242 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of Raman Spectra Shape in the Disordered Ferroelectrics

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    Theory of the first order Raman scattering (FOR) line shape allowing for nonlinear and correlation effects contribution to inhomogeneous broadening as well as dynamic mechanisms of homogeneous broadening is developed. It is shown that in general case FOR line contains two maxima, shape of low frequency one being defined by homogeneous broadening. Our theory explains the peculiarity of observed FOR scattering of TO_2 hard phonon in KTL and KTN at different temperatures and concentrations of Li and Nb ions.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    ART PR on the Internet: question of positioning of the young artist

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    The article describes an art PR and various principles of using elements in the Internet. Cultural projects in the Internet motivate the audience of young artists to become more creatively active.В статье описываются арт-пиар и различные принципы использования его элементов в Интернете. Культурологические проекты в Интернете мотивируют аудиторию молодых художников к творческой деятельности

    Means of PR-Revitalization of Work of a Young Artist with the Press on the Internet

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    The article describes the art of PR and various principles consolidating the сooperation of young artists with the press on the Internet. PR-projects on the internet motivate young artists’ audience for art activities.В статье описываются арт-пиар и различные принципы активизации сотрудничества с прессой молодых художников в интернете. PR-проекты в интернете мотивируют аудиторию молодых художников к творческой деятельности

    Size effects in radiospectroscopy spectra of ferroelectric nanopowders

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    The theoretical and experimental investigation of ferroelectric nanopowders is performed. The manifestation in radiospectroscopy spectra of size driven ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition at some critical particle average size was the main goal of the consideration. In theoretical part the size effect for the materials with ferroelectric tetragonal phase and cubic paraelectric phase was considered allowing for the spontaneous polarization inhomogeneity inside a particle and distribution of particle sizes. In ESR the transformation of the spectra from tetragonal symmetry to cubic symmetry with decreasing of nanoparticle sizes was calculated. Measurements of Fe3+ ESR spectra in nanopowder of BaTiO3 were carried out at room temperature. The decrease of intensity of tetragonal symmetry ESR lines of Fe3+ and appearance of cubic symmetry line with asymmetry of the shoulders was observed with the average sizes decrease with complete disappearance of tetragonal spectrum at average size less or equal 40 nm. The comparison of the theory with experiment was carried out. The value of critical size Rc = 40 nm was extracted from ESR data. The asymmetry and broadening of right hand side shoulder of ESR cubic symmetry line was shown to be related to contribution of paramagnetic centers in the vicinity of the particles surface. The deconvolution of the cubic line allowed to show, that this region size is about 3 nm.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Student art projects as means of popularizing culture of the city and development of professionalism

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    The article discusses the possibility of using art projects for the formation of professional competence of the future specialist and their importance for the popularization of his native cityВ статье рассматриваются возможности использования арт-проектов для формирования профессиональной компетентности будущего специалиста и их значение для популяризации родного город

    Business game as an innovative form the control of knowledge

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    This article explores the concept of «business game», discusses the possibility of using business games, as a variety of innovative forms of knowledge control, and authors are given guidelines on the forms of their conductРаскрывается понятие «деловая игра», рассматриваются возможности использования деловых игр как разнообразных инновационных форм контроля знаний, а также даются методические рекомендации по формам их проведени


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    В статье рассматриваются возможности использования арт-проектов в художественных вузах, раскрываются особенности реализации арт-проектов, позиционирующих вузThe article discusses the possibility of using art projects in art universities, reveals the features of the implementation of art projects, positioning the Universit