2,662 research outputs found

    Entanglement of two delocalised electrons

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    Several convenient formulae for the entanglement of two indistinguishable delocalised spin-1/2 particles are introduced. This generalizes the standard formula for concurrence, valid only in the limit of localised or distinguishable particles. Several illustrative examples are given.Comment: 4 page

    Finance Company as a Holder in Due Course

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    Analysis of Morris Water Maze data with Bayesian statistical methods

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    Neuroscientists commonly use a Morris Water Maze to assess learning in rodents. In his kind of a maze, the subjects learn to swim toward a platform hidden in opaque water as they orient themselves according to the cues on the walls. This protocol presents a challenge to statistical analysis, because an artificial cut-off must be set for those experimental subjects that do not reach the platform so as they do not drown from exhaustion. This fact leads to the data being right censored. In our experimental data, which compares learning in rodents that have chemically induced symptoms of schizophrenia to a control group of rodents a cut-off of 60 seconds was used, and is the mode of the distribution. Utilizing Bayesian inferential procedures, we account for the censoring in the data and compare the results of learning between the treatment and control group

    Resident perspectives on green infrastructure in an experimental suburban stormwater management program

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    Municipalities are increasingly promoting green infrastructure in residential neighborhoods as a strategy to manage stormwater runoff, but the extent to which residents are willing to adopt these alternatives to conventional landscaping remains unclear. This study examines the West Creek Ecosystem Restoration Project in Parma, Ohio, a suburban green infrastructure demonstration site for a new regional stormwater management program in the Cleveland metropolitan region. Residents were offered free installation of green infrastructure (e.g., rain gardens, right-of-way bioretentions, and rain barrels) on their property. Through a mixed method case-study, we analyze the socio-cultural factors that influence participation including resident’s self-reported landscaping behaviors, environmental knowledge and values, and attitudes and perceptions toward green infrastructure and stormwater management. Results suggest that attitudes and perceptions most strongly influenced participation, residents generally disconnect local stormwater management from regional water resource issues, and that trusted peers may be more likely to encourage participation than official promotional strategies. These findings point to the importance of context-dependent framing and neighborhood partners in outreach activities

    A Hartree-Fock Study of Persistent Currents in Disordered Rings

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    For a system of spinless fermions in a disordered mesoscopic ring, interactions can give rise to an enhancement of the persistent current by orders of magnitude. The increase in the current is associated with a charge reorganization of the ground state. The interaction strength for which this reorganization takes place is sample-dependent and the log-averages over the ensemble are not representative. In this paper we demonstrate that the Hartree-Fock method closely reproduces results obtained by exact diagonalization. For spinless fermions subject to a short-range Coulomb repulsion U we show that due to charge reorganization the derivative of the persistent current is a discontinuous function of U. Having established that the Hartree-Fock method works well in one dimension, we present corresponding results for persistent currents in two coupled chains.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Evidence of spontaneous spin polarized transport in magnetic nanowires

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    The exploitation of the spin in charge-based systems is opening revolutionary opportunities for device architecture. Surprisingly, room temperature electrical transport through magnetic nanowires is still an unresolved issue. Here, we show that ferromagnetic (Co) suspended atom chains spontaneously display an electron transport of half a conductance quantum, as expected for a fully polarized conduction channel. Similar behavior has been observed for Pd (a quasi-magnetic 4d metal) and Pt (a non-magnetic 5d metal). These results suggest that the nanowire low dimensionality reinforces or induces magnetic behavior, lifting off spin degeneracy even at room temperature and zero external magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps fig

    Transitioning towards circular economy through municipal solid waste analysis and characterisation using SowaCLINK software

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    Municipal solid waste constitutes environmental challenges globally, especially in developing countries, due to increasing waste generation, population growth, inadequate infrastructure, lack of data and poor planning. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive waste audit on the municipal solid waste generated in Aba, a metropolis in southeastern Nigeria. Aba is a commercial city considered the messiest because of the massive municipal solid waste generation and poor management. The study investigated the energy potential and waste regeneration. Municipal solid waste data was sought to provide insight into the quantity and composition of municipal solid waste. The methodology was site-based, in line with the standard test method for determining unprocessed municipal solid waste (ASTM-D5231-92) and SowaCLINK software, a computer-based environmental application, was used for characterization. Linear extrapolation was adopted to quantify the rate of municipal solid waste generated. The geometric mean was applied to forecast the area’s population for a 10-year design period. The chemical elements of the characterized municipal solid waste were utilized based on the ASTM-D5291 standard for municipal solid waste thermochemical conversion, and the high and low heating values were analyzed. The outcomes provided energy recovery potential, the electrical power potential, and the power to the grid of electrical power of the municipal solid waste. The results obtained were 0.7813 kg/p/d and 490,268 t/y for a population of 1,719,185 persons. The percentage of the municipal solid waste components with energy potential was 71%, comprising 48% combustible and 23% organic components on average. The high heating value computed was 176.5 MJ/kg, and the low heating value was 14 MJ/kg. The energy recovery potential was 3,709,463 MWh, the electrical power potential was 38,680 MW, and the power to the grid was 26.1 MW daily. The research reveals a promising direction in transitioning from the linear economy of municipal solid waste management toward implementing an integrated sustainable municipal solid waste management based on the circular economy model. The study recommends adopting detailed steps to proffer solutions to the environmental challenges associated with municipal solid waste in most low-middle-income countries to achieve sustainable municipal solid waste management while generating electricity and bio-fertilizers through incineration and anaerobic digestion


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    Kota Manado sebagai kota sentral ekonomi di daerah Sulawesi Utara adalah kota yang mempunyai perkembangan pembangunan yang pesat, terutama terjadi di beberapa sektor, seperti: perdagangan, jasa, pendidikan dan transportasi. Kondisi ini, secara tidak langsung mengakibatkan beberapa masalah lalu lintas, seperti terjadinya kemacetan lalu lintas di jalan Piere Tendean dan simpang jalan Sam Ratulangi 12 pada jam-jam tertentu.  Permasalahan tersebut merupakan topik penelitian ini.Untuk dapat memahami masalah di atas maka perlu mengetahui volume, kapasitas, tingkat kepadatan dan derajat kejenuhan pada lokasi penelitian dan menganalisa tingkat pelayanan ruas dan simpang jalan Piere Tendean depan MTC di kota manado dengan menggunakan metode MKJI 1997.Pengambilan data primer dilakukan secara langsung di lokasi penelitian yaitu, data geometrik, volume kendaraan, kecepatan kendaraan. Data sekunder yang dibutuhkan, seperti; peta lokasi dan data jumlah penduduk, didapatkan dari instansi terkait. Analisis data menggunakan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI 1997). Survey dilakukan selama 3 hari yaitu kamis, sabtu dan senin pada jam 06:00 WITA sampai 21:00 WITA. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa, volume kendaraan tertinggi terjadi pada hari Sabtu di ruas jalan Piere Tendean yaitu sebesar 2545 smp/jam, dengan kecepatan arus bebas kendaraan 42,86 km/jam. Kapasitas 4109,985 smp/jam, derajat kejenuhan 0,62 dan tingkat pelayanan C dan kecepatan tertinggi sebesar 45,14 km/jam dan kecepatan terendah sebesar 25,41 km/jam.  Volume tertinggi pada simpang jalan Sam Ratulangi 12 yaitu sebesar 2905,6 smp/jam, dengan kapasitas 4862,56 smp/jam, derajat kejenuhan 0,60 dengan tingkat pelayanan C. Kata Kunci: Volume, Kapasitas, Kecepatan Tempuh, Tingkat Pelayana

    Desenvolvimento urbano contemporâneo em cidades médias do interior paulista sob o estatuto da cidade: uma análise comparada de Piracicaba, Bauru e Rio Claro

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    O artigo traça um quadro do desenvolvimento urbano contemporâneo em cidades médias do interior do estado de São Paulo (Brasil), sob três dimensões complementares: econômica, urbanística e políticoinstitucional. Para tanto, indica os processos interdependentes que estruturam o desenvolvimento urbano com base na análise comparativa desses municípios (Piracicaba, Bauru e Rio Claro). Nesses termos, identifica como essas cidades se inseriram nos processos de transformação da economia nacional nas décadas de 1970-90, e como essa trajetória impactou suas dinâmicas urbano-regionais. Observa-se de que maneira as determinantes econômicas – tanto as vinculadas às mudanças no padrão locacional das indústrias quanto outras associadas à dinâmica imobiliária – impactaram o ordenamento urbanístico e como ocorreram tais processos decisórios. A análise se faz no contexto institucional da promulgação e vigência do Estatuto da Cidade, no qual os municípios refizeram seus Planos Diretores e passaram a contar com novos meios de regular a produção do espaço urbano.The article focuses on contemporary urban development in medium-sized cities in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), under three complementary dimensions: economic, urban and political-institutional. Thus, it indicates the interdependent processes that shape urban development based on comparative analysis of these municipalities (Piracicaba, Bauru and Rio Claro). In these terms it identifies how these cities were inserted in the processes of transformation of the national economy in the decades of 1970-90, and how that path impacted their urban-regional dynamics. We observe how the economic determinants – changes in the industry standard locational and dynamic real estate – impacted the urban planning and decision-making processes. The analysis is done in the context of institutional effectiveness and promulgation enactment of the Statute of the City, when municipalities remade their Master Plans and have acquired new ways to regulate the production of urban space.Peer Reviewe
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