50,011 research outputs found

    Biological aspects of mTOR in leukemia

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    The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a central processor of intra-and extracellular signals, regulating many fundamental cellular processes such as metabolism, growth, proliferation, and survival. Strong evidences have indicated that mTOR dysregulation is deeply implicated in leukemogenesis. This has led to growing interest in the development of modulators of its activity for leukemia treatment. This review intends to provide an outline of the principal biological and molecular functions of mTOR. We summarize the current understanding of how mTOR interacts with microRNAs, with components of cell metabolism, and with controllers of apoptotic machinery. Lastly, from a clinical/translational perspective, we recapitulate the therapeutic results in leukemia, obtained by using mTOR inhibitors as single agents and in combination with other compounds

    The exactness of a general Skoda complex

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    We show that a Skoda complex with a general plurisubharmonic weight function is exact if its 'degree' is sufficiently large. This answers a question of Lazarsfeld and implies that not every integrally closed ideal is equal to a multiplier ideal even if we allow general plurisubharmonic weights for the multiplier ideal, extending the result of Lazarsfeld and Lee \cite{LL}.Comment: References added, exposition streamlined, to appear in Michigan Mathematical Journa

    Comparative Study between Rectangular Windows and Circular Windows Based Disparity-Map by Stereo Matching

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    Stereo matching is the basic problem to achieve human like vision capability to machines and robots. Stereo vision researches produced many local and global algorithms for stereo correspondence matching. There are two popular methods one is rectangular window-based cost aggregation another is circular window-based cost aggregation used for solving correspondence problem have attracted researches as it can be implemented in real time using parallel processors. In this paper we have done comparative study between rectangular windows and circular windows based disparity map by stereo matching. Motivated by human stereo vision, the technique uses to enhance the strategy of finding the best match to compute dense disparity map. Performance of the both method is efficient

    An Intelligent Method for Predictive Monitoring of Patient Health Parameters using Data Mining Techniques

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    Now a day Internet of Things is suddenly increasing technology. IOT is the network of physical object or things embedded with software sensors, electronics and network connectivity. IOT is used to collect information and exchange data. In this paper, we are developing a system which will automatically monitor the industrial applications. IOT has given a powerful way to build industrial system by using wireless devices, and sensors. IOT concept is to monitor and control the industry. In phase I the hard ware was designed successfully using IOT. The input from sensor and data output can be displayed in the LCD (16*2).microcontroller (PIC16F887) which is used to collect data from sensors and displayed in LCD. The displayed data can be seen by server using IOT. The performances are verified experimentally using IOT. In Phase II the data from the server can be monitor through personal computer .The industrial data can be viewed through URL

    A Survey on Feature-Sentiment Classification Techniques

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    As internet growing exponentially, the online purchase is proportionally increasing its all around the world. The e-commerce and product selling websites are providing a rich variety of product to be sold. As the quality of product has much impact on its sell, the e-commerce websites tends to take public opinion on the product in terms of consumers feedback, we call it as reviews. These reviews provide much knowledge about the product as the consumers are motivated to write their reviews about the product, more precisely saying, consumer writes their opinion about product’s specifications or product’s features. These public opinions can then be analyzed by the consumers and vendor to make the required manufacturing changes to the product to increase its quality. The Feature Mining along with Sentiment Analysis techniques can be applied to achieve product’s feature and public opinion on these features. Here in this paper we are motivated by the scenario as mentioned above. We had a survey on the different techniques that can be used to mine products feature and classifying those feature along with the sentiment classification on the determined features. The public sentiments can be classified as negative, positive and neutral sentiments. Data Mining provides a rich set of Machine Learning Algorithms which in turn can be used as Sentiment Classifier. After analyzing feature-sentiment techniques, we then studied the feature classification by using its overall sentiment and influence on the product sell

    Sentiment Analysis over Online Product Reviews: A Survey

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    Prior to the invention of the internet while purchasing any product people used to ask the opinions to his family, friends for particular product. but now a days as the swift increase of usage of the internet, more users are motivated to write their feelings about particulars in the form of comments on different sites like Facebook, twitter, online shopping sites, blogs, etc. this comments are nothing but the sentiments of the users this may be positive, negative or neutral. There are various techniques used for summarizing the customer comments like Data mining, Text clssification, Retrieval of informtaion, and summarizing the text. People tend to write their reviews over a product over different sites. Most of the reviews are critical to conclude so it generates difficulty for usefulness of information. If anyone want to know the impact of the particular post/product then it becomes difficult to read all the comments and to classify it. Sentiment analysis is the ongoing research field in the data mining, Sentiment analysis is also referred as opinion mining. This field mainly deals with classifying the sentiments among different types of comments that are written by various users. This paper is about to discuss different techniques, challenges and applications related to sentiment analysis

    Improving the Energy Efficiency of Mobile Terminals Using Dynamic Multilevel Priority Packet Scheduling in Cooperative Communication

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    Cooperative communication is an efficient method for reducing the energy consumption of mobile terminal in wireless cellular network. However, it is hard to implement due to the lack of motivations for the Mobile terminals to cooperate. For this scenario as the benchmark case, where the information of the helping mobile terminals such as the channel and battery conditions is completely known by the source node terminal, the problem is formulated as a relay selection problem. Efficient algorithms based on dichotomous search and alternative optimizations are proposed to solve the problem for the cases of split and non-split data at the source MT, respectively. The cooperative communications scheme with pricing mechanism can decrease both the battery outages and communications for the mobile node, and can also increase the average battery level during the mobile terminals operation. In this paper, we state a Dynamic Multilevel Priority (DMP) packet scheduling scheme. In the proposed system, each node, except those which are at the last level of the virtual hierarchy in the zone based topology of Wireless sensor network , have three levels of priority queues. Real-time packets are placed in the highest-priority queue and can preempt data packets in other queues. Non-real-time packets are placed in other two queues based on a certain threshold of their estimated processing time. Leaf nodes will have two queues for real-time and non-real-time data packets since they do not receive data from other nodes and so this reduce end to- end delay. The performance of the proposed Dynamic multilevel priority packet scheduling scheme through simulations for real-time and non-real-time data packet. Simulation results shows that the DMP packet scheduling scheme outperforms conventional schemes interms of average data waiting time and end-to-end delay

    Simulation of High Power Factor Single Phase Inverter For PV Solar Array

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    Photovoltaic (PV) systems are solar energy supplySystems which either supply power directly to an electrical equipment or feed energy into the public electricity grid. It focuses on the latest development of modelling and control of grid connected photovoltaic energy conversion system. In the photovoltaic system, power electronic conversion is necessary to improve the efficiency of PV panels and system stability. In these systems, the backstage power circuit consists of a high step-up DC to DC converter and a full-bridge inverter to convert DC to AC, as the grid voltage is AC in nature. Modelling of photovoltaic systems include modelling of SPV array, power electronics inverter/converter based on MATLAB/SIMULINK. This present control algorithm of a three-phase and single phase grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system including the PV array and the electronic power conditioning (PCS) system, based on the MATLAB/Simulink software. It also discusses advances in MPP tracking technologies, the synchronization of the inverter and the connection to the grid


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    Energy is a main function for each kind of process. It is the central force behind our productivity, our leisure and our environment. Energy Audit is the integral part of Energy Management. The energy audit can unearth huge profits to the industry. It quantifies the energy uses according to its various functions. It attempts to balance the total energy inputs with the output or the uses. The energy conservation and maximization strategies for a process industry like distillery plant are cost effective, which conserve the environment automatically. The electrical energy audit of a distillery plant has wide scope of energy conservation. The audit has been successfully completed and concluded with the saving of the 18500 kWh per year of energy. The most of the electrical energy is utilized to drive electrical motors used for various processes. Energy will be saving in case of motors with the help of the variable frequency drives, which reduces the speed of the motors as well as energy. The distillery has the beneficial of Rs. 1, 20,910 by implementing given recommendations
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