206 research outputs found


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    The choice of tools and programming technologies for creating information systems is a current trend. Each projected system needs you to define a set of criteria for the development environment used by li- braries and technologies. This article considers a choice of technological solutions using an example of the developed digital computing web platform of the Russian Academy of Education to provide information support to the activities of psychologists doing research, including population and longitudinal studies. The peculiarity of the system are: magnitude and significant development time requiring the implementa- tion and assurance of the guaranteed computing reliability of a wide range of digital tools used in psycho- logical research; maintenance of functioning in various conditions, in particular when carrying out mass research in schools with different characteristics of computing resources and communication channels; the possibility of scaling services; security and data privacy, as well as the use of technologies and pro- gramming tools that would ensure the compatibility and conversion of data with other means of process- ing psychological research. For the developed system, criteria were introduced for evaluating software technologies that take into account the features of the functioning and life cycle of a product, a specific example shows the selection of appropriate technological solutions. An important component in the de- velopment is the training of the development team for the technologies used. A system that implements the training program for selected technologies is given. The developed training system is used to reduce the time of inclusion in the development of new software developers, as the tasks are expanded

    Electrical resistivity of liquid CuSn, CuSnBi, CuSnBiIn, CuSnBiInCd alloys of equiatomic compositions

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    The resistivity of liquid CuSn,CuSnBi, CuSnBiIn, CuSnBiInCd alloys of equiatomic compositions are measured using the rotating magnetic field method to obtain information on their liquid structures. The alloys of equiatomic composition we considered as the high-entropy alloys. The results are discussed in the frame of a microheterogeneous structure of a metallic melt. A conclusion is made about the character of the modification of temperature dependence of the resistivity of liquid alloy due this microheterogeneous structure. All the investigated alloys demonstrated the change in the temperature coefficient of the resistivity for heating and cooling. These changes determined the temperature of destruction the microheterogeneous structure of a metallic melt (T∗). The value of temperature T∗ for all alloys was 1070 K (800 °C). The change in the temperature coefficient of the resistivity of the alloys on heating to 1070 K (800 °C) is interpreted using the Nagel-Tauc model. © 2019 Author(s)


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    The given computer procedure automatically allows us to watch functional working states of the brain (FWSB) in dependence on nervous system activation under the sensomotor loading (firstsignal positive and brake stimuli). The program defines main properties of nervous processes, WFSL, a level of function mobility of nervous processes, force of nervous processes, efficiency of brain, balance of nervous processes by method of parametrical spectral analysis.Предлагается алгоритм методики, которая позволяет моделировать сосредоточенное, предстрессовое и стрессовое функциональные рабочие состояния (ФРС) головного мозга в зависимости от степени сенсомоторной нагрузки (первосигнальные положительные и тормозные раздражители) в условиях высокогорной гипоксии,  определять основные свойства нервных процессов и анализировать волновую структуру сенсомоторных колебаний методом параметрического спектрального анализа.Пропонується алгоритм методики, що дозволяє моделювати зосереджені, передстресові і стресові функціональні робочі стани (ФРС) головного мозку залежно від ступеня сенсомоторного навантаження (першосигнальні позитивні і гальмівні подразники) в умовах високогірної гіпоксії,  визначати основні властивості нервових процесів і аналізувати хвильову структуру сенсомоторних коливань методом параметричного спектрального аналізу

    SEM-investigating microstructure of cast AlNiCuFeCo high entropy alloys formations a liquid-phase separation

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    The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern nanotechnology” Ural Federal University was used

    SEM investigation of the microstructure of cast CuNiAlCoFe equiatomic high entropy alloy

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    Microheterogeneity and crystallization conditions of the equiatomic high-entropy CuNiAlCoFe alloy were studied by measuring the viscosity during heating/cooling, as well as visualizing the microstructure after solidification. The CuNiAlCoFe liquid alloy showed different temperature dependences of viscosity upon heating to 2070 K and subsequent cooling. Since the coinciding part of the temperature dependences was absent, complete destruction of the microheterogeneity of the melt after heating to 2070 K did not occur. Heating the melt to higher temperatures was not possible due to the evaporation of the metal. The melt viscosity during cooling is higher than that during heating; this is observed when microheterogeneity is dispersed. The CuNiAlCoFe alloy obtained as a result of the experiment at a crystallization rate of 10 K/s had a typical microstructure of cast dendrite. Dendrites consisted of a eutectic (α-Al+CuAl2+Cu4NiAl7) and included primary crystals of CoCu2Al7 and FeCu2Al7. The interdendritic space contained small Cu4NiAl7 crystals. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The degree of desynchronization visual-motor and cardiac activity in the human during dosage information load with simultaneous recording of cardiointervals  corresponds to the level of adaptation of the nervous system to the information load, and hypoxia. Coherent analysis of the conditions of high altitude hypoxia in sensomotor waves and heart rate variability allows to determine the level of the training people working in extreme conditions of processing information and hypoxia.Степень десинхронизации зрительно-моторной и сердечной деятельности человека при дозированной информационной нагрузке с одновременной регистрацией кардиоинтервалов соответствует уровню адаптации нервной системы к информационной нагрузке и гипоксии. Когерентный анализ полученных в условиях высокогорной гипоксии сенсомоторных волн и колебаний сердечного ритма позволяет определять уровень тренированности человека при работе в условиях  экстремальной переработки информации и гипоксии.Ступінь десинхронізації зорово-моторної та серцевої діяльності людини під час дозованого інформаційного навантаження з одночасною реєстрацією кардіоінтервалів відповідає рівню адаптації нервової системи до інформаційного навантаження та гіпоксії. Когерентний аналіз одержаних в умовах високогір'я сенсомоторних хвиль і коливань серцевого ритму дозволяє визначити ступінь тренованості людини під час праці в умовах екстремальної переробки інформації та гіпоксії

    Dissolved organic matter and microbial carbon of Protocalcic Chernozems of different land management

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    Water-extractable organic matter is the most active and mobile form of soil carbon. The other active fraction and extremely biolabile is the carbon constituent of microorganisms. Both of these fractions play an essential role in agrocenoses and in the global carbon cycle on our planet. The aim of the work was to estimate the carbon content of water-extractable organic matter as well as that of microbial origin in typical chernozems (Protocalcic Chernozems) of different land-use types. Protocalcic Chernozem samples taken from the fields of long-term experiments with different types of land use were investigated: a permanent bare fallow for 55 years (since 1964); conventional tillage – four-field crop rotation, first rotation; direct seeding – crop rotation similar to direct seeding, first rotation; a 21-year fallow (since 1998) after 34 years of bare fallow (since 1964). We determined the carbon content of water-extractable organic matter and the carbon content of microbial origin. In the studied series of variants, the proportion of carbon of water-extractable organic matter in the total amount of organic matter in the upper horizon (0–15 cm) was 0.69, 0.85, 1.01, and 0.98%, respectively, while that of carbon of microbial origin was 0.27, 0.55, 0.53, and 1.52%. It was noted that against the background of increasing the content of total organic carbon in direct seeding variant, compared with the traditional soil treatment, the microbial biomass in this variant does not increase. The fallow variant, unlike all other types of land use, is characterized by a higher proportion of microbial carbon, in contrast to the carbon of water-extractable organic matter