3,929 research outputs found

    "Super-radiance" and the width of exotic baryons

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    It is suggested that the narrow width of the recently observed resonance Θ+(1540)\Theta^{+}(1540) with strangeness S=+1S=+1 could be a result of the super-radiance mechanism of the redistribution of the widths of overlapping resonances due to their coupling through common decay channels.Comment: This is an update of the original version submitted on October 08, 2003; it includes consideration of an additional model and one new figur

    Studies of highly-boosted top quarks near the TeV scale using jet masses at the LHC

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    Studies of highly-boosted top quarks produced inclusively in pp collisions at 14 TeV are discussed. The hadronic decays of boosted top quarks was studied in a data-driven approach by analysing shapes of jet-mass distributions. Using Monte Carlo models after a fast detector simulation, it is shown that inclusive production of boosted top quarks can be observed if it has a cross section at least twice larger than the prediction from the approximate next-to-next-to-leading-order (aNNLO) calculation for the ttbar process. The ttbar process with the nominal aNNLO strength can be measured using the masses of jets after a b-tagging.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Schiff Theorem Revisited

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    We carefully rederive the Schiff theorem and prove that the usual expression of the Schiff moment operator is correct and should be applied for calculations of atomic electric dipole moments. The recently discussed corrections to the definition of the Schiff moment are absent.Comment: 6 page

    Dipole resonances and the nuclear Schiff moment

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    The nuclear Schiff moment creates a mechanism of transfer of the violation of parity and time-reversal invariance by weak interaction in nuclei into the atomic electric dipole moment. We point out an additional contribution to the Schiff moment generated by the mixing of single-particle states through the low-lying nuclear dipole resonances. An estimate shows that this contribution is by order of magnitude comparable to single-particle contributions and can be enhanced if the low-lying resonance has collective nature.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    p6 - Chiral Resonating Valence Bonds in the Kagome Antiferromagnet

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    The Kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet is mapped onto an effective Hamiltonian on the star superlattice by Contractor Renormalization. Comparison of ground state energies on large lattices to Density Matrix Renormalization Group justifies truncation of effective interactions at range 3. Within our accuracy, magnetic and translational symmetries are not broken (i.e. a spin liquid ground state). However, we discover doublet spectral degeneracies which signal the onset of p6 - chirality symmetry breaking. This is understood by simple mean field analysis. Experimentally, the p6 chiral order parameter should split the optical phonons degeneracy near the zone center. Addition of weak next to nearest neighbor coupling is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures including supplementary materia

    Preparation and detection of magnetic quantum phases in optical superlattices

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    We describe a novel approach to prepare, detect and characterize magnetic quantum phases in ultra-cold spinor atoms loaded in optical superlattices. Our technique makes use of singlet-triplet spin manipulations in an array of isolated double well potentials in analogy to recently demonstrated quantum control in semiconductor quantum dots. We also discuss the many-body singlet-triplet spin dynamics arising from coherent coupling between nearest neighbor double wells and derive an effective description for such system. We use it to study the generation of complex magnetic states by adiabatic and non-equilibrium dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 2 Figures, reference adde

    Vortex Dynamics and Hall Conductivity of Hard Core Bosons

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    Magneto-transport of hard core bosons (HCB) is studied using an XXZ quantum spin model representation, appropriately gauged on the torus to allow for an external magnetic field. We find strong lattice effects near half filling. An effective quantum mechanical description of the vortex degrees of freedom is derived. Using semiclassical and numerical analysis we compute the vortex hopping energy, which at half filling is close to magnitude of the boson hopping energy. The critical quantum melting density of the vortex lattice is estimated at 6.5x10-5 vortices per unit cell. The Hall conductance is computed from the Chern numbers of the low energy eigenstates. At zero temperature, it reverses sign abruptly at half filling. At precisely half filling, all eigenstates are doubly degenerate for any odd number of flux quanta. We prove the exact degeneracies on the torus by constructing an SU(2) algebra of point-group symmetries, associated with the center of vorticity. This result is interpreted as if each vortex carries an internal spin-half degree of freedom ('vspin'), which can manifest itself as a charge density modulation in its core. Our findings suggest interesting experimental implications for vortex motion of cold atoms in optical lattices, and magnet-transport of short coherence length superconductors.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Doorway states in nuclear reactions as a manifestation of the "super-radiant" mechanism

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    A mechanism is considered for generating doorway states and intermediate structure in low-energy nuclear reactions as a result of collectivization of widths of unstable intrinsic states coupled to common decay channels. At the limit of strong continuum coupling, the segregation of broad (''super-radiating") and narrow (''trapped") states occurs revealing the separation of direct and compound processes. We discuss the conditions for the appearance of intermediate structure in this process and doorways related to certain decay channels.Comment: 16 page

    Steady States of a Microwave Irradiated Quantum Hall Gas

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    We consider effects of a long-wavelength disorder potential on the Zero Conductance State (ZCS) of the microwave-irradiated 2D electron gas. Assuming a uniform Hall conductivity, we construct a Lyapunov functional and derive stability conditions on the domain structure of the photo-generated fields. We solve the resulting equations for a general one-dimensional and certain two-dimensional disorder potentials, and find non-zero conductances, photo-voltages, and circulating dissipative currents. In contrast, weak white noise disorder does not destroy the ZCS, but induces mesoscopic current fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 colour figure
