. Conclusion. In severe thoracic scoliosis, pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular myocardial dysfunction «kyphoscoliotic heart» develops at young age