Assessment of the quality of assimilation of the material by students of the Medical and Preventive Faculty of the USMU in the discipline “Histology, Cytology and Embryology” in 2022/2023.


The purpose of the work is to assess the quality of assimilation of the material in the discipline “Histology, Cytology and Embryology” of second‑year students of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention who have been trained at the Department of Histology.Цель работы — оценить качество усвоения материала по дисциплине «Гистология, цитология и эмбриология» студентов второго курса медико‑профилактического факультета, прошедших обучение на кафедре гистологии УГМУ в 2022/2023 учебном году

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