314 research outputs found
Соціально-психологічні детермінанти бродяжництва підлітків
Геращенко, О. В. Соціально-психологічні детермінанти бродяжництва підлітків / О. В. Геращенко // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 4 (59). - С. 147–150.Gerashchenko, O.V. (201 5), “Social and psychological determinants of teenagers’ vagrancy” [“Sotsialnopsykholohichni determinanty brodiazhnytstva pidlitkiv”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 4, pp. 1 47–1 50.Розглянуто теоретичні аспекти проблеми бездоглядності та бродяжництва підлітків. Показано, що бродяжництво – мультифакторний феномен, в основі якого лежать соціально-економічні, соціально-психологічні та психологічні чинники, які результуються у переживанні підлітком безпосередніх причин самовільного залишення домівки. Наведено результати
емпіричного дослідження причин бродяжництва юнаків та дівчат.Theoretical aspects of the problem of teenagers’ homelessness and vagrancy are considered. It is
shown that the real number of street children in the country is unknown and it can exceed official statistical data in many times.
Vagrancy of teenagers is considered as a multifactorial phenomenon, the basis of which are different
groups of reasons like: social and economic, which break or considerably change life-way of the society (processes of urbanization, globalization, economic and social instability of the society and financial instability of families), psycho-social (negative situations of communication with adults and contemporaries) and psychological (psychophysical anomalies, character accentuation, personal features).
It is shown that escapes ofteenagers from homes are the main immediate causes oftheir vagrancy.
Results of empirical research of the reasons of the vagrancy of young men and girls are provided. It
is revealed that the reasons of the escape of young men are mainly impunitive and emancipational,
and concerning the girls – emancipational and demonstrative.Рассмотрены теоретические аспекты проблемы беспризорности и бродяжничества подростков. Показано, что бродяжничество – мультифакторный феномен, в основе которого лежат
социально-экономические, социально-психологические и психологические условия, которые
результируются в переживании подростком непосредственных причин его самовольного ухода из дома. Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования причин бродяжничества
юношей и девушек
Translation inhibitors cause abnormalities in ribosome profiling experiments
Ribosome profiling and high-throughput sequencing provide unprecedented opportunities for the analysis of mRNA translation. Using this novel method, several studies have demonstrated the widespread role of short upstream reading frames in translational control as well as slower elongation at the beginning of open reading frames in response to stress. Based on the initial studies, the importance of adding or omitting translation inhibitors, such as cycloheximide, was noted as it markedly affected ribosome coverage profiles. For that reason, many recent studies omitted translation inhibitors in the culture medium. Here, we investigate the influence of ranging cycloheximide concentrations on ribosome profiles in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and demonstrate that increasing the drug concentration can overcome some of the artifacts. We subjected cells to various manipulations and show that neither oxidative stress nor heat shock nor amino acid starvation affect translation elongation. Instead, the observations in the initial studies are the result of cycloheximide-inflicted artifacts. Likewise, we find little support for short upstream reading frames to be involved in widespread protein synthesis regulation under stress conditions. Our study highlights the need for better standardization of ribosome profiling methods
Single polymer dynamics: coil-stretch transition in a random flow
By quantitative studies of statistics of polymer stretching in a random flow
and of a flow field we demonstrate that the stretching of polymer molecules in
a 3D random flow occurs rather sharply via the coil-stretch transition at the
value of the criterion close to theoretically predicted.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Competitiveness of the National Economy in Conditions of Structural Changes
The article researches the competitiveness of the national economy in conditions of structural changes, the article’s further aim is to define the strengths and weaknesses of the national economy. Based on the carried out analysis of the Global competitiveness index, it is determined that in 2021, in terms of global competitiveness, Ukraine returned to the level of 2013 and took the 54th position among 64 countries. During the period of 2015–2018, the relative stability of Ukraine’s position at the 59th place is observed, in 2019 and 2021 the country demonstrates an increase in rating positions. The analysis of the rating’s components of the ranking indicates that Ukraine’s low position in the global competitiveness ranking in 2021 is due to insufficient economic development. After all, Ukraine occupies the 54th position according to the element «economic indicators». At this, the highest-rated indicator corresponds to the element «business efficiency» (the 50th position in the ranking). It should be noted that it was possible to improve the position regarding the element «infrastructure», according to which Ukraine took the 51st place, while in 2020 it was the 54th position. It is determined that the modern global environment is characterized by a significant level of digitization of all spheres of life activities. The analysis of the country’s competitiveness from the point of view of the use of information and communication technologies is carried out on the basis of the Index of digital competitiveness of countries, which consists of three sub-indices: knowledge; technologies; readiness for the future. It is revealed that for the period 2012–2021, Ukraine had the highest ranking position on the «knowledge» indicator compared to other components and in 2021 took the 37th position, thus improving its ranking compared to the previous period. At the same time, according to the components «technology» and «readiness for the future», the positions in the ranking are approximately the same. The weaknesses and strengths of Ukraine’s competitiveness are highlighted. Among the weaknesses that do not allow Ukraine to take a leading place in the international ranking of digital competitiveness are significant investment risks, an insufficient level of intellectual property protection and the present level of cyber security. Strengths include: providing opportunities to start and develop one’s own business, relatively high Internet speed, e-democracy and high quality of education
Lecture Course “Modern Physics”
In the paper, the structure of the lecture course “Modern Physics” is described in detail. The course is based on a logical presentation of modern ideas about quantum-, atomic-, nuclear-, and molecular physics as well as astrophysics. A special attention is paid to a relatively new interdisciplinary research field, namely the physics of open systems, and to the study of clusters as one of the most promising scientific areas. Separate chapters of the textbook are devoted to nonlinear optics, quantum information, structure and dynamics of molecules. The fundamental laws and concepts of modern physics, their relationship and origin are comprehensively discussed. It is underlined that this lecture course is intended, first of all, for students of technical universities, postgraduate students of relevant specialties, as well as professors of vocation-related subjects. The inclusion of new sections of physics in the curricula of universities is rationalized, in particular, by the fact that physics is closely related to engineering. Due to this fact, the important role that physics plays in society becomes especially evident. The paper may also be of interest to those who are fond of physics and its state-of-the art
Психологічні чинники підліткового бродяжництва
Геращенко, О. В. Психологічні чинники підліткового бродяжництва / Олег Володимирович Геращенко // Бочаровські читання : матеріали наук.-практ. конф. [з міжнар. участю], присвяч. пам’яті проф. С. П. Бочарової (м. Харків, 18 берез. 2016 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2016. – С. 170-172.Розглянуто теоретичні аспекти проблеми бездоглядності та бродяжництва
підлітків. Показано, що бродяжництво – мультифакторний феномен, в основі якого
лежать соціально-економічні, соціально-психологічні та психологічні чинники, які
результуються у переживанні підлітком безпосередніх причин самовільного залишення
домівки.Theoretical aspects of the problem of neglect and vagrancy are considered
teenagers It is shown that vagrancy is a multifactorial phenomenon, the basis of which
there are socio-economic, socio-psychological and psychological factors that
result in the adolescent experiencing the immediate causes of voluntary abandonment
homes.Рассмотрены теоретические аспекты проблемы безнадзорности и бродяжничества
подростков. Показано, что бродяжничество – мультифакторный феномен, в основе которого
лежат социально-экономические, социально-психологические и психологические факторы, которые
результируются в переживании подростком непосредственных причин самовольного ухода
Thiol peroxidase deficiency leads to increased mutational load and decreased fitness in saccharomyces cerevisiae
Thiol peroxidases are critical enzymes in the redox control of cellular processes that function by reducing low levels of hydroperoxides and regulating redox signaling. These proteins were also shown to regulate genome stability, but how their dysfunction affects the actual mutations in the genome is not known. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has eight thiol peroxidases of glutathione peroxidase and peroxiredoxin families, and the mutant lacking all these genes (Δ8) is viable. In this study, we employed two independent Δ8 isolates to analyze the genome-wide mutation spectrum that results from deficiency in these enzymes. Deletion of these genes was accompanied by a dramatic increase in point mutations, many of which clustered in close proximity and scattered throughout the genome, suggesting strong mutational bias. We further subjected multiple lines of wild-type and Δ8 cells to long-term mutation accumulation, followed by genome sequencing and phenotypic characterization. Δ8 lines showed a significant increase in nonrecurrent point mutations and indels. The original Δ8 cells exhibited reduced growth rate and decreased life span, which were further reduced in all Δ8 mutation accumulation lines. Although the mutation spectrum of the two independent isolates was different, similar patterns of gene expression were observed, suggesting the direct contribution of thiol peroxidases to the observed phenotypes. Expression of a single thiol peroxidase could partially restore the growth phenotype of Δ8 cells. This study shows how deficiency in nonessential, yet critical and conserved oxidoreductase function, leads to increased mutational load and decreased fitness.National Institutes of Health (GM065204
Dynamics of threads and polymers in turbulence: power-law distributions and synchronization
We study the behavior of threads and polymers in a turbulent flow. These
objects have finite spatial extension, so the flow along them differs slightly.
The corresponding drag forces produce a finite average stretching and the
thread is stretched most of the time. Nevertheless, the probability of
shrinking fluctuations is significant and is known to decay only as a
power-law. We show that the exponent of the power law is a universal number
independent of the statistics of the flow. For polymers the coil-stretch
transition exists: the flow must have a sufficiently large Lyapunov exponent to
overcome the elastic resistance and stretch the polymer from the coiled state
it takes otherwise. The probability of shrinking from the stretched state above
the transition again obeys a power law but with a non-universal exponent. We
show that well above the transition the exponent becomes universal and derive
the corresponding expression. Furthermore, we demonstrate synchronization: the
end-to-end distances of threads or polymers above the transition are
synchronized by the flow and become identical. Thus, the transition from
Newtonian to non-Newtonian behavior in dilute polymer solutions can be seen as
an ordering transition.Comment: 13 pages, version accepted to Journal of Statistical Mechanic
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