1,026 research outputs found

    Isoperimetric Inequalities for Minimal Submanifolds in Riemannian Manifolds: A Counterexample in Higher Codimension

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    For compact Riemannian manifolds with convex boundary, B.White proved the following alternative: Either there is an isoperimetric inequality for minimal hypersurfaces or there exists a closed minimal hypersurface, possibly with a small singular set. There is the natural question if a similar result is true for submanifolds of higher codimension. Specifically, B.White asked if the non-existence of an isoperimetric inequality for k-varifolds implies the existence of a nonzero, stationary, integral k-varifold. We present examples showing that this is not true in codimension greater than two. The key step is the construction of a Riemannian metric on the closed four-dimensional ball B with the following properties: (1) B has strictly convex boundary. (2) There exists a complete nonconstant geodesic. (3) There does not exist a closed geodesic in B.Comment: 11 pages, We changed the title and added a section that exhibits the relation between our example and the question posed by Brian White concerning isoperimetric inequalities for minimal submanifold

    Insecurity for compact surfaces of positive genus

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    A pair of points in a riemannian manifold MM is secure if the geodesics between the points can be blocked by a finite number of point obstacles; otherwise the pair of points is insecure. A manifold is secure if all pairs of points in MM are secure. A manifold is insecure if there exists an insecure point pair, and totally insecure if all point pairs are insecure. Compact, flat manifolds are secure. A standing conjecture says that these are the only secure, compact riemannian manifolds. We prove this for surfaces of genus greater than zero. We also prove that a closed surface of genus greater than one with any riemannian metric and a closed surface of genus one with generic metric are totally insecure.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figure

    Convex domains of Finsler and Riemannian manifolds

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    A detailed study of the notions of convexity for a hypersurface in a Finsler manifold is carried out. In particular, the infinitesimal and local notions of convexity are shown to be equivalent. Our approach differs from Bishop's one in his classical result (Bishop, Indiana Univ Math J 24:169-172, 1974) for the Riemannian case. Ours not only can be extended to the Finsler setting but it also reduces the typical requirements of differentiability for the metric and it yields consequences on the multiplicity of connecting geodesics in the convex domain defined by the hypersurface.Comment: 22 pages, AMSLaTex. Typos corrected, references update

    Weak KAM for commuting Hamiltonians

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    For two commuting Tonelli Hamiltonians, we recover the commutation of the Lax-Oleinik semi-groups, a result of Barles and Tourin ([BT01]), using a direct geometrical method (Stoke's theorem). We also obtain a "generalization" of a theorem of Maderna ([Mad02]). More precisely, we prove that if the phase space is the cotangent of a compact manifold then the weak KAM solutions (or viscosity solutions of the critical stationary Hamilton-Jacobi equation) for G and for H are the same. As a corrolary we obtain the equality of the Aubry sets, of the Peierls barrier and of flat parts of Mather's α\alpha functions. This is also related to works of Sorrentino ([Sor09]) and Bernard ([Ber07b]).Comment: 23 pages, accepted for publication in NonLinearity (january 29th 2010). Minor corrections, fifth part added on Mather's α\alpha function (or effective Hamiltonian

    Insecurity for compact surfaces of positive genus: commentary

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    The Cosmological Time Function

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    Let (M,g)(M,g) be a time oriented Lorentzian manifold and dd the Lorentzian distance on MM. The function τ(q):=supp<qd(p,q)\tau(q):=\sup_{p< q} d(p,q) is the cosmological time function of MM, where as usual p<qp< q means that pp is in the causal past of qq. This function is called regular iff τ(q)<\tau(q) < \infty for all qq and also τ0\tau \to 0 along every past inextendible causal curve. If the cosmological time function τ\tau of a space time (M,g)(M,g) is regular it has several pleasant consequences: (1) It forces (M,g)(M,g) to be globally hyperbolic, (2) every point of (M,g)(M,g) can be connected to the initial singularity by a rest curve (i.e., a timelike geodesic ray that maximizes the distance to the singularity), (3) the function τ\tau is a time function in the usual sense, in particular (4) τ\tau is continuous, in fact locally Lipschitz and the second derivatives of τ\tau exist almost everywhere.Comment: 19 pages, AEI preprint, latex2e with amsmath and amsth


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    Die Synthese des Pentalens und seiner einfachen Derivate gelang bisher nicht [1]. Wie das Fulven sollte Pentalen durch Elektronendonatoren in 1- oder 3-Stellung stabilisiert werden [2]. Die Synthese des thermisch beständigen 1,3-Bis(dimethylamino)pentalens (7) bestätigte diese Vermutung