168 research outputs found

    Overestimation of the 25OHD serum concentration with the automated IDS EIA kit.

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    We have recently observed an increasing number of patients presenting very high serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] (> 150 ng/mL), which, in all cases, had been measured with the IDS EIA kit adapted on different "open" automated platforms. We performed a comparison between the IDS EIA kit adapted on two different "open"automated platforms and the DiaSorin RIA. We found a systematic bias (higher levels with the IDS EIA kit) for concentrations more than 50-60 ng/mL that was less obvious when the IDS EIA was used in its manual procedure. We thus suggest to use the IDS EIA kit in its manual procedure rather than to adapt it on an automated platform, and to interpret cautiously a 25(OH)D greater than 100 ng/mL with this kit

    My Baby, My Move+: Feasibility of a Community Prenatal Wellbeing Intervention

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    Background Excessive gestational weight gain (EGWG), insufficient prenatal physical activity and sleep, and poor psychological wellbeing independently increase risks for adverse maternal and infant outcomes. A novel approach to mitigate these risks is utilizing peer support in a community-based prenatal intervention. This study assessed the feasibility (acceptability, demand, implementation, and practicality) of a remotely delivered prenatal physical activity intervention called My Baby, My Move + (MBMM +) that aims to increase prenatal physical activity, enhance mood and sleep hygiene, and reduce EGWG. Methods Participants were recruited through community organizations, local clinics, and social media platforms in the Fall of 2020 and Spring of 2021. Eligible pregnant women were randomized to either the MBMM + intervention or the control group. Each group met over Zoom for 16 sessions (twice weekly for 60 min over 8 weeks) to learn either behavioral change and wellbeing knowledge and skills (MBMM +) or knowledge and skills related to parenting (control group). Multiple methods of evaluation to better understand the feasibility of the intervention were conducted. Results A total of 49 women (25 MBMM + intervention, 24 control) completed both pre- and post-survey assessments and were included in the analyses. A subsample of 19 (39%) intervention participants completed a combination of semi-structured interviews/surveys to assess acceptability, demand, implementation, and practicality. Participants expressed positive feedback regarding acceptability (satisfaction and intent to continue use) and were extremely likely or likely to recommend the program to a friend (demand). Implementation metrics were assessed by observation and feedback forms completed by peer leaders and demonstrated high-quality control. Findings suggest that the intervention was practical due to remote sessions and cost-effectiveness. Conclusion The MBMM + intervention was deemed to be a feasible intervention with high acceptability, demand, implementation, and practicality. These findings can be used to inform the scalability of the intervention and implementation of a larger efficacy trial

    Analysis of parcel-based image classification methods for monitoring the activities of the Land Bank of Galicia (Spain)

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    [EN] The abandonment of agricultural plots entails a low economic productivity of the land and a higher vulnerability to wildfires and degradation of affected areas. In this sense, the local government of Galicia is promoting new methodologies based on high-resolution images in order to classify the territory in basic and generic land uses. This procedure will be used to control the sustainable management of plots belonging to the Land Bank. This paper presents an application study for maintaining and updating land use/land cover geospatial databases using parcel-oriented classification. The test is performed over two geographic areas of Galicia, in the northwest of Spain. In this region, forest and shrublands in mountain environments are very heterogeneous with many private unproductive plots, some of which are in a high state of abandonment. The dataset is made of high spatial resolution multispectral imagery, cadastral cartography employed to define the image objects (plots), and field samples used to define evaluation and training samples. A set of descriptive features is computed quantifying different properties of the objects, i.e. spectral, texture, structural, and geometrical. Additionally, the effect on the classification and updating processes of the historical land use as a descriptive feature is tested. Three different classification methodologies are analyzed: linear discriminant analysis, decision trees, and support vector machine. The overall accuracies of the classifications obtained are always above 90 % and support vector machine method is proved to provide the best performance. Forest and shrublands areas are especially undefined, so the discrimination between these two classes is low. The results enable to conclude that the use of automatic parcel-oriented classification techniques for updating tasks of land use/land cover geospatial databases, is effective in the areas tested, particularly when broad and well defined classes are required.The authors appreciate the collaboration and support provided by Xunta de Galicia, Sociedade para o Desenvolvemento Comarcal de Galícia, and Banco de Terras de Galicia. The financial support provided by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación in the framework of the projects CGL2010-19591/BTE and CGL2009-14220 is also acknowledged.Hermosilla, T.; Díaz Manso, J.; Ruiz Fernández, LÁ.; Recio Recio, JA.; Fernández-Sarría, A.; Ferradáns Nogueira, P. (2012). Analysis of parcel-based image classification methods for monitoring the activities of the Land Bank of Galicia (Spain). Applied Geomatics. 4(4):245-255. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12518-012-0087-zS24525544Arikan M (2004) Parcel-based crop mapping through multi-temporal masking classification of landsat 7 images in Karacabey, Turkey. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens Spat Inf Sci 35:1085–1090Balaguer A, Ruiz LA, Hermosilla T, Recio JA (2010) Definition of a comprehensive set of texture semivariogram features and their evaluation for object-oriented image classification. Comput Geosci 36(2):231–240Balaguer-Besser A, Hermosilla T, Recio JA, Ruiz LA (2011) Semivariogram calculation optimization for object-oriented image classification. Model Sci Educ Learn 4(7):91–104Blaschke T (2010) Object based image analysis for remote sensing. ISPRS J Photogramm 65(1):2–16Cohen Y, Shoshany M (2000) Integration of remote sensing, GIS and expert knowledge in national knowledge-based crop recognition in Mediterranean environment. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens 33(Part B7):280–286Congalton R (1991) A review of assessing the accuracy of classifications of remotely sensed data. Remote Sens Environ 37(1):35–46Dadhwal VK, Singh RP, Dutta S, Parihar JS (2002) Remote sensing based crop inventory: a review of Indian experience. Trop Ecol 43(1):107–122De Wit AJW, Clevers JGPW (2004) Efficiency and accuracy of per-field classification for operational crop mapping. Int J Remote Sens 25:4091–4112Del Frate F, Pacifici F, Solimini D (2008) Monitoring urban land cover in Rome, Italy, and its changes by single-polarization multitemporal SAR images. IEEE J Sel Top Appl Earth Obs Remote Sens 1:87–97Díaz-Manso JM, Ferradáns-Nogueira P (2011) Modelo de uso actual da terra. In: Cobelle-Rico EJ, Diaz-Manso JM, Crecente-Maseda R, Martínez-Rivas EM (eds) Mercado e Mobilidade de Terras en Galícia, 1st edn. Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, pp 31–44Dupas CA (2000) SAR and LANDSAT TM image fusion for land cover classification in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Domain. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens XXXIII(Part B1):96–103El Kady M, Mack CB (1992) Remote sensing for crop inventory of Egypt’s old agricultural lands. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens 29:176–185Everitt BS, Dunn G (2001) Applied multivariate data analysis, 2nd edn. Edward Arnold, LondonHaralick RM, Shanmugam K, Dinstein I (1973) Texture features for image classification. IEEE Transact Syst Man Cybern 3(6):610–622Hermosilla T, Almonacid J, Fernández-Sarría A, Ruiz LA, Recio JA (2010) Combining features extracted from imagery and lidar data for object-oriented classification of forest areas. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens Spat Inf Sci 38(4/C7)Hernández Orallo J, Ramírez Quintana MJ, Ferri Ramírez C (2004) Introducción a la minería de datos. 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Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens Spat Inf Sci 38:217–222Perveen F, Nagasawa R, Ali S, Husnain (2008) Evaluation of ASTER spectral bands for agricultural land cover mapping using pixel-based and object-based classification approaches. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens Spat Inf Sci 37(4-C1)Petit CC, Lambin EF (2002) Impact of data integration technique on historical land-use/land-cover change: comparing historical maps with remote sensing data in the Belgian Ardennes. Landsc Ecol 17:117–132Quinlan JR (1993) C4.5: Programs for machine learning. Kaufmann, San FranciscoRabe A, van der Linden S, Hostert P (2010) imageSVM, Version 2.1. www.hu-geomatics.deRecio JA, Hermosilla T, Ruiz LA, Fernández-Sarría A (2011) Historical land use as a feature for image classification. Photogramm Eng Remote Sens 77(4):377–387Ruiz LA, Fernández-Sarría A, Recio JA (2004) Texture feature extraction for classification of remote sensing data using wavelet decomposition: a comparative study. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens Spat Inf Sci 35(B4):1109–1115Ruiz LA, Recio JA, Hermosilla T, Fdez. Sarriá A (2009) Identification of agricultural and land cover database changes using object-oriented classification techniques. 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, May 4–8, Stresa (Italy)Ruiz LA, Recio JA, Fernández-Sarría A, Hermosilla T (2011) A feature extraction software tool for agricultural object-based image analysis. Comput Electron Agric 76(4):284–296Tansey K, Chambers I, Anstee A, Denniss A, Lamb A (2009) Object-oriented classification of very high resolution airborne imagery for the extraction of hedgerows and field margin cover in agricultural areas. Appl Geogr 29(2):145–157van der Linden S, Rabe A, Wirth F, Suess S, Okujeni A, Hostert P (2010) imageSVM regression, application manual: imageSVM version 2.1. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, GermanyVapnik VN (1998) Statistical learning theory. Wiley, New YorkWalsh SJ, McCleary AL, Mena CF, Shao Y, Tuttle JP, Gonzalez A, Atkinson R (2008) QuickBird and Hyperion data analysis of an invasive plant species in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador: implications for control and land use management. Remote Sens Environ 112(5):1927–1941Walter V (2004) Object-based classification of remote sensing data for change detection. ISPRS J Photogramm Remote Sens 58:225–238Walter V (2005) Object-based evaluation of lidar and multiespectral data for automatic change detection in GIS databases. Geo-Inf Syst 18:10–15Zaragozí, B, Rabasa, A, Rodríguez-Sala, JJ, Navarro, JT, Belda, A, Ramón, A (2012) Modelling farmland abandonment: A study combining GIS and data mining techniques. Agric Ecosys Environ 155:124–132Zhang S, Liu X (2005) Realization of data mining model for expert classification using multi-scale spatial data. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens Spat Inf Sci 26(4/W6):107–11

    Responses to gestational weight management guidance: a thematic analysis of comments made by women in online parenting forums

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    Background: The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) published guidance on weight management in pregnancy in July 2010[1], and this received considerable press coverage across a range of media. This offered an opportunity to examine how gestational weight management guidance was received by UK women. Methods: A thematic analysis was conducted of 400 posts made in UK-based parenting internet forums in the week following the publication of the NICE guidance. This allowed us to examine the naturally occurring comments from 202 women who posted about the guidance on public forums. Results: Three main themes were identified and explored: i) Perceived control/responsibility ii) Risk perception iii) Confused messages. Conclusions: Women differed in their perceptions of the level of control that they had over being overweight with some feeling responsible and motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Others felt there were multiple factors influencing their weight issues beyond their control. There were reports of feeling guilty about the impact of weight on the growing baby and experiencing significant obesity stigma from the public and health professionals. Information about the risks of overweight and obesity in pregnancy were difficult messages for women to hear, and for health professionals to deliver. Women reported being confused by the messages that they received. Health messages need to be delivered sensitively to women, and health professionals need support and training to do this. Risk information should always be accompanied with clear advice and support to help women to manage their weight in pregnancy. Keywords: internet-mediated research, gestational weight gain, parenting forums, NICE, women, views, risk perception</p

    Expression profiling of blood samples from an SU5416 Phase III metastatic colorectal cancer clinical trial: a novel strategy for biomarker identification

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    BACKGROUND: Microarray-based gene expression profiling is a powerful approach for the identification of molecular biomarkers of disease, particularly in human cancers. Utility of this approach to measure responses to therapy is less well established, in part due to challenges in obtaining serial biopsies. Identification of suitable surrogate tissues will help minimize limitations imposed by those challenges. This study describes an approach used to identify gene expression changes that might serve as surrogate biomarkers of drug activity. METHODS: Expression profiling using microarrays was applied to peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples obtained from patients with advanced colorectal cancer participating in a Phase III clinical trial. The PBMC samples were harvested pre-treatment and at the end of the first 6-week cycle from patients receiving standard of care chemotherapy or standard of care plus SU5416, a vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitor. Results from matched pairs of PBMC samples from 23 patients were queried for expression changes that consistently correlated with SU5416 administration. RESULTS: Thirteen transcripts met this selection criterion; six were further tested by quantitative RT-PCR analysis of 62 additional samples from this trial and a second SU5416 Phase III trial of similar design. This method confirmed four of these transcripts (CD24, lactoferrin, lipocalin 2, and MMP-9) as potential biomarkers of drug treatment. Discriminant analysis showed that expression profiles of these 4 transcripts could be used to classify patients by treatment arm in a predictive fashion. CONCLUSIONS: These results establish a foundation for the further exploration of peripheral blood cells as a surrogate system for biomarker analyses in clinical oncology studies

    The effect of a curriculum-based physical activity intervention on accelerometer-assessed physical activity in schoolchildren: a non-randomised mixed methods controlled before-and-after study

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    Classroom-based physical activity (PA) interventions offer the opportunity to increase PA without disrupting the curriculum. We aimed to explore the feasibility and potential effectiveness of a classroom-based intervention on moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) and total PA. The secondary aim was to assess the acceptability and sustainability of the intervention. In a mixed-methods, non-randomised, exploratory controlled before-and-after study, 152 children (10 ± 0.7 years) were recruited from five schools; two intervention (n = 72) and three control (n = 80) schools. School teachers delivered an 8-week classroom-based intervention, comprising of 10 minutes daily MVPA integrated into the curriculum. The control schools maintained their usual school routine. Mean daily MVPA (min), total PA (mean cpm), physical fitness, and health-related quality of life measurements were taken at baseline, end of intervention, and 4-weeks post-intervention (follow-up). Data were analysed using a constrained baseline longitudinal analysis model accounting for the hierarchical data structure. For the primary outcomes (MVPA and total PA) the posterior mean difference and 95% compatibility interval were derived using a semi-Bayesian approach with an explicit prior. The acceptability and sustainability of the intervention was explored via thematic content analysis of focus group discussions with teachers (n = 5) and children (n = 50). The difference in mean daily MVPA (intervention-control) was 2.8 (-12.5 to 18.0) min/day at 8 weeks and 7.0 (-8.8 to 22.8) min/day at follow-up. For total PA, the differences were -2 (-127 to 124) cpm at 8-weeks and 11 (-121 to 143) cpm at follow-up. The interval estimates indicate that meaningful mean effects (both positive and negative) as well as trivial effects are reasonably compatible with the data and design. The intervention was received positively with continuation reported by the teachers and children. Classroom-based PA could hold promise for increasing average daily MVPA, but a large cluster randomised controlled trial is required