21 research outputs found

    Prognostic and preventive role of various factors in corneal rejection after keratoplasty

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    The literature review is devoted to the analysis of modern publications on the immunological and pathogenetic mechanisms of transplanted corneal rejection, risk factors, predictors and methods of the prevention of this complication. The prevention of corneal rejection is challenging.Currently, there is no single algorithm for the predicting methods of the corneal graft rejection, so further research in this area is needed.Purpose. To assemble the current data on immunological and non-immunological predictors of postoperative complications after keratoplasty. The analysis of modern publications on the immunological and pathogenetic mechanisms of corneal transplant rejection, risk factors, predictors and methods of prevention of this complication is presented. The databases used were CyberLeninka, PubMed, and Medline. The focus was on the publications of the last 10 year s.Conclusion. The data presented in the review make it possible to identify signs of corneal transplant rejection and to determine treatment in a timely manner, as well as to implement methods for preventing these complications

    Синтез халконов с изоксазольным фрагментом

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    The synthesis of new chalcones with potential biological activity, including the reactions of chloromethylation, N-alkylation, Claisen-Schmidt condensation, was carried out. The compounds obtained contain an isoxazole moiety in their structure.Проведен синтез новых халконов с потенциальной биологической активностью, включающий реакции хлорметилирования, N-алкилирования, конденсацию Кляйзена–Шмидта. Полученные соединения содержат в своей структуре изоксазольный фрагмент

    Синтез пиримидиновых производных на основе халконов и их противомикробная активность

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    A series of substituted chalcones and pyrimidine derivatives on their base was synthesized. Obtained compounds were tested for antimicrobial activity and ability to increase activity of known antimicrobial substances. Pyrimidine products shown good activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida tropicalis. These compounds also could increase activity of modified polyguanidines against Staphylococcus aureus.Синтезирован ряд замещенных халконов и пиримидиновых производных на их основе. Исследована противомикробная активность полученных соединений, а также их способность усиливать действие существующих противомикробных средств. Синтезированные на основе халконов пиримидиновые производные обладают антибактериальной и противомикробной активностью, а также способны усиливать противомикробную активность существующих препаратов

    Amélioration des protocoles de journalisation des messages vers des systèmes HPC extrême-échelle

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    Les machines pétascale qui existent aujourd'hui ont un temps moyen entre pannes de plusieurs heures. Il est prévu que dans les futurs systèmes ce temps diminuera. Pour cette raison, les applications qui fonctionneront sur ces systèmes doivent être capables de tolérer des défaillances fréquentes. Aujourd'hui, le moyen le plus commun de le faire est d'utiliser le mécanisme de retour arrière global où l'application fait des sauvegardes périodiques à partir d’un point de reprise. Si un processus s'arrête à cause d'une défaillance, tous les processus reviennent en arrière et se relancent à partir du dernier point de reprise. Cependant, cette solution deviendra infaisable à grande échelle en raison des coûts de l'énergie et de l'utilisation inefficace des ressources. Dans le contexte des applications MPI, les protocoles de journalisation des messages offrent un meilleur confinement des défaillances car ils ne demandent que le redémarrage du processus qui a échoué, ou parfois d’un groupe de processus limité. Par contre, les protocoles existants ont souvent un surcoût important en l’absence de défaillances qui empêchent leur utilisation à grande échelle. Ce surcoût provient de la nécessité de sauvegarder de façon fiable tous les événements non-déterministes afin de pouvoir correctement restaurer l'état du processus en cas de défaillance. Ensuite, comme les journaux de messages sont généralement stockés dans la mémoire volatile, la journalisation risque de nécessiter une large utilisation de la mémoire. Une autre tendance importante dans le domaine des HPC est le passage des applications MPI simples aux nouveaux modèles de programmation hybrides tels que MPI + threads ou MPI + tâches en réponse au nombre croissant de cœurs par noeud. Cela offre l’opportunité de gérer les défaillances au niveau du thread / de la tâche contrairement à l'approche conventionnelle qui traite les défaillances au niveau du processus. Par conséquent, le travail de cette thèse se compose de trois parties. Tout d'abord, nous présentons un protocole de journalisation hiérarchique pour atténuer une défaillance de processus. Le protocole s'appelle Scalable Pattern-Based Checkpointing et il exploite un nouveau modèle déterministe appelé channel-determinism ainsi qu’une nouvelle relation always-happens-before utilisée pour mettre partiellement en ordre les événements de l'application. Le protocole est évolutif, son surcoût pendant l'exécution sans défaillance est limité, il n'exige l'enregistrement d'aucun évènement et, enfin, il a une reprise entièrement distribuée. Deuxièmement, afin de résoudre le problème de la limitation de la mémoire sur les nœuds de calcul, nous proposons d'utiliser des ressources dédiées supplémentaires, appelées logger nodes. Tous les messages qui ne rentrent pas dans la mémoire du nœud de calcul sont envoyés aux logger nodes et sauvegardés dans leur mémoire. À travers de nos expériences nous montrons que cette approche est réalisable et, associée avec un protocole de journalisation hiérarchique comme le SPBC, les logger nodes peuvent être une solution ultime au problème de mémoire limitée sur les nœuds de calcul. Troisièmement, nous présentons un protocole de tolérance aux défaillances pour des applications hybrides qui adoptent le modèle de programmation MPI + tâches. Ce protocole s'utilise pour tolérer des erreurs détectées non corrigées qui se produisent lors de l'exécution d'une tâche. Normalement, une telle erreur provoque une exception du système ce qui provoque un arrêt brutal de l'application. Dans ce cas, l'application doit redémarrer à partir du dernier point de reprise. Nous combinons la sauvegarde des données de la tâche avec une journalisation des messages afin d’aider à la reprise de la tâche qui a subi une défaillance. Ainsi, nous évitons le redémarrage au niveau du processus, plus coûteux. Nous démontrons les avantages de ce protocole avec l'exemple des applications hybrides MPI + OmpSs.Existing petascale machines have a Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) in the order of several hours. It is predicted that in the future systems the MTBF will decrease. Therefore, applications that will run on these systems need to be able to tolerate frequent failures. Currently, the most common way to do this is to use global application checkpoint/restart scheme: if some process fails the whole application rolls back the its last checkpointed state and re-executes from that point. This solution will become infeasible at large scale, due to its energy costs and inefficient resource usage. Therefore fine-grained failure containment is a strongly required feature for the fault tolerance techniques that target large-scale executions. In the context of message passing MPI applications, message logging fault tolerance protocols provide good failure containment as they require restart of only one process or, in some cases, a bounded number of processes. However, existing logging protocols experience a number of issues which prevent their usage at large scale. In particular, they tend to have high failure-free overhead because they usually need to store reliably any nondeterministic events happening during the execution of a process in order to correctly restore its state in recovery. Next, as message logs are usually stored in the volatile memory, logging may incur large memory footprint, especially in communication-intensive applications. This is particularly important because the future exascale systems expect to have less memory available per core. Another important trend in HPC is switching from MPI-only applications to hybrid programming models like MPI+threads and MPI+tasks in response to the increasing number of cores per node. This gives opportunities for employing fault tolerance solutions that handle faults on the level of threads/tasks. Such approach has even better failure containment compared to message logging protocols which handle failures on the level of processes. Thus, the work in these dissertation consists of three parts. First, we present a hierarchical log-based fault tolerance solution, called Scalable Pattern-Based Checkpointing (SPBC) for mitigating process fail-stop failures. The protocol leverages a new deterministic model called channel-determinism and a new always-happens-before relation for partial ordering of events in the application. The protocol is scalable, has low overhead in failure-free execution and does not require logging any events, provides perfect failure containment and has a fully distributed recovery. Second, to address the memory limitation problem on compute nodes, we propose to use additional dedicated resources, or logger nodes. All the logs that do not fit in the memory of compute nodes are sent to the logger nodes and kept in their memory. In a series of experiments we show that not only this approach is feasible, but, combined with a hierarchical logging scheme like the SPBC, logger nodes can be an ultimate solution to the problem of memory limitation for logging protocols. Third, we present a log-based fault tolerance protocol for hybrid applications adopting MPI+tasks programming model. The protocol is used to tolerate detected uncorrected errors (DUEs) that happen during execution of a task. Normally, a DUE caused the system to raise an exception which lead to an application crash. Then, the application has to restart from a checkpoint. In the proposed solution, we combine task checkpointing with message logging in order to support task re-execution. Such task-level failure containment can be beneficial in large-scale executions because it avoids the more expensive process-level restart. We demonstrate the advantages of this protocol on the example of hybrid MPI+OmpSs applications

    The level of glycated hemoglobin as the rationale for the most appropriate anti-inflammatory therapy after cataract surgery in diabetic patients

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    Purpose. To study the effect of various anti-inflammatory regimens containing steroids on changes in blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM T2) after cataract surgery.Material and methods. We observed 83 patients (83 eyes) after phacoemulsification: 68 patients of them with non-insulin dependent DM T2 (NID) and 15 patients without DM. At the end of the surgery sub-tenon’s injections of prolonged steroid (betamethasone) were performed in patients with NIDDM T2 of the main group (35 eyes). For patients with NIDDM T2 of the comparative group (33 eyes) steroid eye drops (dexamethasone) instillations were assigned within 1 month postoperatively. Steroid therapy was not carried out in patients without DM.Results. The level of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and glycemic profile was determined during 1 day after surgery in all patients. The blood glucose level in patients with NIDDM of the main group increased by almost 40%, in the comparative group – by 25%, in non-diabetic patients – by 24% of the initial one (р<0.0005). Correlation analysis of HbA1c level with the degree of postoperative hyperglycemia in patients with NIDDM revealed a significant strong direct positive relationship in both groups (r=0.84; р<0.05).Conclusions. The increase of blood glucose level after phacoemulsification indicates a significant effect of stress on the dynamics of postoperative glycemia both in NIDDM patients and nondiabetic patients. Meanwhile, the availability of significant strong positive correlation of hyperglycemia degree with the HbA1c level, determines the appropriateness of prolonged steroids injections in patients with NIDDM exclusively under the control of the endocrinologist


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    УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ ПОСОБИЯБИОХИМИЯФОТОСИНТЕЗБИОХИМИЧЕСКИЕ ФЕНОМЕНЫ, МЕТАБОЛИЗМ И ПИТАНИЕ (ВНЕШ)ОБМЕН ВЕЩЕСТВХИМИЯ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯTEXTBOOKИНОСТРАННЫЕ СТУДЕНТЫBIOCHEMISTRYПособие содержит курс лекций по биохимии витаминов и гормонов, биохимии печени, крови, почек, костей, зубов и слюны, соединительной, нервной и мышечной тканей, ксенобиотического и минерального обмена, фармацевтической биохимии и фотосинтеза. Кроме того, содержатся вопросы с несколькими вариантами ответов, ситуационные задачи и практические навыки. Издание написано в соответствии с программами по биохимии для студентов специальностей "Общая медицина", "Стоматология" и "Фармация" высших медицинских учебных заведений

    Biochemistry. Pt. 1

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    УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ ПОСОБИЯБИОХИМИЯХИМИЯ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯБЕЛКИФЕРМЕНТЫНУКЛЕИНОВЫЕ КИСЛОТЫМЕМБРАНЫОБМЕН ВЕЩЕСТВBIOCHEMISTRYИНОСТРАННЫЕ СТУДЕНТЫTEXTBOOKИздание содержит курс лекций по основным темам биологической химии: белки и ферменты, биологические мембраны, введение в метаболизм и биохимию питания, биоэнергетика и биологическое окисление, углеводный, липидный и белковый обмены, метаболизм нуклеиновых кислот и биосинтез белков. Издание написано в соответствии с программами по биохимии для студентов специальностей "Лечебное дело", "Стоматология" и "Фармация" высших медицинских учебных заведений

    Methods of pressure determination at the charge-rock boundary

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