335 research outputs found

    The coherent interaction between matter and radiation - A tutorial on the Jaynes-Cummings model

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    The Jaynes-Cummings (JC) model is a milestone in the theory of coherent interaction between a two-level system and a single bosonic field mode. This tutorial aims to give a complete description of the model, analyzing the Hamiltonian of the system, its eigenvalues and eigestates, in order to characterize the dynamics of system and subsystems. The Rabi oscillations, together with the collapse and revival effects, are distinguishing features of the JC model and are important for applications in Quantum Information theory. The framework of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED) is chosen and two fundamental experiments on the coherent interaction between Rydberg atoms and a single cavity field mode are described.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. Tutorial. Submitted to a special issue of EPJ - ST devoted to the memory of Federico Casagrand

    Sialadenoma Papilliferum: Clinical Misdiagnosis with a Histological Decree

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    Sialadenoma papilliferum is a rare salivary gland tumor clinically resembling papilloma originating probably from the excretory duct. It is characterized by a biphasic growth pattern of exophytic squamous component and endophytic glandular component. We report a rare case of sialadenoma papilliferum in the floor of the mouth with epithelial dysplasia with pertinent review of literature. The present case highlights the importance of keeping sialadenoma papilliferum as a differential diagnosis of exophytic papilliferous oral lesions and the need to explore the etiology and malignant potential of the tumor

    Hubungan Jenis Makanan dan Intake Cairan dengan Kelelahan pada Pekerja Bagian Setrika PT Sandang Asia Maju Abadi

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    Fatigue is the body's mechanism to avoid further damage so that the body can recover itself after resting. Fatigue is adjusted centrally by the brain. Work fatigue increases errors in working process and may increase the number of accidents at work. The objective of this study is to describe the correlation between consumed types of diets and fluid intake with fatigue among Ironing Division workers of PT Sandang Asia Maju Abadi. This descriptive study conducted in cross-sectional method in form of observational study. The population studied consists of 37 workers from Ironing Division and sampled by total-sampling method. Instruments used in this study include recall questionnaires of foods and beverages consumed to determine the types of diets and fluid intake, Questemp 34 Heat Stress Monitor to measure the work climate, body weight scale, Microtoise to measure body height, Deary-Liewald Reaction Time to measure the level of work fatigue. The results showed that the respondent consists of 51.4% of young adults, 67.6% of females, and 56.8% of respondent with normal nutritional status, 56.8% of respondents consumes non-gravy-rich diets, and 64.9% of respondents have enough fluid intakes, under work climate ranging between 24 - 36oC. The result of chi-square test shows that there is a correlation between types of diets and fluid intake with fatigue. To reduce the risk of work fatigue, it is recommended for workers to prefer consuming gravy-rich diets and drink enough water to overcome the loss of body fluids

    Analisis Kepatuhan Pekerja terhadap Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (Apd) (Studikasus Area Produksi di PT. X )

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    PT. X is a company that working in the area of production of animal feed who in the production involved many workers. In implementing production process, workers should use personal protective equipment according to their indivto keep safety and health workers. This study aims to analyze the compliance level of workers on the use of personal protective equipment in the area firm production. This research is the qualitative study descriptive by observation and in-depth interviews with informants and content analisysis .The subject of study were 7 workers of production line and 3 people as informants triangulation the chairman and secidual risk retary of committee trustees occupational health and safety and leader of production line .The results of research showed that production line workers have a good knowledge and understand the usefulness of the personal protective equipment , having nice perception about the importance of the personal protective equipment , as well as having attitude and positive responses about personal protective equipment .Workers were not use personal protective equipment routine .Socialization had done by the company the last time done in late 2015.Provision personal protective equipment by the company still not good for workers .The company does not have reward program and punishment aboutthe occupational safety and health. Rewards only to a worker example and punishment for workers who smoke in outside smoking .Companies should improve socialization and supervision to discipline workers to be followedfollowed in using about personal protective equipment at work

    Staphylococcal Toxins and Protein A Differentially Induce Cytotoxicity and Release of Tumor Necrosis Factor–α From Human Keratinocytes

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    It has been proposed that toxins and other bacterial protein products of Staphylococcus aureus can act as triggers or persistence factors in several inflammatory skin diseases. In this study, we examined the S. aureus isolates from the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. We found that the bacterial isolates from these patients exihibited either characteristics superantigenic toxins or thermolabile toxins believed to be staphylococal α-toxin. All of these staphylococcal strains also secreted extracellular staphylococcal protein A. We found significant differences in the action of these toxins on human keratinocytes and keratinocyte cell lines. The superantigenic toxins toxic shock syndrome toxin–1, staphylococcal enterotoxins A and B, and exfoliative toxin–A. as well as staphylococcal protein A, did not induce significant cytotoxic damage in the keratinocyte cell line HaCaT, whereas the staphylococcal α-toxin produced profound cytotoxicity. Keratinocyte cytotoxity induced by staphylococcal α-toxin was time and concentration dependent and demonstrated the morphologic and functional characteristics of necrosis, not apoptosis. Addition of α-toxin to keratinocytes simultaneously induced cell lysis and tumor necrosis factor–α release into the medium within 30 min; apparently, it was constitutive tumor necrosis factor–α. On the other hand, superantigenic toxins and, in particular, protein A showed stimulation of tumor necrosis factor-α secretion in keratinocytes and release of this cytokine after 6–12h of incubation. Thus, staphylococcal protein A, α-toxin, and superantigenic toxins found in S. aureus isolates from patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis can produce direct pro-inflammatory effects on kerationcytes through the release of tumor necrosis factor–α. We propose that these effects may be relevant to the induction and persistence of lesions in these two disease

    Brachistochrone of Entanglement for Spin Chains

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    We analytically investigate the role of entanglement in time-optimal state evolution as an appli- cation of the quantum brachistochrone, a general method for obtaining the optimal time-dependent Hamiltonian for reaching a target quantum state. As a model, we treat two qubits indirectly cou- pled through an intermediate qubit that is directly controllable, which represents a typical situation in quantum information processing. We find the time-optimal unitary evolution law and quantify residual entanglement by the two-tangle between the indirectly coupled qubits, for all possible sets of initial pure quantum states of a tripartite system. The integrals of the motion of the brachistochrone are determined by fixing the minimal time at which the residual entanglement is maximized. Entan- glement plays a role for W and GHZ initial quantum states, and for the bi-separable initial state in which the indirectly coupled qubits have a nonzero value of the 2-tangle.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Role of diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy in the evaluation of infertility

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    Background: Infertility has become nowadays not only a medical, but a social problem as well. None of the laboratory findings alone is conclusive in diagnosing infertility. Diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy is an accurate method of assessing and treating infertility. Direct visualization of abdominal and pelvic organs in hysteroscopy and laparoscopy allows a definite diagnosis where clinical examination and less invasive techniques such as ultrasound, SSG and HSG fail to identify the problem. The main objective of study was to determine the role of diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy in the evaluation of infertility in tertiary care centers.Methods: A prospective hospital based study was carried out in two tertiary care centers (Sheth V.S. General Hospital and Smt. S.C.L. Municipal Hospital) over a period of 2 years from July 2013 to June 2015. Hysterolaparoscopy was done in 300 patients. Women aged 20-40 years with normal hormone profile without male factor infertility were included.Results: Out of 300 cases, 206 (69%) patients had primary infertility. While laparoscopy detected abnormalities in 35% of the cases, significant hysteroscopy findings were noted in 17% of cases. Together, diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy detected abnormalities in 26% of the infertile patients in both groups. While the most common laparoscopic abnormality was endometriosis (14%) and adnexal adhesions (12%) in primary and secondary infertile patients respectively, on hysteroscopy, intrauterine septum was found as the commonest abnormality in both the groups.Conclusions: Hysterolaparoscopy is an effective diagnostic tool for evaluation of certain significant and correctable tubo-peritoneal and intrauterine pathologies like peritoneal endometriosis, adnexal adhesions and subseptate uterus, which are usually missed by other imaging modalities

    Biomarkers for ehlers-danlos syndromes: There is a role?

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    Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) are an inherited heterogeneous group of connective tissue disorders characterized by an abnormal collagen synthesis affecting skin, ligaments, joints, blood vessels, and other organs. It is one of the oldest known causes of bruising and bleeding, and it was described first by Hippocrates in 400 BC. In the last years, multiple gene variants involved in the pathogenesis of specific EDS subtypes have been identified; moreover, new clinical diagnostic criteria have been established. New classification models have also been studied in order to differentiate overlapping conditions. Moreover, EDS shares many characteristics with other similar disorders. Although distinguishing between these seemingly identical conditions is difficult, it is essential in ensuring proper patient care. Currently, there are many genetic and molecular studies underway to clarify the etiology of some variants of EDS. However, the genetic basis of the hypermobile type of EDS (hEDS) is still unknown. In this review, we focused on the study of two of the most common forms of EDS—classic and hypermobile—by trying to identify possible biomarkers that could be of great help to confirm patients’ diagnosis and their follow up

    Vibrio cholerae vexH Encodes a Multiple Drug Efflux Pump That Contributes to the Production of Cholera Toxin and the Toxin Co-Regulated Pilus

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    The resistance-nodulation-division (RND) efflux systems are ubiquitous transporters that function in antimicrobial resistance. Recent studies showed that RND systems were required for virulence factor production in Vibrio cholerae. The V. cholerae genome encodes six RND efflux systems. Three of the RND systems (VexB, VexD, and VexK) were previously shown to be redundant for in vitro resistance to bile acids and detergents. A mutant lacking the VexB, VexD, and VexK RND pumps produced wild-type levels of cholera toxin (CT) and the toxin co-regulated pilus (TCP) and was moderately attenuated for intestinal colonization. In contrast, a RND negative mutant produced significantly reduced amounts of CT and TCP and displayed a severe colonization defect. This suggested that one or more of the three uncharacterized RND efflux systems (i.e. VexF, VexH, and VexM) were required for pathogenesis. In this study, a genetic approach was used to generate a panel of V. cholerae RND efflux pump mutants in order to determine the function of VexH in antimicrobial resistance, virulence factor production, and intestinal colonization. VexH contributed to in vitro antimicrobial resistance and exhibited a broad substrate specificity that was redundant with the VexB, VexD, and VexK RND efflux pumps. These four efflux pumps were responsible for in vitro antimicrobial resistance and were required for virulence factor production and intestinal colonization. Mutation of the VexF and/or VexM efflux pumps did not affect in vitro antimicrobial resistance, but did negatively affect CT and TCP production. Collectively, our results demonstrate that the V. cholerae RND efflux pumps have redundant functions in antimicrobial resistance and virulence factor production. This suggests that the RND efflux systems contribute to V. cholerae pathogenesis by providing the bacterium with protection against antimicrobial compounds that are present in the host and by contributing to the regulated expression of virulence factors