28 research outputs found

    Experience in the implementation and conduct of new trainings practices in 2-year student of preventive medicine faculty

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    the article is devoted to the results and new experience of implementation and conducting of training practices for students of the 2nd year of medicalpreventive faculty of the Department of hygiene and occupational diseases with a course of physical therapy and sports medicine of USMU. The main advantages of practices and what opportunities they give to the student are shown. The successful educational practices in the educational process are givenстатья посвящена итогам и опыту внедрения и проведения новых учебных практик для студентов 2-го курса медико-профилактического факультета кафедрой гигиены и профессиональных болезней с курсом физиотерапии, ЛФК и спортивной медицины УГМУ. Показаны основные преимущества практик и какие возможности они дают студенту. Приведены условия успешного проведения учебных практик с использованием приобретенного опыта в образовательном процесс

    Experience of application of modern technologies for post-graduating training in the department of hygiene and professional diseases with physiotherapy and sports medicine

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    The article is devoted to the experience of webinars realization for postgraduate training of doctors at the department of hygiene and occupational diseases with a course of physiotherapy and sports medicine of USMU. The main advantages of webinars over traditional forms of teaching are shown, among which the expansion of the distance learning geography of doctors is important. The conditions for the successful application of telecommunication technologies in the educational process are givenСтатья посвящена опыту проведения вебинаров для последипломного обучения врачей на кафедре гигиены и профессиональных болезней с курсом физиотерапии, ЛФК и спортивной медицины УГМУ. Показаны основные преимущества вебинаров перед традиционными формами преподавания, среди которых важное значение имеет расширение географии дистанционного обучения врачей. Приведены условия успешного применения телекоммуникационных технологий в образовательном процесс

    Asynchronous induction roller motors

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    Boosting Hydrogen Production from Formic Acid over Pd Catalysts by Deposition of N-Containing Precursors on the Carbon Support

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    Formic acid is a promising liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) since it has relatively high hydrogen content (4.4 wt%), low inflammability, low toxicity and can be obtained from biomass or from CO2. The aim of the present research was the creation of efficient 1 wt% Pd catalysts supported on mesoporous graphitic carbon (Sibunit) for the hydrogen production from gas-phase formic acid. For this purpose, the carbon support was modified by pyrolysis of deposited precursors containing pyridinic nitrogen such as melamine (Mel), 2,2′-bipyridine (Bpy) or 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen) at 673 K. The following activity trend of the catalysts Pd/Mel/C > Pd/C ~ Pd/Bpy/C > Pd/Phen/C was obtained. The activity of the Pd/Mel/C catalyst was by a factor of 4 higher than the activity of the Pd/C catalyst at about 373 K and the apparent activation energy was significantly lower than those for the other catalysts (32 vs. 42–46 kJ/mol). The high activity of the melamine-based samples was explained by a high dispersion of Pd nanoparticles (~2 nm, HRTEM) and their strong electron-deficient character (XPS) provided by interaction of Pd with pyridinic nitrogen species of the support. The presented results can be used for the development of supported Pd catalysts for hydrogen production from different liquid organic hydrogen carriers