82 research outputs found
Field trajectories proposals as a tool for increasing work efficiency and sustainable land management
ArticleTogether with the requirement for higher productivity the average performance and the
weight of agricultural machines are increasing. Agricultural land is increasingly exposed to
pressures caused by agricultural machinery. The heavy agricultural machinery
passes across a
field are frequently associated with technogenic soil compaction. Soil compaction is one of the
main problems of modern agriculture. From the previous measuring of the traffic intensity it was
found 86.13
of the total field area was run
ver with a machine at least once a year, when using
conventional tillage and 63.75
of the total field area was run
over when using direct seeding
technology, with dependence on the working width of the machines. Field passes are inevitable
in present agri
culture. As a result of the increase of total machines weight, it is necessary to
optimize the traffic lines trajectories and limit the entries of the machines in the field. At present,
the choice of traffic lines direction is based primarily on the experi
ence of drivers or the practice
of farmers. There are a number of influences that affect the machine work efficiency. Monitoring
of the tractor, on an irregular 8 fields showed the following results. Eight
meter working width
tiller or seeder brought short
ening of total length of turns at headlands with the change in
trajectory azimuth. For purposes of measuring the monitored tractors were equipped with
monitoring units ITineris. An overview of the chosen directions of the trajectories and the lengths
of wo
rking and non
working passes was obtained. Based on the shape of the plot, the trajectory
of the lines was also modelled. Suitable traffic lines directions in terms of the ratio of work and
work passes were searched.
Based on records of real trajectori
es, the ratio of working and non
working path ranged between
6.3 and 15.2%. It was obvious from the results that the shortening of non
working passes and
turns in comparison with the originally chosen trajectory directions was achieved by optimization.
s was especially valid for complex shapes of fields. Trajectory optimization leads to a
reduction of total le
of path in all cases. The reduction in total length of path ranged from
m to 1
m. Changing the length of the working path ranged fr
om 10.9
m to 264.9
with the change in azimuth. The extension was observed in three cases. The highest part on the
change of the overall length of the path presented nonworking rides
Summary. Theoretical and methodological justification of physical therapy in the treatment of acute surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity remains insufficiently studied and insufficiently covered in the literature, in particular due to the lack of a standard for its use, and poorly studied impact on treatment results.
The aim of the study – to learn the state of practical solution of the problem of physical therapy in the complex treatment of urgent abdominal surgical diseases in a separate general surgery department as a representative unit of care for patients with acute surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity.
Materials and Methods. The results of 420 inpatients’ treatment for acute surgical abdominal pathology during 2019 in the general surgical departments of two secondary health care facilities were retrospectively analyzed. The severity of patients was assessed according to the scale of anesthesiological assessment of the patient's physical condition before ASA II surgery and the prognosis of adverse effects according to the integrated risk assessment system for complications and mortality POSSUM (Physiologic and Operative Severity Score for the enumeration of Mortality and Morbidity), found a number of significant related and mutually aggravating factors that determined the severity of the disease and influenced the results of treatment.
Results. Given the results of a retrospective study of the treatment of acute surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity, the relevance of the scientific and applied problem of theoretical and methodological justification of physical therapy (PT) as an important integrated component of a comprehensive treatment of urgent surgical diseases was proven.
Conclusions. Further tasks to be solved are: identification of patterns, establishment of principles and methodological provisions, development of the concept, determination of application criteria, experimental verification of the effectiveness of the implementation provisions of the concept of physical therapy in the system of complex treatment of acute surgical pathology.Резюме. Теоретико-методичне обґрунтування фізичної терапії у системі лікування гострої хірургічної патології органів черевної порожнини залишається недостатньо дослідженим та мало висвітленим у спеціальній літературі, зокрема з огляду відсутності стандарту її застосування, та слабко вивченого впливу на результати лікування.
Метою дослідження – вивчити стан практичного розв’язання проблеми фізичної терапії при комплексному лікуванні невідкладних абдомінальних хірургічних захворювань в умовах окремого загальнохірургічного відділення як репрезентуючої одиниці системи надання допомоги хворим із гострою хірургічною патологією органів черевної порожнини.
Матеріали і методи. Ретроспективно проаналізовано результати стаціонарного лікування 420 пацієнтів, пролікованих у зв’язку із гострою хірургічною абдомінальною патологією упродовж 2019 р. у загальнохірургічних відділеннях двох закладів охорони здоров’я вторинної ланки. Проведено оцінку тяжкості стану пацієнтів за шкалою анестезіологічної оцінки фізичного стану пацієнта перед операцією ASA ІІ та прогнозу несприятливих наслідків за інтегральною системою оцінки ризику ускладнень та смертності POSSUM (Physiologic and Operative Severity Score for the enumeration of Mortality and Morbidity), виявлено ряд достовірно значущих взаємопов’язаних та взаємообтяжуючих чинників, що зумовлювали тяжкість перебігу захворювання та впливали на результати лікування.
Результати. З огляду на результати проведеного ретроспективного дослідження результатів лікування гострої хірургічної патології органів черевної порожнини, доведено актуальність науково-прикладної проблеми теоретико-методичного обґрунтування фізичної терапії (ФТ) як важливої інтегрованої складової системи комплексного лікування невідкладних абдомінальних хірургічних захворювань.
Висновки. Подальшими завданнями, що повинні бути вирішені для розв’язання, є: виявлення закономірностей, встановлення принципів та методичних положень, розробка концепції, визначення критеріїв застосування, експериментальна перевірка ефективності реалізаційних положень концепції фізичної терапії у системі комплексного лікування гострої хірургічної патології органів черевної порожнини
Вимірювач кута фазових зсувів за методом коінциденції
Introduction. The aim of the study was to determine perceptivity usage of the coincidence method for the implementation of phase measuring device. It was necessary to establish the structural elements of the measuring device. The main part. In article main types of digital phase measurers based on nonius measuring are shown. One-time nonius measurer is shown as low accuracy measurer. Multi-time nonius measurer allows to increase accuracy. This type of measurer allows fast measuring by executing in parallel multiply nonius generators, but requiring to work with special schemes to detect errors in case of wrong impulse width's. The coincidence method is known for a long time and now actively used for frequency measurement of signals. Used method is based on several coincidences of incoming and base signals. Drawback of method is dependence of measurement time and expected accuracy. In this paper the scheme for usage for measurement of a phase shift angle with usage of a coincidence method is offered. It is shown that for measurement of a phase shift by this meth-od there is no necessity for frequency measurement of the incoming signal, as it is necessary for other implementations of digital measurement of a phase shift. Conclusions. The result of research shows the block diagram of device for measuring of phase shift angle using the coincidence method. The resulting device can receive the angle of phase shift with any duration of time measurement. Moreover, the longer the time of measurement, the greater accuracy expected.В работе приведены особенности реализации классических цифровых фазометров с использованием нониусных измерений. Приведено математическое обоснование использованного метода коинциденции для реализации измерения угла сдвига фазы. Определены основные узлы такого измерителя. Несмотря на некоторое увеличение аппаратной сложности в реализации измерителя, представленный измеритель позволяет выполнять измерения как за короткие интервалы времени, так и представляет возможным увеличить точность при долговременной измерении.Показані особливості реалізації класичних цифрових фазометрів із застосуванням ноніусних вимірювань. Приведено математичне обґрунтування застосування методу коінциденції для реалізації вимірювання кута зсуву фази. Встановлені основні вузли такого вимірювача. Незважаючи на певне зростання апаратної складності в реалізації вимірювача, запропонований вимірювач дозволяє виконувати вимірювання як за короткі часові інтервали, так і реалізує зростання точності при довготерміновому вимірювані
The effect of N-stearoylethanolamine on the lipid composition of the rat testes and testosterone level during the early stages of streptozotocin-іnduced diabetes
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder with multiorgan complications, including reproductive system dysfunction where lipid imbalance of germ cells play an important role. N-stearoylethanolamine (NSE) shows a modulatory effect on the lipid composition under different pathologies. Therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate the NSE effect on the testes lipid composition and testosterone level in plasma of diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced in Sprague-Dawley rats by a single streptozotocin injection (50 mg/kg). Animals with glucose levels of 8-12 mmol/l were further selected. NSE was administrated to rats (50 mg/kg) for 10 days at 1.5 months after the streptozotocin injection. The rat testes were used for lipid analysis, namely, phospholipid level, fatty acid methyl esters and plasma testosterone estimation. NSE administration to diabetic rats triggered normalization of total and individual phospholipid content, as well as composition of free and phospholipids fatty acids in the rat testes. In addition, the testosterone content showed a slight increase under the action of NSE. Our results showed that the early stages of diabetes caused destructive changes in rat testes that may induce a decrease in future testicular function. NSE administration to diabetic rats normalized the lipid content of rat testes and was correlated with an increased testosterone level. NSE induced the restoration of testes structure and function during the early stages of streptozotocin-іnduced diabetes in rats
Preventive effect of N-stearoylethanolamine on memory disorders, blood and brain biochemical parameters in rats with experimental scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment
The impairment of cognitive functions is the most studied medical and social problem nowadays. The aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effects of N-stearoylethanolamine (NSE) on memory state, blood and brain biochemical parameters in rats under scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment. The results of this study shown that NSE administration to rats per os (5 mg/kg, 5 days, during last 3 days NSE was administrated 20 min prior to scopolamine injection (1 mg/kg, once daily for 3 days, intraperitoneally)) prevented the development of memory impairment. In particular, NSE action was associated with the prevention of increase in acetylcholinesterase activity, changes in phospholipid, free and esterified cholesterol level in hippocampus and frontal cortex, and disruption in pro-/antioxidant balance in blood and studied brain sections. Considering the above mentioned biological effects, NSE is a promising drug candidate for integrative therapy of cognitive impairment of different profiles
Histomorphometric analysis of stomach walls alternation under conditions of general body dehydration.
Background. Changes of the composition of food and beverages intake by modern humans do not fulfill the nutritious, energetic and water needs of the body. This causes rapid growth of gastrointestinal diseases. The stomach is particularly susceptible to the influence of external factors. Water-salt metabolism disorders cause structural and functional alternations of the stomach as one of the digestive organs. Objective. The present study was conducted to identify changes of the fundus of the stomach wall of the rats under condition of general body dehydration of different severity level. Methods. The object of this research was a group of 29 adult white male laboratory rats with average weight of 150-170 g. The control group comprised of 7 rats which had the usual water intake in the course of the experiment. Light dehydration occurred on the 3rd day of the experiment, medium dehydration happened on the 6th day and severe dehydration – on the 9th day. The animals were sacrificed on the days stated above by means of euthanasia with anesthetic ethers. Sampling and fixation were carried out in accordance with the established procedures. To examine the structural components the histologic sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin stain, using Van Gieson's staining and Mallory staining. Morphometric analysis included defining of the thickness of stomach walls of the animals of all the groups. Results. On the 3rd day from the experiment launch (mild dehydration) there was observed a fair decrease in the average layer thickness of the surface epithelium as well as other components of the stomach walls as compared to the results of the intact group of animals. Mallory staining determined a major thinning of the mucous layer on the surface of the gastric mucosa as well as mucus presence in cytoplasm of mucous cells. On the 6th day of the experiment (moderate dehydration) the average layer thickness of surface epithelium decreased compared to the control group. There was a tendency of thinning of the stomach wall thickness and all of its structural components as compared to the intact animal group. Mucous membrane had erosions which looked like surface defects on the gastric folds. On the 9th day of the monitoring (severe dehydration) a considerable decrease of thickness index of all of the gastric wall components. This was accompanied by irreversible dystrophic and necrobiotic cell changes mainly in the gastric glands necks and bodies which lead to total cytolysis. There is reported moderate vascular blood congestion, haemorheologic disorders which manifest themselves as stasis and thrombosis of microcirculatory bloodstream vessels. Conclusion. The obtained results indicate thinning of stomach walls, irreversible dystrophic changes and partial loss of gland cells function as well as local circulation failure and haemorheologic changes in microvascular vessels which progress from mild to severe general dehydration
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