7 research outputs found

    Mucinous Colorectal Carcinomas in Biopsies, 1996-2001

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    Mucinous colorectal carcinomas show some clinicopathological characteristics that are not found in nonmucinous carcinomas. A total of 1451 colorectal carcinomas were analyzed. Carcinomas were divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of mucinous content. Then, three independent pathologists reviewed all slides with carcinomas with mucinous content by microscopic morphometry and divided them into two subgroups: mucinous carcinomas (>50% mucin) and colorectal carcinomas with mucin (<50% mucin). The following parameters were analyzed: share of mucinous colorectal cancer and cancer with mucin, sex and age distribution of all three groups of carcinomas, and localization and Dukes stage of mucinous carcinomas and carcinomas with mucin. Mucinous carcinomas were confirmed to have poorer prognosis, predilection for younger age group, higher incidence in the proximal colon, and no male predomination. Colorectal carcinomas with mucin had some characteristics of both mucinous cancer and nonmucinous cancer, and could be positioned somewhere in between these two different groups.Mucinozni adenokarcinomi debelog crijeva se po nekim svojim kliničko-patološkim obilježjima razlikuju od nemucinoznih adenokarcinoma. Napravljena je revizija svih karcinoma debelog crijeva od 1996. do 2001. godine. Karcinome s mucinoznim sadržajem dodatno su pregledala tri neovisna patologa te su podijeljeni u dvije podskupine: mucinozni karcinomi (više od 50% sluzi) i karcinomi s mucinom (manje od 50% sluzi). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju povećanje udjela karcinoma s mucinoznim sadržajem u ukupnom broju kolorektalnih karcinoma. Predispozicija obolijevanja od karcinoma s mucinoznim sadržajem podjednaka je za oba spola dok su muškarci češće obolijevali od nemucinoznih karcinoma. Usporedba prosječne dobi pokazala je da su bolesnici s mucinoznim karcinomima prosječno mlađi od onih s nemucinoznim i karcinomima s mucinom. Lokalizacija mucinoznih karcinoma i karcinoma s mucinom je bila podjednaka i primjetan je pomak u desni dio kolona. Usporedba Dukesove klasifikacije mucinoznih karcinoma i onih s mucinom pokazala je da se u trenutku dijagnosticiranja većina mucinoznih karcinoma nalazi u Dukesovu stadiju C, za razliku od karcinoma s mucinom kojih je u času dijagnosticiranja bilo podjednako u Dukesovu stadiju A, AC i C bolesti. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da se po nekim svojim obilježjima mucinozni karcinomi razlikuju od nemucinoznih, dok karcinomi s mucinom posjeduju neke osobitosti i jednih i drugih

    Validation of diffusion tensor MRI measurements of cardiac microstructure with structure tensor synchrotron radiation imaging.

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    Background Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is widely used to assess tissue microstructure non-invasively. Cardiac DTI enables inference of cell and sheetlet orientations, which are altered under pathological conditions. However, DTI is affected by many factors, therefore robust validation is critical. Existing histological validation is intrinsically flawed, since it requires further tissue processing leading to sample distortion, is routinely limited in field-of-view and requires reconstruction of three-dimensional volumes from two-dimensional images. In contrast, synchrotron radiation imaging (SRI) data enables imaging of the heart in 3D without further preparation following DTI. The objective of the study was to validate DTI measurements based on structure tensor analysis of SRI data. Methods One isolated, fixed rat heart was imaged ex vivo with DTI and X-ray phase contrast SRI, and reconstructed at 100 μm and 3.6 μm isotropic resolution respectively. Structure tensors were determined from the SRI data and registered to the DTI data. Results Excellent agreement in helix angles (HA) and transverse angles (TA) was observed between the DTI and structure tensor synchrotron radiation imaging (STSRI) data, where HADTI-STSRI = −1.4° ± 23.2° and TADTI-STSRI = −1.4° ± 35.0° (mean ± 1.96 standard deviation across all voxels in the left ventricle). STSRI confirmed that the primary eigenvector of the diffusion tensor corresponds with the cardiomyocyte long-axis across the whole myocardium. Conclusions We have used STSRI as a novel and high-resolution gold standard for the validation of DTI, allowing like-with-like comparison of three-dimensional tissue structures in the same intact heart free of distortion. This represents a critical step forward in independently verifying the structural basis and informing the interpretation of cardiac DTI data, thereby supporting the further development and adoption of DTI in structure-based electro-mechanical modelling and routine clinical applications

    Comparison of Mucinous and Nonmucinous Colorectal Carcinomas

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