56 research outputs found


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    Purpose. To identify the level of risk of dangerous events occurring at gas stations.Materials and methods. To assess the risks of hazardous events at petrol stations, the "HAZOP" method and the "FMEA" method were chosen because they are well combined with each other and allow detailing each stage of the production process to identify hazards and the performance of the system, which is carried out by a specially selected team of five expert specialists.Results. A risk management procedure at gas stations has been developed based on a combination of the "HAZOP" and "FMEA" methods, which allows to assume of the emergence of a possible scenario for the development of a dangerous event by keywords, as well as to assess the magnitude of priority risk, based on the possibility of detecting the occurrence of a discrepancy or threat. Four main scenarios of the occurrence of a dangerous event due to the inconsistency of the technical component of gas stations and the presence of errors and dangerous actions of operators are analysed. It has been established that the highest level of risk of a dangerous event – an explosion and fire at a gas station can occur due to leakage of connections and the accumulation of gasoline vapours in the dispensers.Originality lies in the establishment of the relationship between different methods of risk assessment, which allows to determine the most probable scenario for the development of a dangerous event through a combination of various dangerous factors.Practical value. Recommendations have been developed to reduce the probability of occurrence of a dangerous event of explosion and fire at a gas station due to the development of an improved risk management process based on a combination of well-known methods.Мета. Встановлення рівня ризику виникнення небезпечних подій на автозаправних станціях.Матеріали і методи. Для оцінки ризиків виникнення небезпечних подій на автозаправних станціях були обрані метод "HAZOP" та метод "FMEA", оскільки вони добре поєднуються між собою та дають можливість деталізувати кожен етап виробничого процесу для ідентифікації небезпек і працездатності системи загалом, що проводиться спеціально підібраною групою з п’яти фахівців-експертів.Результати. Розроблено процедуру керування ризиками на автозаправних станціях на основі поєднання методів "HAZOP" та "FMEA", що дозволяє припустити формування можливого сценарію розвитку небезпечної події за ключовими словами, а також оцінити величину пріоритетного ризику, виходячи з можливості виявлення невідповідності чи загрози. Проаналізовано чотири основні сценарії настання небезпечної події через невідповідності технічної складової автозаправних станцій та наявності помилок і небезпечних дій операторів. Встановлено, що найбільший рівень ризику настання небезпечної події – вибуху та пожежі на автозаправній станції може статися через негерметичність з’єднань та накопичення парів бензину у колонках.Наукова новизна полягає у встановленні взаємозв’язку між різними методами оцінювання ризику, що дає змогу визначити найбільш вірогідний сценарій розвитку небезпечної події через поєднання різних небезпечних чинників.Практична цінність. Розроблені рекомендації із зменшення ймовірності настання небезпечної події −вибуху і пожежі на автозаправній станції завдяки розробці удосконаленого процесу керування ризиками на основі поєднання загальновідомих методів


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    The purpose of the study is to analyse the causes of danger from ammonium nitrate and assess the level of risk of loss of life and health of people from a dangerous event (explosion of 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate in a warehouse in the port of Beirut) to develop appropriate preventive safety programs. Materials and methods. The "Bowtie-Metalik" model is used to assess the professional risk of hazards, which is a schematic way of describing and analysing the ways of the development of a dangerous event from causes to consequences, a combination of "failure tree" and "event tree".The results. A probable model of the analysis of the explosion of ammonium nitrate in the port of Beirut was developed, which revealed that the main cause of this event is indifference, which was manifested in: the selfishness of the ship owner, who did not provide the ship and the crew with the necessary resources for the safe transportation of ammonium nitrate and did not pay the port tax congregation in Beirut. Incompetence and negligence of the port managers regarding compliance with the requirements for safe storage of ammonium nitrate separately from fireworks, organization and control over the safety of welding works; the inaction of the government and the president, who were informed about the risk of an ammonium nitrate explosion. Recommendations for chemical hazard risk management have been developed, which provide that the following four decisions are possible in hazard risk management: 1) accept the hazard risk, that is, accept losses from this hazard; 2) not accept the risk of danger, that is, not to accept possible losses from this danger, for which it is possible: to transfer the risk (2), to refuse the risk (3) and to reduce the risk (4). Cause-and-effect relationships have been established between the danger (ammonium nitrate), the dangerous condition (increasing the temperature of ammonium nitrate above 210-350oС as a result of a fire and explosion caused by the ignition of fireworks, which led to the detonation of ammonium nitrate) and consequences (loss of life and health residents of Beirut, destruction of infrastructure, environmental pollution and political consequences).Scientific novelty. Validated models to identify the cause-and-effect relationships between the losses associated with the ammonium nitrate hazard and the two hazardous conditions that led to the hazardous event - the explosion in Beirut, which allowed the development of rules for handling chemicals in organisations.Practical value. Recommendations have been developed to prevent the possibility of similar dangerous situations occurring in the future.Метою дослідження є аналіз причин виникнення небезпеки від нітрату амонію та оцінка рівня ризику втрати життя та здоров’я людей від небезпечної події (вибуху 2750 тон нітрату амонію на складі в порту Бейрута) для розробки відповідних превентивних безпекових програм.Матеріали і методи. Для оцінки професійного ризику небезпек застосовано модель "краватка-метелик", яка є схематичним способом опису та аналізу шляхів розвитку небезпечної події від причин до наслідків, поєднанням «дерева відмов» і «дерева подій».Результати. Розроблено ймовірну модель аналізу вибуху аміачної селітри в порту Бейрута, яка дає змогу виявити, що основною причиною цієї події була байдужість, яка проявилася у: користолюбстві власника судна: не забезпечив судно і команду потрібними ресурсами для безпечного перевезення аміачної селітри та не сплатив портового збору в Бейруті; некомпетентності й недбалості керівників порту щодо дотримання вимог безпечного зберігання аміачної селітри окремо від феєрверків, організації та контролю за безпекою виконання зварювальних робіт; бездіяльності уряду та президента, які були поінформовані про ризик вибуху аміачної селітри. Розроблені рекомендації з керування ризиками хімічних небезпек, які передбачають, що в керуванні ризиком небезпеки можливі такі чотири рішення: 1) прийняти ризик небезпеки, тобто прийняти втрати від цієї небезпеки; 2) не прийняти ризик небезпеки, тобто, не прийняти можливі втрати від цієї небезпеки, для чого можливо: передати ризик (2), відмовитися від ризику (3) та знизити ризик (4). Встановлено причинно-наслідкові взаємозв’язки між небезпекою (нітрат амонію), небезпечною умовою (підвищення температури аміачної селітри вище 210-350оС внаслідок пожежі та вибуху, спричинених займанням феєрверків, що призвело до детонації аміачної селітри) та наслідками (втрата життя та здоров’я мешканців Бейрута, руйнування інфраструктури, забруднення навколишнього середовища та політичні наслідки).Наукова новизна. Обґрунтовані моделі для виявлення причино-наслідкових зав’язків втрат, пов’язаних з небезпекою нітрату амонію та двома небезпечними умовами, які призвели до небезпечної події – вибуху у порту Бейрута, що дало змогу розробити правила поводження з хімічними речовинами в організаціях.Практична цінність. Розроблені рекомендації для запобігання можливості виникнення подібних небезпечних ситуацій у майбутньому

    Assessment of the quality of assimilation of the material by students of the Medical and Preventive Faculty of the USMU in the discipline “Histology, Cytology and Embryology” in 2022/2023.

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    The purpose of the work is to assess the quality of assimilation of the material in the discipline “Histology, Cytology and Embryology” of second‑year students of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention who have been trained at the Department of Histology.Цель работы — оценить качество усвоения материала по дисциплине «Гистология, цитология и эмбриология» студентов второго курса медико‑профилактического факультета, прошедших обучение на кафедре гистологии УГМУ в 2022/2023 учебном году

    Autocracy-Sustaining Versus Democratic Federalism:Explaining the Divergent Trajectories of Territorial Politics in Russia and Western Europe

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    This article provides a comparative assessment of territorial politics in Russia and Western Europe. The consolidation or deepening of regional autonomy in Western Europe contrasts with the transformation of Russia from a segmented and highly centrifugal state into a centralized authoritarian state in the course of just two decades. The consolidation of territorial politics in Western Europe is linked to the presence of endogenous safeguards that are built into their territorial constitutional designs and most importantly to the dynamics that emanate from multi-level party competition in the context of a liberal and multi-level democracy. In contrast, in Russia, neither endogenous safeguards nor multi-level party democracy play an important role in explaining the dynamics of Russian federalism, but who controls key state resources instead. We argue that under Putin power dependencies between the Russian center and the regions are strongest where regional democracy is at its weakest, thus producing ‘autocracy-sustaining’ instead of a democratic federation. By studying the relationship between federalism and democracy in cases where both concepts are mutually reinforcing (as in Western Europe) with the critical case of Russia where they are not, we question the widely held view that democracy is a necessary pre-condition for federalism.Peer reviewe

    A Concerted HIF-1α/MT1-MMP Signalling Axis Regulates the Expression of the 3BP2 Adaptor Protein in Hypoxic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

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    Increased plasticity, migratory and immunosuppressive abilities characterize mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) which enable them to be active participants in the development of hypoxic solid tumours. Our understanding of the oncogenic adaptation of MSC to hypoxia however lacks the identification and characterization of specific biomarkers. In this study, we assessed the hypoxic regulation of 3BP2/SH3BP2 (Abl SH3-binding protein 2), an immune response adaptor/scaffold protein which regulates leukocyte differentiation and motility. Gene silencing of 3BP2 abrogated MSC migration in response to hypoxic cues and generation of MSC stably expressing the transcription factor hypoxia inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1α) resulted in increased endogenous 3BP2 expression as well as cell migration. Analysis of the 3BP2 promoter sequence revealed only one potential HIF-1α binding site within the human but none in the murine sequence. An alternate early signalling cascade that regulated 3BP2 expression was found to involve membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) transcriptional regulation which gene silencing abrogated 3BP2 expression in response to hypoxia. Collectively, we provide evidence for a concerted HIF-1α/MT1-MMP signalling axis that explains the induction of adaptor protein 3BP2 and which may link protein binding partners together and stimulate oncogenic MSC migration. These mechanistic observations support the potential for malignant transformation of MSC within hypoxic tumour stroma and may contribute to evasion of the immune system by a tumour

    Field of Stresses in an Isotropic Plane with Circular Inclusion under Tensile Stress

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    Social Portrait of a Modern Student

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    Introduction. Sociological studies of the social portrait of students are an urgent problem of science, which has recently acquired special significance in Russian conditions. This is due to those circumstances, which, on the one hand, follow from the special characteristics of students as a specific social group, for which the problems of successful socialization are especially relevant, and on the other, they are dictated by the significant dependence of students on those factors that are formed in the political, economic and the legal space of different regions. In conditions of social transformations and turbulence, almost always young students find themselves in a more difficult situation than older generations. In particular, a number of problems arise on the basis of the divergences and nuances of the social perception of reality, which are formed among students who, to varying degrees, are adapted to the local conditions of the university.Methodology and sources. The theoretical foundation of the study is the concept of youth as a cultural group, the methodology of sociological research of risk and social uncertainty, the works of foreign and national researchers of student youth, which reflect various aspects of students' social life, in particular, the results of a study of the effects of social factors in the information space, new phenomena of youth subcultures, etc., which involve the development of new strategies for a sociological study of the social portrait of young students.Results and discussion. Particular problems of students' socialization arise in those regions of the country where new legal and political realities are forming. Compared with other social groups, in such social spaces, it is more difficult for young people to integrate and join in a new reality, because the usual mechanisms of socialization, formed earlier, are not actual now, and how to achieve full potential in the new social space is not yet clear to everyone. In particular, such contradictions are clearly visible in the Crimean realities, in the university community of Sevastopol. The purpose of the sociological research conducted by the Centre for Sociological Research of Sevastopol State University was to study the characteristics of the social portrait of student youth in Sevastopol, including those representing various groups of students according the period of their residence on the peninsula. For this purpose, two groups of young people were distinguished in the analysis, differing by the period of their residence in Sevastopol: an “indigenous” one – those who live in Sevastopol from birth or moved here at an early age, and a “new” one – those who moved to Sevastopol after 2014. The results of the study made it possible to determine the strategic life goals of university students, which can be described as ambitious: starting a business, acquiring a car and housing, providing material wealth, pursuing career success and self-realization.Conclusion. Most of the “indigenous” youth and “new” residents of the southern capital of Russia have shown their attitude to Sevastopol as a city that they want to develop together. This fact was assessed as a phenomenon of social gratitude: the young generation, who found in Sevastopol the opportunity to live peacefully and fulfill itself, binds itself to the city, but wants to make it better. The study also confirms the relevance of highlighting among students social and demographic groups that differ in the perception of social reality, due to the time spent in this social environment. In particular, this is noted in a higher degree of readiness of “old-timers” for practical participation in changes in social reality – participation in public life, volunteering, etc


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    Strategies of identificational behavior may vary. Within trainee divisions of cadet corps these strategies acquire many specific features. This includes strategies of achieving the desired self-identity that can be formed as modified practices of achieving this identity. Therefore, it is important to investigate those social elements and factors that influence the formation of strategies of identificational behavior. Analysis of scientific sources shows that in the strategies of identification behavior elements that make up these strategies can be discussed, which form the stages at which self-identity is reshaped to achieve we-identity. Strategies can be unvoluntary behavioral practices or deliberate actions that allow one to identify oneself with significant social groups. Another aspect of characterizing such strategies lies in transitions from external to internal entities and vice versa, which mark personalization of trainee final identification goals that are essential for studying in cadet corps and for service after graduation. The results of the study of strategies of identification behavior are verified by data obtained from other researchers. Examples of various strategies of identification behavior described in scientific literature are shown