55 research outputs found

    Combination of processes and combined solutions in improving the technique and technology of arc welding and fusion

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    In work systematized and considered on the row of examples basic types of combinations of influences and combination of processes which are developed for the use in the arc welding and naplavke a fluxible electrode. It is shown that new technical and technological effects at welding and naplavke can be got only at purposeful introduction to the technological process of additional influence

    Влияние мартенсита на кинетику бейнитного превращения в сталях 60С2ХФА и 55С3Г2ХФМБА

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    The effect of cooling below Ms point (up to 160 °С and 200 °С) on the kinetics of bainite transformation in steels 60Si2CrVА and 55Si3Mn2CrVMoNb at isothermal exposure in the range of 225–350 °С is described. It is shown that, in most cases, the appearance of martensite accelerates the beginning of transformation, but leads to a slowing its completion or early delay due to the stabilization of austeniteОписано влияние подстуживания ниже точки Мн (до 160°С и 200 °С) на кинетику бейнитного превращения в сталях 60С2ХФА и 55С3Г2ХФМБА при изотермической выдержке в диапазоне 225–350 °С. Показано, что в большинстве случаев появление мартенсита ускоряет начало превращения, но приводит к замедлению его окончания или ранней приостановке за счет стабилизации аустенит

    Energy analysis of the processes occurring in the operating zone of steels during wear

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    Strain hardening of alloys during abrasive wear

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    Tests of materials under laboratory conditions imitating the wear of mold linings

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    Photosynthetic apparatus features of Nuphar lutea and Nymphaea alba floating leaves can affect their redistribution

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    Water plants are well adapted to the aquatic environment due to the high plasticity of the photosynthetic apparatus of floating and submerged leaves. A strong decrease or complete disappearance of Nymphaea alba L. populations and their simultaneous replacement by Nuphar lutea L. Smith populations were observed for the last decades in freshwater ecosystems previously described as typical habitats of both species. However, there is no information on which environmental factors and / or interspecies differences between Nu. lutea and Ny. alba induce succession in Nymphaeaceae populations and decline of Ny. alba in natural habitats. We conducted a two-year comparative study of photosynthetic apparatus in floating leaves (chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf anatomy, and chloroplast ultrastructure) of both plant species in water bodies significantly different in the degree of anthropogenic impact and abundance of Nymphaeaceae individuals. It was shown that shifting of parameters of water chemistry induced by increasing concentrations of nitrogen and inorganic phosphorus did not affect photosynthetic processes in both species and confirmed literature data on high tolerance of rooted floating-leaved macrophytes to eutrophication. Irrespective of the water eutrophication level, a more rapid decrease of effective quantum yield (ΦPSII) of Nu. lutea floating leaves at irradiances above 500 μmol m−2 s−1 was observed. Active non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) mechanisms and local extensions of granal thylakoids indicate well-developed photoprotective features of Nu. lutea. The higher value of ΦPSII and diameter of grana in palisade parenchyma and a well-developed spongy parenchyma providing intensive gas exchange indicate better adaptation of photosynthetic apparatus of Ny. alba to high irradiance. In addition, leaf costs and leaf dynamics of Nu. lutea and Ny. alba can impact the outcome of the competition between the two species. © 2022 Elsevier Gmb

    Improving the wear resistance of press-mold stamp plates

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