595 research outputs found

    Morphological Analysis of the Human Internal Iliac Artery in South Indian Population

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    Objectives: The accidental hemorrhage is common due to erroneous interpretation of the variant arteries during surgical procedures, hence the present study has been undertaken with reference to its morphological significance. The objectives were to examine the level of origin, length and the branching pattern of the human internal iliac artery in South Indian population. Methods: The study included 60 human bisected pelvises irrespective of their side and sex. The specimens were collected from the anatomy laboratory and were fixed with the formalin. The branching patterns were studied and demonstrated as per the guidelines of Adachi. Results: The origin of internal iliac artery was at the level of S1 vertebra in majority (58.3%) of the cases. The average length of internal iliac artery was 37 ± 4.62 mm (range, 13-54 mm). The type I pattern of the internal iliac artery was most common (83.5%) followed by types III and II. The type IV and V pattern of adachi were not observed. Conclusions: The results of this study were different from those reported by others and may be because of racial and geographical variations. Prior knowledge of the anatomical variations is beneficial for the vascular surgeons ligating the internal iliac artery or its branches and the radiologists interpreting angiograms of the pelvic region

    Comparison of self-medication practice for dysmenorrhoea in medical, nursing and dental students

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    Background: Dysmenorrhea is common in adolescent and young adult females and is responsible for impaired daily activities and significant absenteeism from college among female students. The self-treatment strategy varies among the students. Hence, the present study was done to analyse and compare the self-medication practice for dysmenorrhoea among medical, nursing and dental students.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted among 188 female students with dysmenorrhoea in M. S. Ramaiah College Campus, Bangalore which included 62 medical, 63 nursing and 63 dental students. Data was collected with prevalidated questionnaire related to various aspects like demographic data, severity and duration of dysmenorrhoea and pattern of management in the three groups. Data collected was analysed using SPSS version 20.Results: The mean age of female students with dysmenorrhoea was 19.12±0.87 years. 28% students perceived hormonal changes as causative factor for dysmenorrhoea. About 92 (48.9%) were on self-medication and 46 (24.5%) of students used home remedies for dysmenorrhoea. Among 92 students drugscommonly used for self-medication were mefenemic acid+dicyclomine  (67.4%) followed by paracetamol (20.7%), ibuprofen (5.4%), dicyclomine (4.3%), and diclofenac (2.2%). NSAIDS such as mefenamic acid, paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac were used commonly by students in the three groups.Conclusions: Dysmenorrhoea is a common cause for self-medication among young females. Self-medication practice for dysmenorrhoea was seen more in medical students where as non-pharmacological remedies in nursing and dental female students. NSAIDS like mefenamic acid and paracetamol are the mainstay of self-medication for dysmenorrhoea

    Evaluating the growth potential of Vigna radiata (green gram) using Albizia amara (AA) and Leucaena leucocephala (LL) as a phytoremediator for textile dye (Navy blue dye) simulated soil

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     Soil pollution due to textile dye affects the soil fertility, is a cause for demand crop production in agriculture. The present investigation was to evaluate the growth level of Vigna radiata (green gram) before and after simulation of dye in soil. Germination, biometric evaluation (root length, leaf area, shoot length and plant height) and biochemical activity (Total protein, amino acids, DNA, total carbohydrate and amylase activity) were analyzed. All the process carried out with 1% concentration of dye to assess remediating capacity of plant biomass Albizia amara (AA) and Leucaena leucocephala (LL). Use of these adsorbents as phytoremediator could enhance the binding capacity of blue dye to a great extent shows the phytotoxicity of dye upto 1% in soil

    Microirrigation and establishment methods for water use studies, fodder yields and postharvest available nutrients on Bajranapier hybrid grass [CO (BN) 5]

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    The availability of quality fodder is becoming a major concern in India. To address this, a field experiment was conducted on bajranapier hybrid grass CO (BN) 5 (Interspecific hybrid between Cumbu (Pennisetum glaucum) and Napier (P. Purpureum Schumach) during 2018-19 in strip plot design with 3 replications. Treatment comprises of main plot viz., Irrigation methods sub plot viz., Crop establishment methods. The results showed that in water use studies, higher WUE (23.74 t/ha/mm) was recorded with sbsurface drip irrigation. Similarly, higher water productivity (WP) (0.024 t/m3) and economic WP (474.78 ₹/ha/mm) were also with the same. In crop establishment methods, horizontal planting of setts with settling treatment recorded higher WUE (21.47 t/ha/mm), WP (0.021 t/m3) and economic WP (429.43 ₹/ha/mm). Significantly higher (0.05 %) green (335.0 t/ha/year) and dry fodder yields (71 t/ha/year) were registered with subsurface drip irrigation (M3). In crop establishment, horizontal planting of setts with settling treatment (S2) registered higher green (331.5 t/ha/year) and dry (71.4 t/ha/year) fodder yields.On postharvest soil available nutrients, higher N (172.3 kg/ha), P (22.2 kg/ha) and K (591.5 kg/ha) were observed with surface irrigation. Vertical planting of setts without settling treatment recorded higher N (172.1 kg/ha), P (23.3 kg/ha) and K (604.8 kg/ha). By adopting this subsurface drip irrigation with horizontal planting of setts with sett treatment, the bajranapier hybrid grass cultivation can be optimized for the betterment of cultivation

    An impact of age, birth order and qualification on women in sports participation levels in Tamilnadu and Pondicherry

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    The position, a child had by the order of birth significantly affected the child’s growth and personality.  Research in the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century shows even greater influence, contributing to intelligence, career choice, and to a certain degree, success in adulthood. Until the independence of India, The present research is to examine whether the age, order of birth and qualification of women have any impact on women's participation in sports among Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry at different levels. Sixty women players were randomly selected from 4 Colleges of two different states. First half from Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu state and second half from Karaikal, Pondicherry state. The selected subjects were with a brief questionnaire, to find out their level of sports participation, age, order of birth and qualification. Data obtained were subjected to find out statistical significance among the means using 3 (levels - district, state and national participations) x 2 (states -Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry) Factorial analysis. The results proved that there were significant differences in age and qualifications of the different level of women players. There was no significant difference among the states, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry in age, order of birth and qualifications of the women players. It was concluded that age and qualification play vital role in the participation level of women players

    An evaluvation of the self-esteem of women sports participant in various games

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    The present study was conducted in Tamil Nadu state, India with the objective of studying self-esteem of women sports participant in different games.  Exploratory research design was adopted for the study.  The total sample comprised of 90 playing women in which 30 were Kho - Kho / Kabaddi players, 30 were Badminton / Ball Badminton / Volley Ball players and 30 were Squash Rackets / Table Tennis / Fencing / Tennis players.  Self esteem scale developed by Verma and Kapadia was used to collect the data.  The investigators personally met the respondents by going to their place and administered the tests and collected the data.  Among all the three categories of women sports participants, the Squash Rackets / Table Tennis / Fencing / Tennis were having high level of self esteem followed by Badminton / Ball Badminton and Kho - Kho / Kabaddi players.  Collectively as one group, most of them were having high and medium level of self esteem reflecting that sports performance of women promotes esteem of women.  Through correlation it was found that education and playing experience were significantly and positively related to self esteem of women sports participants.  Hence women with higher education and higher playing experience had higher self esteem

    Detection of H.Pylori and its Association with Subtypes of Immunohistochemical Gastric Carcinomas.

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    Gastric carcinoma is estimated to be the second most common cancer in the world.1. The incidence of gastric carcinoma shows marked variations from place to place. INDIA - 8.9/100000 USA - 10/100000 JAPAN - 79.9/100000 ENGLAND - 18.5/100000 These epidemiological data make it clear that gastric carcinoma incidence is determined by the environmental factors.1 Incidence of gastric carcinoma stomach in Government Stanley Medical College Hospital, Chennai is the following Year Total number of Ca Stomach malignancies 2005 1117 217 2006 1110 210 Stomach is the commonest site for cancer in our hospital. Till recently research on the environmental causes of gastric carcinoma focused primarily on diet. The identification of Helicobactor pylori in chronic inflammatory conditions of the stomach has stimulated interest in its potential role in carcinogenesis. Infection with H.pylori is very common througout the world, occurring in 40-50% of the population in developed countries and 80-90% of the population in developing countries. High rates of H.pylori infection have also been found in patients with cancer or precancerous conditions (especially in chronic atrophic gastritis). There are many cross sectional and retrospective studies in many parts of the world which give the causal association between H.pylori infection and gastric cancer. But in Tamilnadu, where gastric carcinoma is prevalent, there are no such studies and this study is intended to know the association between H.pylori and subtypes of gastric adenocarcinomas based on their degree of differentiation (grading) and use of Immonohistochemistry in identifying the organism, especially the coccoid forms along with Giemsa staining for H.pylori and to compare the efficacy of Immonohistochemistry and Giemsa stain
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