142 research outputs found

    Optical properties of ZnO and Al2O3 implanted with silver ions

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    ZnO and Al2O3 samples implanted with 30-keV silver ions with fluences in the interval (0.25-1.00) × 1017 ions/cm2 are studied by the method of optical photometry in the visible part of the spectrum. The optical transmission spectra of the implanted samples exhibit a selective band associated with surface plasmon resonance absorption of silver nanoparticles. The intensity of this band nonmonotonically depends on the implantation fluence. The silver ion depth distribution in the samples is calculated. It is shown that the non-monotonicity observed in experiments is due to an increase in the substrate sputtering ratio with increasing implantation fluence. It is found that vacuum thermal annealing of the implanted Al2O3 layers up to 700°C causes a considerable narrowing of the plasmon absorption bandwidth without a tangible change in its intensity. At higher annealing temperatures, the plasmon absorption band broadens and its intensity drops. Annealing of the ZnO films under such conditions causes their complete vaporization. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Raman spectra observation of silver nanoparticles in porous silicon fabricated by ion implantation

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Porous silicon layers fabricated by the low-energy high-dose Ag+-ion implantation of crystalline silicon with doses from 7.5 × 1016 to 1.5 × 1017 ion/cm2 are studied by Raman spectroscopy. Pores with sizes from ∼100–180 nm formed on irradiated silicon surface are controlled by scanning electron microcopy. Synthesized silver nanoparticles are observed in the structure of porous silicon. The sizes of pour and nanoparticles are increased with an increase in implantation dose. Acoustic vibrations generated by laser irradiation in silver nanoparticles of various sizes are registered by low-temperature Raman spectra of composite material

    Effects of nickel ions implantation and subsequent thermal annealing on structural and magnetic properties of titanium dioxide

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Wide bandgap semiconducting rutile (TiO2) doped with 3d-elements is a promising material for spintronic applications. In our work a composite material of TiO2:Ni has been formed by using implantation of Ni+ ions into single-crystalline (100)- and (001)- plates of TiO2. Sub-micron magnetic layers of TiO2 containing nickel dopant have been obtained at high implantation fluence of 1×1017 ion/cm2. A part of the implanted samples was then annealed in vacuum at different temperatures T ann 450-1200 K for 30 min. The influence of the implantation fluence, crystalline orientation, as well as subsequent annealing on the structural and magnetic properties of the nickel-implanted TiO2 have been investigated by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and coil magnetometry techniques

    Effect of implantation regimes of silver ions on the structure and optical properties of zinc-oxide nanocrystalline films

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Thin (about 270 nm) nanocrystalline films of zinc oxide (ZnO) are obtained on quartz substrates using ion sputtering and irradiated with Ag+ ions at an energy of 30 keV and relatively high fluences at ion current densities of 4, 8, and 12 µA/cm2. The X-ray analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and optical spectroscopy are used to study the effect of irradiation dose and ion current density on the structural modification and optical properties of the ZnO films. Nontrivial dependences of the structural and optical parameters of the films on the ion irradiation regimes are due to radiation heating and film sputtering under the action of the ion beam, diffusion of impurity, formation of silver nanoparticles in the irradiated layer at high implantation fluences, and the diffusion of implanted impurity at relatively high ion current densities

    A diffraction grating created in diamond substrate by boron ion implantation

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.This work is devoted to new method of manufacturing of diffractive optical elements (gratings). A grating was formed in a diamond substrate by implantation with boron ions through a mask. Ion implantation led to the graphitization of diamond in unmasked regions and resulted in swelling of the irradiated layer. The formation of periodic graphitized surface microstructures on the diamond substrate was confirmed by optical, electron, and atomic force microscopy. The efficiency of operation of the obtained diffractive optical element was demonstrated by probing with He–Ne laser radiation

    Optical and electrical studies of ZnO thin films heavily implanted with silver ions

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Thin films of zinc oxide (ZnO) with the thickness of 200 nm have been deposited on quartz substrates by using ion-beam sputtering technique. Then Ag+ ions with the energy of 30 keV have been implanted into as-deposited ZnO films to the fluences in the range of (0.25-1.00)×1017 ions/cm2 to form ZnO:Ag composite layers with different concentrations of the silver impurity. The analysis of the microstructure has shown that the thickness of the ZnO film decreases, and the Ag dopant concentration tends to the saturation with increasing Ag implantation fluence. The ZnO:Ag composite layers reveal the optical selective absorption at the wavelength of the surface plasmon resonance that is typical for silver nanoparticles dispersed in the ZnO matrix. The red shift of the plasmon resonance peak from 480 to 500 nm is observed with the increase in the implantation fluence to 0.75×1017 Ag ions/cm2. Then the absorption peak position starts the backward motion, and the absorption intensity decreases with the subsequent increase in the implantation fluence. The non-monotonic dependence of the absorption peak position on the implantation fluence has been analyzed within of Maxwell Garnet theory and taking into account the strong sputtering of ZnO films during implantation. The ZnO:Ag composite layers exhibit the p-type conductivity indicating that a part of Ag+ ions is in the form of acceptor impurities implanted into the ZnO lattice

    Introduction to geographic information systems (GIS)

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    The presentation reviews the development and application of geographic information systems (GIS) in terms of its capacity to store information about the world as a collection of thematic layers that can be linked together by geography. The real world consists of many geographies which in GIS can be represented with a number of related data layers such as: hydrology, topography, land use, soil, streets, utilities, districts etc. GIS analytical capabilities provide access to raw data, which can then be aggregated or reclassified

    Mössbauer study of the magnetic phase composition of single-crystalline rutile (TiO2) implanted with iron ions

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    Depth-resolved Mössbauer measurements have been performed for four ferromagnetic samples obtained by the implantation of iron ions (enriched to ∼ 50% with 57Fe isotope) into single-crystalline rutile (TiO2) substrates with two crystallographic orientations [(100) and (001)] at different temperatures (300 and 900 K). It is established that the ferromagnetic properties of iron-implanted rutile samples at room temperature are determined by the presence of α-Fe and Fe3O4 phases. The phase composition of samples obtained by iron implantation into substrates heated to 900 K depends on the crystallographic orientation of the substrate, which is explained by a significant anisotropy of the diffusion of iron atoms in rutile. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009

    Fabrication of composite based on GeSi with Ag nanoparticles using ion implantation

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Comparative analysis of the structural and optical properties of composite layers fabricated with the aid of implantation of single-crystalline silicon (c-Si) using Ge+ (40 keV/1 × 1017 ions/cm2) and Ag+ (30 keV/1.5 × 1017 ions/cm2) ions and sequential irradiation using Ge+ and Ag+ ions is presented. The implantation of the Ge+ ions leads to the formation of Ge: Si fine-grain amorphous surface layer with a thickness of 60 nm and a grain size of 20–40 nm. The implantation of c-Si using Ag+ ions results in the formation of submicron porous amorphous a-Si structure with a thickness of about 50 nm containing ion-synthesized Ag nanoparticles. The penetration of the Ag+ ions in the Ge: Si layer stimulates the formation of pores with Ag nanoparticles with more uniform size distribution. The reflection spectra of the implanted Ag: Si and Ag: GeSi layers exhibit a sharp decrease in the intensity in the UV (220–420 nm) spectral interval relative to the intensity of c-Si by more than 50% owing to the amorphization and structuring of surface. The formation of Ag nanoparticles in the implanted layers gives rise to a selective band of the plasmon resonance at a wavelength of about 820 nm in the optical spectra. Technological methods for fabrication of a composite based on GeSi with Ag nanoparticles are demonstrated in practice

    Structure and optical properties of ZnO with silver nanoparticles

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Textured nanocrystalline ZnO thin films are synthesized by ion beam assisted deposition. According to X-ray diffraction data, the crystallite size is ~25 nm. Thin (~15 nm) ZnO layers containing Ag nanoparticles are formed in a thin surface region of the films by the implantation of Ag ions with an energy of 30 keV and a dose in the range (0.25–1) × 1017 ion/cm2. The structure and optical properties of the layers are studied. Histograms of the size distribution of Ag nanoparticles are obtained. The average size of the Ag nanoparticles varies from 0.5 to 1.5–2 nm depending on the Ag-ion implantation dose. The optical transmittance of the samples in the visible and ultraviolet regions increases, as the implantation dose is increased. The spectra of the absorption coefficient of the implanted films are calculated in the context of the (absorbing film)/(transparent substrate) model. It is found that the main changes in the optical-density spectra occur in the region of ~380 nm, in which the major contribution to absorption is made by Ag nanoparticles smaller than 0.75 nm in diameter. In this spectral region, absorption gradually decreases, as the Ag-ion irradiation dose is increased. This is attributed to an increase in the average size of the Ag nanoparticles. It is established that the broad surface-plasmon-resonance absorption bands typical of nanocomposite ZnO films with Ag nanoparticles synthesized by ion implantation are defined by the fact that the size of the nanoparticles formed does not exceed 1.5–2 nm
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