6,160 research outputs found

    Screening for lignin peroxidase genes in natural isolates of white rot fungi

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    To find lingin peroxidase genes similar to those of Phanerochaete chrysosporium, we have studied several species of white rot fungi collected in nature. The methodology has been DNA hybridization techniques using two synthetic oligonucleotides with a sequence that corresponds to a fragment of the H8 lignin peroxidase gene from P. chrysosporium (Schalch et al. 1989. Mol. Cell. Biol. 9:2743-2747) controlling the structure of the predominant form of the enzyme in this fungus

    A method for the preparation of intact chromosomal DNA of Pycnoporus cinnabarinus

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    We describe an improved procedure to obtain chromosomal DNA of Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, which was used in pulse field gel electrophoresis employing a contour-clamped homogenous electric field (CHEF). Four bands of chromosomal DNA were separated. The procedure may be useful to study the genome of other filamentous fungi

    Presence of double stranded RNA in natural isolates of Pycnoporus cinnabarinus

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    While studying the nucleic acids of different strains of P. cinnabarinus (Pc58, Pc470.3, Pc470.6), the presence of dsRNA molecules (1.7 kb to 3.6 kb) was detected in two of them

    Genetic complementation analysis in Pycnoporus cinnabarinus

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    White-rot basidiomycetes are known as very powerful degraders of wood components. The relative enzyme activities during the degrading process may vary between different species

    A comparative analysis of chromosome pairing at metaphase I in interspecific hybrids between durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) and the most widespread Aegilops species.

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    Homoeologous metaphase I (MI) associations in hybrids between durum wheat and its wild allotetraploid relatives Aegilops neglecta, Ae. triuncialis and Ae. ventricosa have been characterized by a genomic in situ hybridization procedure that allows simultaneous discrimination of A, B and wild species genomes. Earlier results in equivalent hybrids with the wild species Ae. cylindrica and Ae. geniculata have also been considered to comparatively assay the MI pairing pattern of the durum wheat × Aegilops interspecific combinations more likely to occur in nature. The general picture can be drawn as follows. A and B wheat genomes pair with each other less than the 2 wild constituent genomes do in any of the hybrid combinations examined. Interspecific wheat-wild associations account for 60–70% of total MI pairing in all hybrids, except in that derived from Ae. triuncialis, but the A genome is always the wheat partner most frequently involved in MI pairing with the wild homoeologues. Hybrids with Ae. cylindrica, Ae. geniculata and Ae. ventricosa showed similar reduced levels of MI association and virtually identical MI pairing patterns. However, certain recurrent differences were found when the pattern of homoeologous pairing of hybrids from either Ae. triuncialis or Ae. neglecta was contrasted to that observed in the other durum wheat hybrid combinations. In the former case, a remarkable preferential pairing between the wild species constituent genomes Ut and Ct seems to be the reason, whereas a general promotion of homoeologous pairing, qualitatively similar to that observed under the effect of the ph1c mutation, appears to occur in the hybrid with Ae. neglecta. It is further discussed whether the results reported here can be extrapolated to the corresponding bread wheat hybrid combination

    Generalización de la inducción matemática a estructuras inductivas

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    En esta1 nota se muestra cómo la inducción matemática definida sobre la mínima estructura inductiva (los números naturales) puede ser generalizada a cualquier tipo de estructura inductiva que satisface lectura única. Para este fin, se muestra un teorema el cual generaliza el teorema de definición por inducción a cualquier estructura inductiva que satisface lectura única. Se ilustra con algunos ejemplos

    Quantum spin transistor with a Heisenberg spin chain

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    We propose and analyze a scheme for conditional state transfer in a Heisenberg XXZXXZ spin chain which realizes a quantum spin transistor. In our scheme, the absence or presence of a control spin excitation in the central gate part of the spin chain results in either perfect transfer of an arbitrary state of a target spin between the weakly coupled input and output ports, or its complete blockade at the input port. We also present a possible realization of the corresponding spin chain with a one-dimensional ensemble of cold atoms with strong contact interactions.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figures, including supplements. See journal reference below for refereed and revised versio