2,031 research outputs found

    Non-inertial effects on a non-relativistic quantum harmonic oscillator in the presence of a screw dislocation

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    We investigate non-inertial effects induced by a rotating frame on a non-relativistic quantum harmonic oscillator as well as of the topology associated to a screw dislocation, which corresponds to a distortion of a vertical line into a vertical spiral. To do this, we obtain the analytical solutions of the time-independent Schr\"odinger equation for this harmonic oscillator potential in this background. The expressions for the energy spectrum are obtained and the solutions for four quantum states, namely n=0,1,2n=0,1,2 and 33, are analysed. Our results show that the presence of the topological defect (screw dislocation) as well the fact that we are analysing the system from the point of view of a rotating frame, changes the solutions of Schr\"odinger equation and the corresponding spectrum. Now these quantities depend on the angular velocity of the rotating frame, Ω\Omega, and also on the parameter β\beta, which codifies the presence of the screw dislocation. Particularly, with respect to the energy spectrum of the system the changing is such that when Ω\Omega increases, the energy can increase or decrease depending on the values we assign to the eigenvalues of the angular and linear momenta. Additionally, we observe that the values of the parameter β\beta that characterizes the screw dislocation causes a shift in the energy spectrum

    Utilização do whiteside modificado e California Mastitis Test no diagnóstico da mastite subclínica em búfalas e sua relação com o exame microbiológico.

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    Foram avaliadas a sensibilidade e a especificidade dos testes California Mastitis Test (CMT) e Whiteside Modificado (WM) como métodos auxiliares no diagnóstico da mastite subclínica em búfalas do Estado de Pernambuco. Estabeleceu-se, também, uma relação entre o estágio e o número de lactações frente à infecção da glândula mamária e a participação dos agentes etiológicos na enfermidade. Foram analisadas 196 amostras de leite procedentes de 49 búfalas em cinco propriedades rurais da Zona da Mata Sul. Destas, 139 (70,9%) amostras foram positivas ao exame microbiológico, isolando-se 76 (55%) amostras de Staphylococcus spp, sendo 18 (13%) de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva e 58 (42%) Staphylococcus coagulase negativa. Isolaram-se também 25 amostras de bastonetes (18%) Gram negativos, oito de (6%) Streptococcus spp e três (2,2%) de Micrococcus spp em culturas puras ou em associação, além de 45 amostras (32,4%) de Bacillus spp. A análise dos testes CMT e WM demonstraram baixa sensibilidade e especificidade quando comparados ao isolamento bacteriano. O número e o estágio da lactação não influenciaram no aparecimento da infecção na glândula mamária desta espécie. ABSTRACT - One hundred and ninety six buffalo milk samples were analyzed from farms in the South region of Pernambuco State, Brazil. The sensibility and specificity of the California Mastitis Test (CMT) and the Modified Whiteside were studied as auxiliary methods in the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis. A relationship between the stage and the number of lactations regarding mammary infection was established. One hundred and thirty nine (70,9%) samples were positive in the microbiological exam, resulting in 76 samples of Staphylococcus spp. Fifty eight samples (42%) were classified as coagulase negative Staphylococcus. Other bacterias isolated were Bacillus spp (45/32,4%), Gram negative bacillus (25/18%), Streptococcus spp (8/6%) and Micrococcus spp (3/2,2%) in pure or mixed culture. The CMT and WM analysis showed low sensibility and specificity when compared to bacterial isolation. The number and stage of lactations did not influence on occurrence of the infection in the mammary gland of this species

    As catadoras de mangaba no Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos - PAA: um estudo de caso em Sergipe.

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    O artigo trata da experiência de um grupo de mulheres extrativistas na comercialização de frutas silvestres, no âmbito do Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA), no estado de Sergipe. O quadro de análise insere-se no debate sobre pobreza e políticas públicas para grupos específicos no espaço rural. O foco aqui são as autodenominadas "catadoras de mangaba", que assumiram uma identidade coletiva baseada no uso comum de recursos com baixo impacto ambiental e pertencem ao Movimento das Catadoras de Mangaba (MCM). Embora tenham sido recentemente reconhecidas como sujeitos de direitos específicos, vivenciam a diminuição dos recursos, sobre os quais praticam o extrativismo, e as dificuldades de comercialização resultantes da insegurança relativa ao acesso aos frutos e à sazonalidade. A pesquisa foi realizada entre 2008 e 2011 por meio de observação direta e entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas. Os principais resultados mostram que o PAA tem influenciado no aumento da renda, do consumo e da autoestima. Houve reordenamento da rotina diária das catadoras de mangaba que, para participar do programa, relegaram atividades tradicionais a segundo plano. As regras do programa foram ressignificadas e adaptadas localmente. Constata-se o aumento da solidariedade entre as catadoras participantes, paralelamente à intensificação da concorrência pelos frutos

    Oxidative status imbalance in patients with metabolic syndrome: Role of the myeloperoxidase/hydrogen peroxide axis

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    The present study evaluated the cardiometabolic and redox balance profiles in patients with Metabolic Syndrome compared to apparently healthy individuals, and the participation of the myeloperoxidase/hydrogen peroxide axis in systemic lipid peroxidation. Twenty-four patients with Metabolic Syndrome and eighteen controls underwent a full clinical assessment. Venous blood samples were collected for general biochemical dosages, as well as for the oxidative stress analyses (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and arginase activities; and lipid peroxidation, myeloperoxidase activity, nitrite, and hydrogen peroxide concentrations in plasma). Arterial stiffness was assessed by radial artery applanation tonometry. Plasma lipid peroxidation, erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activity, myeloperoxidase activity, and hydrogen peroxide concentrations were shown to be increased in Metabolic Syndrome patients, without significant differences for the other enzymes, plasma nitrite concentrations, and arterial stiffness. Linear regression analysis revealed a positive and significant correlation between lipid peroxidation and myeloperoxidase and also between this enzyme and hydrogen peroxide. In contrast, such correlation was not observed between lipid peroxidation and hydrogen peroxide. In summary, Metabolic Syndrome patients exhibited evident systemic redox imbalance compared to controls, with the possible participation of the myeloperoxidase/hydrogen peroxide axis as a contributor in lipid peroxidation

    Informações sobre a cultura do arroz no estado do Piauí.

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    Aspectos econômicos; Aspectos agronômicos; Caracterização dos problemas e prioridades para a pesquisa; Resumos das pesquisas e experimentação realizada com arroz no Estado do Piauí

    Pretransplant biopsy in expanded criteria donors: do we really need it?

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    Abstract INTRODUCTION: Renal transplantation is the best treatment for end-stage renal disease, including when using expanded criteria donors (ECD) kidneys. However, these suboptimal kidneys should be evaluated rigorously to meet their usefulness. Opinions differ about the best way to evaluate them. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed kidneys from ECD harvested by a single academic institution between January 2008 and September 2013. Needle biopsies were performed at the time of the harvest when considered relevant by the transplant team. Two pathologists where responsible for their analysis; the Remuzzi classification has been used in all cases. RESULTS: We evaluated 560 ECD kidneys. Biopsies were made in 197 (35.2%) organs, 20 of which were considered not usable and 36 good only for double transplantation. Sixty-three kidneys (11.3%) were discarded by the transplant team based on the biopsy result and clinical criteria. Donors who underwent a biopsy were older (P < .001) and had a worse glomerular filtration rate (GFR; P = .001). Comparing donors approved and rejected by the biopsy, the rejected donors were heavier (P = .003) and had a lower GFR (P = .002). Cold ischemia time was longer for the biopsy group (P < .001). Regarding graft function, the biopsy overall score correlated with the transplant outcome in the short and long term. Separately, glomeruli and interstitium scores were correlated with recipient's GFR in the earlier periods (3 months; P = .025 and .037), and the arteries and tubules correlated with GFR in the longer term (at 3 years P = .004 and .010). CONCLUSION: The decision on the usability of ECD grafts is complex. At our center, we chose a mixed approach based on donor risk. Low-risk ECD do not require biopsy. In more complex situations, especially older donors or those with a lower GFR, prompted a pretransplant biopsy. The biopsy results proved to be useful as they relate to subsequent transplant outcomes, thereby allowing us to exclude grafts whose function would most probably be less than optimal